Kube - Shout-Out - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kube - Shout-Out

Tähä alkuu shout-outit mun vihaajille
This starts with shout-outs to my haters
Toi viha on vaa bensaa mun liekkeihi
That hate is just fuel to my flames
Flippaan sen itelleni, ei energiaa niille
I flip it for myself, no energy for them
Se on vaa negaa, mun sydämmes ei oo tilaa sille
It's just negativity, there's no space for it in my heart
Shout-outtii mun plugille (plug)
Shout-out to my plug (plug)
Vielki Tysoni alle varttiin
Still under Tyson in fifteen minutes
Se mitä ne on heittää vaa bänää mulle
What they throw is just a joke to me
saat mut rullaa takas Haksii
You make me roll back to Haksi
Shout-outit mun hoodeille (Haksi)
Shout-outs to my hood (Haksi)
Oon kokenu nii paljon tääl
I've experienced so much here
Nyt nää kadut mua kuuntelee
Now these streets listen to me
Ja pitää mun puolii, ku näädät huutelee
And take my side when they see you yelling
Shout-outit mun faneille
Shout-outs to my fans
Ilman teit oisin vielki paskaduunis
Without you, I'd still be at a shitty job
Ja toi sama menee Kepe sulle
And the same goes for you, Kepe
Ilman teit kaikkii ei näit biisei edes ketää kuulis
Without you all, nobody would even hear these songs
Hakunila (Shout-out)
Hakunila (Shout-out)
Monspi (Shout-out)
Monspi (Shout-out)
Killah (Shout-out)
Killah (Shout-out)
MFT (Shout-out)
MFT (Shout-out)
Hög (Shout-out)
Hög (Shout-out)
All Day (Shout-out)
All Day (Shout-out)
Blockfest (Shout-out)
Blockfest (Shout-out)
OGB (Shout-out)
OGB (Shout-out)
Bape (Shout-out)
Bape (Shout-out)
Marchella (Shout-out)
Marchella (Shout-out)
Jaykobe (Shout-out)
Jaykobe (Shout-out)
Dada (Shout-out)
Dada (Shout-out)
Mäkki (Shout-out)
Mäkki (Shout-out)
Pianomies (Shout-out)
Pianomies (Shout-out)
Riku (Shout-out)
Riku (Shout-out)
Evil Stöö (Shout-out)
Evil Stöö (Shout-out)
Shout-outit mun frendeille
Shout-outs to my friends
Niille harvoille kehen pystyy luottaa
To the few I can trust
Niille ketkä ei duunaa sitä mitä duunaa
To those who don't just act fake
Niille ketkä aina puhuu mulle suoraa
To those who always speak to me straight
Shout-outit mun mutsille ja faijalle
Shout-outs to my mom and dad
Et pysyitte yhes, piditte huolta meist
Even though you didn't stay together, you took care of us
Näytitte mitä meinaa rakkaus, mitä meinaa perhe
You showed me what love means, what family means
Oon aina pystyny luottaa teihi
I've always been able to rely on you
Shout-outit mun muksuille
Shout-outs to my kids
Jade mun prinsessa, Jose oot jo iso poika
Jade my princess, Jose you're already a big boy
Aina ku nään teijät onnellisen
Whenever I see you happy
Se on jotai mitä mikää muu fiilis ei voita
It's something that no other feeling can beat
Shout-outit mun beibelle
Shout-outs to my babe
Oot uskonu muhun enemmä ku ketää muu
You believed in me more than anyone else
Tuot mun elämää värii, energiaa ja lämpöö
You bring color, energy, and warmth to my life
Oot mun aurinko, ilman sua ei vaa kesää tuu
You're my sun, without you, summer just doesn't come
Kridlokk (Shout-out)
Kridlokk (Shout-out)
Roope (Shout-out)
Roope (Shout-out)
Aksim (Shout-out)
Aksim (Shout-out)
Särre (Shout-out)
Särre (Shout-out)
Ruudolf (Shout-out)
Ruudolf (Shout-out)
Karri Koira (Shout-out)
Karri Koira (Shout-out)
Tono (Shout-out)
Tono (Shout-out)
RMF (Shout-out)
RMF (Shout-out)
Julma H (Shout-out)
Julma H (Shout-out)
Keske (Shout-out)
Keske (Shout-out)
Tuuttis (Shout-out)
Tuuttis (Shout-out)
Tippa (Shout-out)
Tippa (Shout-out)
Kasi (Shout-out)
Kasi (Shout-out)
Jokela (Shout-out)
Jokela (Shout-out)
Napoleon (Shout-out)
Napoleon (Shout-out)
Chebaleba (Shout-out)
Chebaleba (Shout-out)
Rico Vamos (Shout-out)
Rico Vamos (Shout-out)
EDK (Shout-out)
EDK (Shout-out)
Armenzo (Shout-out)
Armenzo (Shout-out)
KhettoKhasme (Shout-out)
KhettoKhasme (Shout-out)
Sakke (Shout-out)
Sakke (Shout-out)
MD$ (Shout-out)
MD$ (Shout-out)
Andrei (Shout-out)
Andrei (Shout-out)
Asa (Shout-out)
Asa (Shout-out)
Adi L (Shout-out)
Adi L (Shout-out)
NCO (Shout-out)
NCO (Shout-out)
Herkules (Shout-out)
Herkules (Shout-out)
Super-Janne (Shout-out)
Super-Janne (Shout-out)
Pasi (Shout-out)
Pasi (Shout-out)
Pela (Shout-out)
Pela (Shout-out)
Cledos (Shout-out)
Cledos (Shout-out)
Reino (Shout-out)
Reino (Shout-out)
Fella (Shout-out)
Fella (Shout-out)
JVG (Shout-out)
JVG (Shout-out)
Young Larry (Shout-out)
Young Larry (Shout-out)
Two classics (Shout-out)
Two classics (Shout-out)
Cedrik (Shout-out)
Cedrik (Shout-out)
Pehmee Goo (Shout-out)
Pehmee Goo (Shout-out)
Bassoradio (Shout-out)
Bassoradio (Shout-out)
YleX (Shout-out)
YleX (Shout-out)
PME (Shout-out)
PME (Shout-out)
Etenee (Shout-out)
Etenee (Shout-out)
Rähinä (Shout-out)
Rähinä (Shout-out)
Skorpioni (Shout-out)
Skorpioni (Shout-out)
Katutaso (Shout-out)
Katutaso (Shout-out)
Rutilus (Shout-out)
Rutilus (Shout-out)
Liiga (Shout-out)
Liiga (Shout-out)
Tasoi (Shout-out)
Tasoi (Shout-out)
Katakombi (Shout-out)
Katakombi (Shout-out)
Mauno Gang (Shout-out)
Mauno Gang (Shout-out)
Sex Gang (Shout-out)
Sex Gang (Shout-out)
Marble Gang (Shout-out)
Marble Gang (Shout-out)
Kaikki gangit (Shout-out)
Kaikki gangit (Shout-out)
Damn, en voi millää muistaa kaikkien nimii,
Damn, there's no way I can remember everyone's names,
Joten jos en sanonu sun nimee, älä ota ittees
So if I didn't say your name, don't take it personally
Shout-outit kaikille äijille, jotka soittaa musaa.
Shout-outs to all the guys who play music.

Авторы: Jussi Hauta-aho

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