La Chilindrina - La Vecindad del Chavo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский La Chilindrina - La Vecindad del Chavo

La Vecindad del Chavo
The Chavo Neighborhood
Que bonita vecindad
What a beautiful neighborhood
Que bonita vecindad
What a beautiful neighborhood
Es la vecindad del chavo
This is Chavo's neighborhood
No valdrá medio centavo
It's not worth half a cent
Pero es linda de verdad
But it's beautiful for real
Su nombre es el chavo
His name is Chavo
Toda su ropa es un autentico remiendo
All of his clothes are genuine patches
Y no le gusta el baño, y hace maldades
And he doesn't like to bathe, and he plays pranks
Pero sin querer queriendo
But he does it without meaning to
Que bonita vecindad
What a beautiful neighborhood
Que bonita vecindad
What a beautiful neighborhood
Es la vecindad del chavo
This is Chavo's neighborhood
No valdrá medio centavo
It's not worth half a cent
Pero es linda de verdad
But it's beautiful for real
El ricachón es Kiko
Kiko is the rich kid
Que cachetón y horrible es el pobre chico
What a big cheek, and he's a hideous little boy
Hay un viejito muy feo
There's a very ugly old man
Sin duda alguna es Jaimito el cartero
Without a doubt it's the mailman Jaimito
Que bonita vecindad
What a beautiful neighborhood
Que bonita vecindad
What a beautiful neighborhood
Es la vecindad del chavo
This is Chavo's neighborhood
No valdrá medio centavo
It's not worth half a cent
Pero es linda de verdad
But it's beautiful for real
El profesor visita
The professor visits
La vecindad como buscando que haya boda
The neighborhood like he's looking for a wedding
Y don Ramón no evita
And doesn't Don Ramon avoid
Los golpes que Doña Florinda le acomoda
The beatings that Dona Florinda gives him
Que bonita vecindad
What a beautiful neighborhood
Que bonita vecindad
What a beautiful neighborhood
Es la vecindad del chavo
This is Chavo's neighborhood
No valdrá medio centavo
It's not worth half a cent
Pero es linda de verdad
But it's beautiful for real
La Popis es muy boba
Popis is very silly
La bruja del 71 con su escoba
The witch of apartment 71 with her broomstick
Y el pilón el ñoño
And to boot, Noselace
Aquel que del señor Barriga es el retoño
Who is Mr. Barriga's son
Que bonita vecindad
What a beautiful neighborhood
Que bonita vecindad
What a beautiful neighborhood
Es la vecindad del chavo
This is Chavo's neighborhood
No valdrá medio centavo
It's not worth half a cent
Pero es linda de verdad
But it's beautiful for real
Mi alma siente muy bonito
My heart feels beautiful
Al recordar a mi amigo Chespirito
At remembering my friend Chespirito
Lo quiere mucho una niña
A little girl loves him very much
Esa soy yo, la tremenda Chilindrina
That's me, the outrageous Chilindrina
Que bonita vecindad
What a beautiful neighborhood
Les voy a leer una cartita
I'm going to read you a little letter
Querido Chespirito, todos los niños del mundo y yo
Dear Chespirito, all the kids in the world and I
Queremos agradecerte que hayas inventado esos maravillosos personajes de la vecindad
Want to thank you for having invented these marvelous neighborhood characters
Yo apenas tengo ocho años y te prometo que cuando este viejita y tenga nietos
I'm barely 8 years old and I promise you that when I'm an old woman and have grandchildren
Les voy a contar que los momentos mas felices de mi infancia
I'm going to tell them that the happiest moments of my childhood
Los pasé contigo, gracias Chespirito
I spent with you, thank you Chespirito
Firma, la Chilindrina
Signed, Chilindrina


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