La Original Banda El Limón - Los Traficantes - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский La Original Banda El Limón - Los Traficantes

Los Traficantes
The Traffickers
No podian pasar a texas
They couldn't get into Texas
El avion venia bufando
The plane came in huffing and puffing
Eran unos traficantes
They were some traffickers
Que formaban una banda
Who formed a band
Con ellos venía una dama
With them came a lady
Que se llamaba Yolanda
Whose name was Yolanda
El rio venia muy revuelto
The river was very rough
Su caudal sería un encanto
Its flow was impressive
Cuando les dijo Yolanda
When Yolanda told them
Vamos a cruzar nadando
Let's swim across
El patero se ha marchado
The boatman has left
Créo que nos ha traicionado
I think he has betrayed us
Les dijo Silvano Guerra
Silvano Guerra told them
Con una voz muy opaca
In a very dull voice
Llevamos treinta millones
We're carrying thirty million
Y nos pagan con migajas
And they're paying us peanuts
Y los que nos la rajamos
And those of us who quit
Somos los hombres de paga
Are the paid men
Con las bolsas a la espalda
With the bags on their backs
Bien repletas de heroina
Well filled with heroin
Se lanzaron a las aguas
They threw themselves into the water
Cubiertos por la neblina
Covered by the fog
Seis ahogados en el gravo
Six drowned in the sand
Silvano ganó la orilla
Silvano made it to shore
Unps perros rastreadores
Some tracking dogs
Encontraron a Yolanda
Found Yolanda
Con seis kilos de la fina
With six kilos of the finest
Bien atados a la espalda
Well tied to her back
A León Bravo Labrunelas
As for León Bravo Labrunelas
Los encontraron los guardias
The guards found them
Silvano logró pasar
Silvano managed to get through
Y llegó a entregar su parte
And came to deliver his share
Pero cuándo regresaba
But when he returned
Lo pararón en el puente
They stopped him on the bridge
Como no sabía rajarse
As he didn't know how to back down
Tambíen lo encontro la muerte
Death also found him

Авторы: D.a.r.

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