Kurt Ostbahn & Die Kombo - De beste Zeit - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kurt Ostbahn & Die Kombo - De beste Zeit

De beste Zeit
The Best Time
Da Oide is neich do
The old man is here again
No nie vuahea gsehn
I've never seen him before
Hockt in Eck mit sein Achtl
Sitting in the corner with his eighth beer
Fangt nach drei an ins Redn
Starts talking after three
Ned laut und ned deutlich
Not loud and not clear
S'geht schwa ohne Zähnt
It's hard without teeth
Er Mermpelt dahea, dass de
He mumbles that time
Zeit z'schnö varennt
Is passing too quickly
I kumm öfta vuabei
I often pass by
Am Weg Schank, Heisl und retour
On the way to the bar, pub and back
Er hod sei sechst's Achtl
He has his sixth beer
Und sogt: Vastehst, bleda Bua
And says: Do you understand, stupid boy
Sog i. I vasteh ollas
I say: I understand everything
Sogt er: Du vastehst an Schas
He says: You don't understand anything
I woa da Schnellste von olle
I was the fastest of them all
I woa amoi a Jas
I once was a jockey
European champion
Auf Rücken und Brust
On back and chest
Auf zwahundert Meta
At two hundred meters
Olle vaputzt
All of them beaten
Olle vablosn
All of them dusted
Bis ochtsdreiß'g
Until thirty eight
Dann einzogn und furtgschickt
Then enlisted and sent away
Schnölla oistas kneißt
Faster than you can blink
A Loch in da Lungen
A hole in the lungs
Seit vierafuchz'g Joa
Forty four years ago
A Joa a Jas und
A year a jockey and
Da Rest fia de Hoa
The rest for the whores
Nix schwimmt so schnö
Nothing swims as fast
Wia de eigenen
As your own feet
So schnö kannst garned sei
You can't be fast enough
Is a scho vuabei
It's already over
Nix schwimmt so schnö
Nothing swims as fast
Wia de eigenen
As your own feet
Schau mi an
Look at me
Schau mi an
Look at me
Schau mi an
Look at me
Schau mi an
Look at me
Vom Wirtn de Oide mant
The old man asks the bartender
Sog Miss Dorothee
Tell me, Miss Dorothee
Wann da Oide auf Kur is
When the old man is on vacation
Hods ihrn grimmigen Schmäh
She has her grim wit
Kriegt a Farb von de Stamperln
He gets a color from the glasses
Auf des de Stammgäst vazaht
The regulars are crazy about it
Und erzöht wia sie woa
And tell how she was
Bevuas oid woa und blad
Before she was old and pale
Zwischen Popcorn und Schnitten
Between popcorn and candy bars
A oids Büdl an da Schank
An old picture at the bar
Sie im Bikini
She in a bikini
Am Podestl am Strand
On a pedestal at the beach
Miss Wörthersee
Miss Wörthersee
A Bonbonniere
A candy box
A Strumpfreklam
A stocking advertisement
Gratis am Meer
Free at the seaside
Dort wochst er zuwe
That's where he grew up
Mocht auf Wöd
Playing around
Sie schenkt eam ollas
She gives him everything
Er nua des Göd
He only wants the money
Jetzt sixt sie hackeln
Now you see her working
Seit guade 30 Joa
For a good 30 years
Und eam sixt ihr zuaschaun
And you see him watching her
Des des siechst ihr an
You can see that
Nix rennt so schnö
Nothing runs as fast
Wia dei beste Zeit
As your best time
So schee kannst gar ned sei
You can't be beautiful enough
Is a scho vuabei
It's already over
Schau mi an
Look at me
Schau mi an
Look at me
Nix rennt so schnö
Nothing runs as fast
Wia dei beste Zeit
As your best time
Schau mi an
Look at me
Schau mi an
Look at me
Schau mi an
Look at me
Schau mi an
Look at me
Schau mi an
Look at me
Schau mi an
Look at me

Авторы: G. Brödl, Günter Brödl, Kurt Ostbahn

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