KromeAngels - Street Punk - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский KromeAngels - Street Punk

Street Punk
Street Punk
Di sini kami akan terus berdiri
Here we will continue to stand
Di sini kami akan hidup dan mati
Here we will live and die
Siring berjalan penuh rekoalisi
The streets are full of reunification
Kami punk street indonesia
We are Indonesian street punks
Hanya satu tekat kami
We have only one goal
Indonesia punk tak kan pernah mati
Indonesian punk will never die
Hanya satu tekat kami punk street indonesia
We Indonesian street punks have only one goal
Alkisah negeri yang kaya tapi di jajah
The story of a rich country but colonized
Dunia di bayar murah hingga anak gak bisa sekolah
The world is paid cheaply until children can't go to school
Boocah bercakar-cakar cari nafkah
Children are struggling to earn a living
Tempat di dunia permainan hingga bertarung hingga bahaya
A place in the world of play until they fight until danger
Tak terasa SBY sudah menang
It doesn't feel like SBY has already won
(Udah menang)
(Already won)
Ku lihat bu mega di mundurkan
I see Mrs. Mega being backed down
(Di mundurkan)
(Backed down)
Kata nya kalo dia jadi presiden
They say if she becomes president
Anak sekolah rambutnya pada gondrong
School children will have long hair
Kata nya negeri kita berkuasa
They say our country is powerful
Kata nya negeri kita kaya raya
They say our country is rich
(Kaya raya)
Kata nya negeri kita subur dan makmur
They say our country is fertile and prosperous
(Emang makmur)
(Indeed prosperous)
Lulusan sarjana kok banyak yang nganggur
Why are so many graduates unemployed
Indonesia negeri berdarah
Indonesia, a country of bloodshed
Bermacam-macam peristiwa
Various events
Ambon, aceh, dan timor leste dan masih banyak yang lain nya
Ambon, Aceh, and East Timor and many more
Peristiwa ambrozi
The Ambrozi incident
Peristiwa bom bali
The Bali bombing incident
The incident
27 juli
July 27th
Peristiwa sumanto
The Sumanto incident
Peristiwa sutisno
The Sutisno incident
Peristiwa orang makan orang
The cannibalism incident
Ku lihat bayi
I see babies
Sungguh menderita karna gizi buruk menimpah hidup mereka
Truly suffering because malnutrition afflicts their lives
Busung lapar yang terjadi di negeri kita
Hunger swelling that occurs in our country
Seperti halnya terjadi di otovia
As happened in Otovia
Karna salah nya ayah bunda meraka yang tak mampu memberi sembako yang ada
Because of the fault of their father and mother who are unable to provide the existing groceries
Karna salah nya ayah bunda meraka yang tak mampu memberi empat sehat lima sempurna
Because of the fault of their father and mother who are unable to provide four healthy five perfect
Kemajuankah atau kemunduran
Progress or setback
Atau tak perduli nya dinas kesehatan
Or the indifference of the health department
Kemajuankah atau kemunduran atau tak perduli nya dinas ke sehatan
Progress or setback or the indifference of the health department
Ini salah siapa PEMERINTAH
Whose fault is this GOVERNMENT
Siapa yang menderita MASYARAKAT
Who suffers COMMUNITY
Andaikan matahari
If the sun
Tidak bersinar lagi
Doesn't shine anymore
(Bersinar lagi)
(Shine anymore)
Apa yang hendak engkau lakukan wahai
What will you do O
Umat manusia
Waktu azan magrib kami sibuk di rumah
At Maghrib prayer time we are busy at home
Waktu azan isya kami sibuk di rumah
At Isha prayer time we are busy at home
Waktu azan subuh kami tertidur puas
At dawn prayer time we are fast asleep
Tak bosan
Not bored
Emang nasip nya ngomong apo
It's fate to say what
(Ngomong apo)
(Say what)
Rumah di gusur hidup semakin menganggur
The house is demolished, life is increasingly unemployed
Cewe tersayang sih konyo kabur
My beloved girl ran away
Hidupku semakin melantur
My life is getting more and more wandering
Hampir-hampir aku nekat bunuh diri
I almost committed suicide
Enggak jadi
Didn't happen
Aku mikir mikir delapan belas kali
I thought about it eighteen times
Lebih baik aku nyanyi di sini
I'd rather sing here
Yg penting pacar makan nasi
The important thing is that my girlfriend eats rice
Emang sudahlah bosan
I'm already bored
Mendengar macam omongan
Hearing all kinds of talk
Banyak tetangga bilang tampangku, tampang yang sadis
Many neighbors say my face, a sadistic face
(Emang sadis)
(Indeed sadistic)
Emang tampangku sadis tapi hatiku hati romantis
Indeed my face is sadistic but my heart is romantic
Walau kau tak percaya ambil pisto tembak lah botol
Even if you don't believe me, take a gun and shoot the bottle
(Tidok keno)
(Didn't hit)
Ambilah pistol tembaklah botol
Take the gun and shoot the bottle
(Tidok keno)
(Didn't hit)
Di akherat gak ada roko adat
In the afterlife there are no custom cigarettes
(Roko adat)
(Custom cigarettes)
Di akherat gak ada jus alpukat
In the afterlife there is no avocado juice
(Jus alpukat)
(Avocado juice)
Di akherat gak ada jando lewat
In the afterlife there are no widows passing by
(Jando lewat)
(Widows passing by)
Yang adonyo siksoan malaikat
What's there is the angel's torment
Yang adonyo siksoan malaikat
What's there is the angel's torment
Yang adonyo...
What's there is...
Ne... negerita kita negeri yang kaya
Ou... our country is a rich country
Pemerintah semakin menggila
The government is getting crazier
Orang miskin gak bisa makan
Poor people can't eat
Kini ratap pemerintah
Now lament the government
Kurupsi merajalela
Corruption is rampant
Orang miskin gak bisa makan
Poor people can't eat
Kini rataplah indonesia...
Now lament Indonesia...
Bocah-bocah putus
Children drop out
Of school
Cita cita tak tersampaikan
Aspirations cannot be conveyed
Jadi pengangguran
Become unemployed
Kini rataplah indonesia
Now lament Indonesia
Yang subur dan kaya raya
Which is fertile and rich
Tanaman padi menyebar luas
Rice plants spread widely
Samudera biru
Blue ocean
Kami sekumpulan anak seniaman jalanan
We are a group of street artists
Kami punya gelar sarjana pengangguran
We have a bachelor's degree in unemployment
Siang dan malam nongkrong di pinggir jalan
Day and night hanging out on the side of the road
Maklumin saja gak punya pekerjaan
Understandably we don't have jobs
Waktu sekolah kami punya cita cita
When we were in school we had aspirations
Tamat SMA ingin jadi tentara
After graduating from high school we wanted to be soldiers
Tapi ternyata ibu bapak kecewa ku putus karna biaya
But it turned out that mom and dad were disappointed that I dropped out because of the cost
Sekolah kami gagal, prustasilah jadi nya pacaran kalah saningan dengan sedan.
Our schooling failed, frustration resulted in dating, losing out to sedans.
Bila kami kurang sopan mohon kami di maafkan tuan dan yoyah yang budiman
If we are impolite, please forgive us, sir and ma'am
Ok trimaksi lagu dari kami wasalam mualaukum warohmatulloh hiabarokatuh
Ok, thank you for the song from us, wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Авторы: Writer Unknown, Shanti Matkin, Frederic Holyszewski

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