kronno zomber - Assassin's Creed Syndicate Rap - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский kronno zomber - Assassin's Creed Syndicate Rap

Assassin's Creed Syndicate Rap
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Rap
La fuerza es la única cosa que queda,
Strength is the only thing that remains,
En un mundo donde la gente no piensa y hace todo a su manera,
In a world where people don't think and do everything their way,
Y es que prefiero luchar a arrodillarme mientras pueda
And I prefer to fight than to kneel while I still can
Estoy viendo como el mundo gira en torno a una moneda.
I'm watching the world revolve around a coin.
Desde lo alto como un halcón cuando vuela,
From above like a hawk when it flies,
No habrá nada que los pare, sera tarde si aquí nadie se subleva,
There will be nothing that will stop them, it will be too late if no one here rebels,
Pero yo usaré mi don mientras dios me lo conceda,
But I will use my gift as long as God grants it to me,
Porque soy un asesino, así que sálvese quien pueda
Because I am an assassin, so save yourself whoever you can
Pues que puede hacer la presa cuando el águila se eleva
For what can the prey do when the eagle rises?
Mas que ponerse a rezar por una muerte mas amena
But to start praying for a more gracious death
Nuestro mentor nos entrena, si queréis ponedme a prueba
Our mentor trains us, if you want to test me
cargare con vuestras muertes y con lo que eso conlleva.
I will carry your deaths with me and with what that entails.
Evie y jacob frye toman el frente,
Evie and Jacob Frye take the front,
Encontraremos el sudario del edén antes de que otros lo encuentren
We will find the Shroud of Eden before others find it
Si me pongo la capucha entonces te deseo suerte,
If I put on the hood then I wish you luck,
Ya que pienso detenerte haciendo danzas de la muerte.
Since I plan to stop you by doing dances of death.
Give it up, give it up, give it up, to me
Give it up, give it up, give it up, to me
Give it up, give it up, give it up, muy friend
Give it up, give it up, give it up, my friend
Tu debes de entender que quieren el poder
You must understand that they want power
Lucha porque esto es assassin's syndicate
Fight because this is Assassin's Syndicate
Give it up, give it up, give it up, to me
Give it up, give it up, give it up, to me
Give it up, give it up, give it up, muy friend
Give it up, give it up, give it up, my friend
Tu debes de entender que quieren el poder
You must understand that they want power
Lucha porque esto es assassin's syndicate
Fight because this is Assassin's Syndicate
Pienso colgarlos uno a uno enganchados de una cruz
I think I'll hang them one by one hooked on a cross
No puede llamarse vida a una vida de esclavitud
A life of slavery can't be called life
Tarde o temprano acabaremos muertos en un ataúd
Sooner or later we will end up dead in a coffin
Y enterrados bajo tierra donde no llega la luz
And buried underground where the light doesn't reach
Por eso inclino la balanza, y ahora es turno de los rooks
That's why I tip the scales, and now it's the rooks' turn
Vuestras balas las esquivo mientras practico parkour
I dodge your bullets while I practice parkour
Esta guerra acabará y os hundiré como el titanic
This war will end and I'll sink you like thetitanic
Pararé cuando le corte la cabeza a crawford starrick
I'll stop when I cut Crawford Starrick's head off
Tomaremos el control, todos dirán que no,
We will take control, everyone will say no,
Pero si se oponen les daré una lección
But if they oppose me, I will teach them a lesson
Tomaremos el control, todos dirán que no,
We will take control, everyone will say no,
Tenemos que luchar por nuestra revoluciónGive it up, give it up, give it up, to me
We have to fight for our revolutionGive it up, give it up, give it up, to me
Give it up, give it up, give it up, muy friend
Give it up, give it up, give it up, my friend
Tu debes de entender que quieren el poder
You must understand that they want power
Lucha porque esto es assassin's syndicate
Fight because this is Assassin's Syndicate
Give it up, give it up, give it up, to me
Give it up, give it up, give it up, to me
Give it up, give it up, give it up, muy friend
Give it up, give it up, give it up, my friend
Tu debes de entender que quieren el poder
You must understand that they want power
Lucha porque esto es assassin's syndicate
Fight because this is Assassin's Syndicate

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