LCone - Viksr - перевод текста песни на английский

Viksr - LConeперевод на английский

Du bisch en Vi-Vi-Vi
You are a Vi-Vi-Vi
Du chasch ned rappe und ich chum bi dine Text ned drus
You can't rap and you can't understand my lyrics
Du bisch en Wixer, wenni ehrlich bin dänn regsch mi uf
You are a fool, to be honest you make me angry
Ah dere Jagge häsch en Pelz, gseht ned sexy us
That jacket you have on has fur, it doesn't look attractive
Es gseht nach "lug ich schiss uf Tier wo dra verecked" us
It looks like you don't care about the animals that died for it
Und das en Wixer bisch, das gseht mer jede Tag
And that you are a jerk, you can see it every day
Du häsch s′Gfühl du bisch en God, ich han s'Gfühl du bisch en Plag
You feel like you are a God, I feel like you are a nuisance
Wäg dim chline Ego drohsch mer immer mitme Schlag
Because of your little ego you are always threatening me with a beat
Doch die Ärm, die sind us Draht und dis Insta uf privat
But your arms, they're like wire and your Insta is private
Fuck sogar din Hund hasst dich, das muesch auno schaffe
Fuck even your dog hates you, you always have to work
Ja bisch du mit ihm im Zoo, isch er nidisch uf Giraffe
If you're with him at the zoo, he's not jealous of giraffes
Lieber gfange als im gliche fucking Zimmer wie du
I'd rather be caught than be in the same fucking room as you
Lieber arm oder chrank als sone Wixer wie du
I'd rather be poor or sick than be a jerk like you
(Du bisch eh Wixer)
(You're such a jerk)
Du bisch en Vi-Vi-Viksr und es isch der scheissegal
You are a Vi-Vi-Viksr and you don't give a shit
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh
Du bisch en Vi-Vi-Viksr und es isch der scheissegal
You are a Vi-Vi-Viksr and you don't give a shit
Uuh, Uuh, Uuh
Uuh, Uuh, Uuh
Du bisch en Viksr, isch klar
You are a Viksr, that's clear
Ich han dich troffe gester, hät ned müsse si
I saw you yesterday, I didn't want to
Scho vor em Hallo hoffi s′Gspröch isch grad verbi
Before I even said hello I hoped the conversation would be over
Dine blödi Name tönt scho wiene Pandemie
Your stupid names sound like a pandemic
Aber eini wo no stinkt und die gaht au ned verbi (Geil)
But one that still stinks and will never go away (Great)
Du wärsch gschider no ih d'Schuel oder machsch nomal en Kurs
You would be better off in school or taking another course
Häsch dich sälbstständig gmacht, ey ich hoffe gahsch konkurs
You made yourself independent, I hope you go bankrupt
Dini Meinig, die isch förig und chunnt leider au ned z'churz
Your opinion, it's outdated and unfortunately not concise either
Sötsch erzoge werde aber mitme Stei und mitme Gurt
You should be educated but with a stone and a belt
Uf Facebook postisch Links vo paar Site mitme Q
On Facebook you post links from a few sites with a Q
Alli Mönsche händ kei Ahnig, jawohl alli user du (Du häschs checkt)
All people have no idea, yes, all except you (You've got it)
Spil du witerhin dis Didgeridoo
Keep playing your didgeridoo
Lieber arm oder chrank als sone Wixer wie du
I'd rather be poor or sick than be a jerk like you
Du bisch en Vi-Vi-Viksr und es isch der scheissegal
You are a Vi-Vi-Viksr and you don't give a shit
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh
Du bisch en Vi-Vi-Viksr und es isch der scheissegal
You are a Vi-Vi-Viksr and you don't give a shit
Uuh, Uuh, Uuh
Uuh, Uuh, Uuh
Du bisch en Viksr, isch klar
You are a Viksr, that's clear

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