Kultama - Solo Relax y No Dudes - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kultama - Solo Relax y No Dudes

Solo Relax y No Dudes
Just Relax and Don't Doubt
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,
La que han liao en el día de tu fiesta
The mess they've made on your birthday
Los jóvenes contestan, estaros relajaos es mi propuesta
Young people answer, stay relaxed, that's my suggestion
Solo lo piensas cuando te han pegao una hostia
You only think about it when you get punched
Ve con cuidao siempre hay uno más bestia
Be careful, there's always someone tougher
En vez de sacar a la chica a la pista a bailar
Instead of taking the girl to the dance floor
Por tonto te van a sacar a patadas del bar
You're going to get kicked out of the bar for being a fool
Quieres ligar y no os sabéis comportar
You want to flirt but you don't know how to behave
Hablar y hablar sin dosificar y nunca relax
Talking and talking without measure and never relaxing
Aquí tenéis por la face no me la cambiéis
Here you have it, don't change it for me
tienes una lucha con el 666
You have a fight with the 666
¿Pa que vas a buscarme? ¿Qué haces
Why are you looking for me? What are you doing?
Acuérdate que luego vas y achantas en ¿Mapfre?
Remember that later you go and cower in ¿Mapfre?
Y multiplicas el cáncer
And you multiply the cancer
Eres un ruin hermano Caín pero al fin me mataste
You are a vile brother Cain but in the end you killed me
Traes desastre ya empezaste este contraste
You bring disaster, you started this contrast
Y se fue, tu solo relax y no dudes
And he left, you just relax and don't doubt
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,
Esta noche todos quedáis y tal y os vais por ahí
Tonight you all meet up and go out
To mal al principio los colegas lo pasáis muy guay
Everything's bad at first, you guys have a great time
Pero todo por la pasta o por la piba cambia
But everything changes because of the money or the girl
Lo que antes criticabas lo haces con más rabia
What you used to criticize, you do with more rage
muy bien que te has colgado un galón llorón
I know very well that you have hung a crybaby medal
Y vas contando las historias que hace mi escuadrón
And you go around telling the stories that my squad does
Que la tocaste el pezón, que ya no vas de cagón
That you touched her nipple, that you're not a coward anymore
Saben que eres un ladrón te veo y me da to el bajón
They know you're a thief, I see you and it gives me the creeps
Solo relax 2, 3, 4
Just relax 2, 3, 4
Es la quinta vez que te han bufao ya de otro trabajo
It's the fifth time they've fired you from another job
Y no puede ser que estés en el bar tomando mazo
And it can't be that you're at the bar drinking a lot
Y luego no me puedes pagar te doy un tortazo
And then you can't pay me, I'll give you a slap
Parecéis la Gestapo
You look like the Gestapo
Vigilándome to el día hasta como para echar un gapo
Watching me all day even to take a nap
Este chocolate esta to guapo
This chocolate is all good
querías probarlo y se fue, solo relax y no dudes.
You wanted to try it and it's gone, just relax and don't doubt.
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,
Relaja y no te gastes tanta pasta
Relax and don't spend so much money
Porque ni eres pimp, ni eres gangsta
Because you're not a pimp, you're not a gangsta
El más tonto de mi barrio chiquitito te aplasta
The dumbest guy in my little neighborhood crushes you
tienes to el dinero pero yo to la casta
You have all the money but I have all the caste
Fallaste en los tiempos de tu gloria
You failed in the times of your glory
Te pudo la euforia inventaste esta línea divisoria
Euphoria got to you, you invented this dividing line
que rapeas bien oye pero no me ralles
I know you rap well, hey, but don't bother me
Porque yo te pongo rápido de patitas en la calle
Because I'll put you on the street real quick
No hacen bang no precipitan gang vienen
They don't bang, they don't rush, gangs come
Nuevo clan desde Texas traen lo que quieren
New clan from Texas they bring what they want
Claude dice que sigas con las prácticas
Claude says keep practicing
Primero relax luego te vas y lo cascas
First relax then you go and break it
En esta cancha crees que nos machacas
In this court you think you're crushing us
Y te has dao mas ostiones que en la serie de Jackaas
And you've taken more hits than in the Jackaas series
En esta mala vida solo hice lo que pude
In this bad life I only did what I could
querías probarlo y se fue, solo relax y no dudes...
You wanted to try it and it's gone, just relax and don't doubt...
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,
Solo relax y no dudes,
Just relax and don't doubt,


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