L.O.C. - Min Homie - перевод текста песни на английский

Min Homie - L.O.C.перевод на английский

Min Homie
My Buddy
Bare snak lort som om jeg bar går ned
Just talk trash like I'm about to go down
Fuck jer alle sammen er typen du snakker med
Fuck all of you is the type you're talking to
I smiler men i kan rende mig et vist sted
You smile but you can go suck a dick
Knep dig selv luder og tag din bitch med
Fuck yourself, bitch, and take your bitch with you
For der ingen format hos jer
'Cause there's no format with you
Jeg tror det bedst vi starter
I think it's best we start
Set for begge parter
Set for both parties
Det F.I. ekstra large og
That F.I. extra large and
Ja jeg stadig tight med Tabu Rec'z aristokrater
Yes, I'm still tight with Tabu Rec'z aristocrats
lad mig gi dig et råd jeg tror det bedst i pakker
So let me give you some advice, I think it's best in packs
For det er stadig Troo.L.S. the kid og Bai-D bagsædet
'Cause it's still Troo.L.S. the kid and Bai-D in the back seat
Ruller stadig F.I.Pinde spreder glæde
Still rolling F.I.Pinde spreading joy
Rygtet taler sandt utilregnelig ind til benet
The rumor is true, reckless down to the bone
I er altid forudsigelige mens F.I.P. flipper svinet
You're always predictable while F.I.P. flips the pig
Tilbage op i din Bitch med en pik til dig
Back up in your Bitch with a dick for you
du kan prop den op i røven ligesom stik piller
So you can shove it up your ass like suppositories
Det ham den kinky fætter F.I.P.G.C.
It's the kinky cousin F.I.P.G.C.
Kvinder tænker for det ligger til mig
Women think because it comes to me
Det en sikker vinder
It's a sure winner
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?
Sagaen genoptages
The saga resumes
Rygtes rundt om i hele din fucking vennekreds
Rumors all over your fucking circle of friends
Det F.I.P. baby hva fanden er den nu af
It's F.I.P. baby, what the hell is it now?
Til alle de evnesvage der står af ved sætning tre
To all the feeble-minded who drop out after sentence three
Vi grunden til at I kradser af
We're the reason you're scratching off
Kan der herske tvivl om hvem der står bag
Can there be any doubt who's behind it?
Tag en F.I.P. cd når du har slappet af
Grab an F.I.P. cd when you're chilling
Spil det højt for din mor hun vil se dit fucking hoved kappet af
Play it so loud for your mom she'll see your fucking head chopped off
Fra Århus V til Galgebakken går mit nabolag
From Århus V to Galgebakken goes my neighborhood
vi tar' den tilbage
So we're taking it back
Fra hvor vi starter fuckers
From where we started, fuckers
Og yep det stadig Albertslund shawarma lovers
And yep, it's still Albertslund shawarma lovers
Jeg claimer din so
I claim your pig
Og 8-0-8 fra min blok
And 8-0-8 from my block
Og efterlader jer alle sammen med bly i gaden motherfuckers "Whoop Whoop"
And leaving all of you with lead in the street, motherfuckers "Whoop Whoop"
Lad alle hefferne vide F.I.P. de er tilbage hvor vi slap
Let all the heifers know F.I.P. they're back where we left off
Uden tvivl, jeg sagde "Whoop Whoop" der kun en der styrer det heffer pis
Without a doubt, I said "Whoop Whoop" there's only one who controls that heffer bullshit
Og yes det er stadig Troo.L.S. the kid fede bitch
And yes it's still Troo.L.S. the kid fat bitch
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?
F.I.P. Gør de ting vi har lyst til
F.I.P. Do the things we want to do
Vil skide hva i siger
Will shit on what you say
Vil skide det lort i kalder lir
Will shit on that crap you call lir
Vil skide de grimme piger
Will shit on the ugly girls
Gør ting der for andre folk
Do things that for other people
Kun udspiller sig i deres fantasier
Only play out in their fantasies
pak jeres pis for i ved godt selv det sker regelmæssigt
So pack your shit because you know it happens regularly
Dit lort er ikke kræs heffi
Your crap is not nasty heffi
Vi sipper vodka sjusser, suger
We sip vodka shots, suck
F.I.Pinde knepper kun trænede kusser
F.I.Pinde only fuck trained pussies
Du får en flad napper et tequila shot i din dames skræv, en citron skive en
You get a flat nipple a tequila shot in your lady's crotch, a lemon slice a
F.I.P. tatovering henover hendes fucking underliv
F.I.P. tattoo across her fucking pussy
Har taget dig hen hvor du vil hen ho
Took you where you wanted to go ho
L.O.C. er dig som en nymfo
L.O.C. is on you like a nymph
Før lortet er begyndt so
Before the shit starts so
I fucking haters kan ikke spytte min lingo
You fucking haters can't spit my lingo
Århus Ve'est
Århus Ve'est
Vi de be'edst
We the be'edst
Smækker ho's, jacker bitches vil i te'est
Slap ho's, jack bitches will you te'est
Polyester du ved player'e spotter det
Polyester you know players spot it
Hey mær
Hey mær
Din karriere
Your career
Den forkorter vi
We shorten it
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?
Hva' hva' homie
What's up, what's up, buddy?

Авторы: liam o'connor

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