kronno zomber - Free Fire Rap - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский kronno zomber - Free Fire Rap

Free Fire Rap
Free Fire Rap
Mi freestyle, mira mi skin, mi estilo bruto en el free fire,
My freestyle, check my skin, my raw style in Free Fire,
mi skill legendaria como en el
my skill is legendary like in
fortnite, vente pal battleground, mi free fire,
Fortnite, come to the battleground, my Free Fire,
No estáis preparados para freestyle, mira mi skin, m
You're not ready for my freestyle, check my skin, my
i estilo bruto en el free fire,
raw style in Free Fire,
mi skill legendaria como en el
my skill is legendary like in
fortnite, vente pal battleground, mi free fire,
Fortnite, come to the battleground, my Free Fire,
Oye, vamo a darle ¿No?
Hey, let's give it a go, shall we?
Para vivir en el free fire mejor que todo me temáis,
To survive in Free Fire, you better fear me,
aveces no de qué vais, i
sometimes I don't know what you're going for,
ntuyo los pasos que dais, siempre me anticipo como en el fortnite,
I predict your every move, always anticipating like in Fortnite,
Na, na, na.
Na, na, na.
Pese a quien le pese, me sobro con la SKS,
No matter what, I'm amazing with the SKS,
todos rezando pa' que esto termine,
everyone's praying for this to end,
mientras yo no aguanto mis ganas de que todo empiece,
while I can't wait for it all to begin,
comienza el infierno, estás involucrado,
hell is coming, you're involved,
mueres de escopeta si estoy a tu lado, mi Chano,
you'll die from a shotgun if you're next to me, my Chano,
vocano el fusil en mis manos, terrible es mi squad,
I'm vomiting bullets from my hands, my squad is fearsome,
escapa o te matamos, de color rosa mi arma, se te olvidó recargarla,
run away or we'll kill you, my gun is pink, you forgot to reload it,
si vienes vas a probarla, no pueden de frente,
if you come, you're going to try it, they can't face me,
me quieren pilla por la espalda, pero se sierra la zona,
they want to catch me off guard, but the zone is closing,
minas se detonan, la cosa empeora por ahora, vas en mi equipo,
mines are detonating, things are getting worse, you're on my team,
pues yo voy a solas, perdona mi brother, yo voy a por todas,
but I'm going solo, sorry brother, I'm going for it all,
no quiero matarte pero es lo que pasa si te me acomodas,
I don't want to kill you, but that's what happens if you mess with me,
te daré caza como un animal que devora a su presa,
I'll hunt you down like an animal devouring its prey,
mi bala atraviesa, culo perfora,
my bullet pierces, your ass is perforated,
seme viene abajo con el lanza papas ¡YEH! ¡YEH!
it's coming down on me with the rocket launcher, YEAH! YEAH!
Vienes valiente y luego escapas ¡NE! ¡NE!
You come in brave and then you run away, NO! NO!
pero todo tranquilo no eres Superman con capa,
but don't worry, you're not Superman with a cape,
napalm, pa' aquellos que nos palman ni rematan,
napalm, for those who are killed and not finished off,
todos ardiendo en mi fuego de guerra, manchados de tierra,
everyone's burning in my fire of war, stained with dirt,
pero nos sobra la actitud, fuego cruzado, emboscado como en el pubg,
but we have plenty of attitude, crossfire, ambushed like in PUBG,
te robo el Loot, pu-eba matarme, sostiene cruz,
I steal your loot, try to kill me, bear your cross,
cagado en tu cuello no ha luz, pa' aquellos que quieren defensa,
shat on your neck, no light, for those who want defense,
no sirven tus muros de gloo, saca la sartén si te ves con agallas,
your gloo walls are useless, bring out the pan if you're brave,
porque el sniper te falla, camuflaje de camper,
because the sniper misses you, your sniper's camouflage,
ya huele a metralla, tira granadas de hielo,
it smells like shrapnel, throw ice grenades,
haz tu muralla eres muy valiente tras la
build your wall, you're very brave behind the
pantalla, porque no te callas, si vas a morir en mis manos
screen, why don't you shut up, if you're going to die by my hand,
Vayas donde vayas.
Wherever you go.
Mi freestyle, mira mi skin, mi estilo bruto en el free fire,
My freestyle, check my skin, my raw style in Free Fire,
mi skill legendaria como en el
my skill is legendary like in
fortnite, vente pal battleground, mi free fire,
Fortnite, come to the battleground, my Free Fire,
No estáis preparados para freestyle, mira mi skin, m
You're not ready for my freestyle, check my skin, my
i estilo bruto en el free fire,
raw style in Free Fire,
mi skill legendaria como en el
my skill is legendary like in
fortnite, vente pal battleground mi free fire.
Fortnite, come to the battleground my Free Fire.

Авторы: juan ignacio meira arasmou

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