LaBrassBanda - Ringlbleame - Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский LaBrassBanda - Ringlbleame - Live

Ringlbleame - Live
Ringlbleame - Live
I kon mi guat an ihre sonderbaren aung erinnern
I remember my mind strangely recalling her
Warn scho so komisch gnua und mit der bruin wars no vui schlimmer
Were already weird enough and with the brown it was much worse
Des quietschen wenn sie glacht hod an des denk i woi für immer
That squeak when it took the floor from me I don't want to go into
Ois foid ma ei doch ihran nam den woaß i lang scho nimmer
Everything falls into me, but I don't think I know her name for a party
In ihre haar warn immer frische geibe ringlbleame
In her hair there were always fresh bright ringlbleame
De geiben ringlbleame hods anscheinend ziemlich gern meng
The bright ringlbleame I like apparently pretty crazy
Gredt mit eana, glacht mit eana, recht vui bledsinn gmacht mit eana,
Talk to them, laugh with them, do a lot of nonsense with them
Sonst hod koaner mit ihr glacht es is einfach zum reahrn gwen
Otherwise nobody would have laughed with them someone was being fawned on
Wenn de anderen drunt im pausenhof am boi nochglaffa san
When the others were still yelling around in the schoolyard
Is sie ganz aloa am fenster gsitzt und hod in dog nei dramd
She sits alone at the window and scrolls inside the dog
Koana woid sie in der mannschaft alle hamses oft dableckt,
No one wanted her on the team they often have her bleated,
Und ham ihra dicke bruin ganz gern im buamaklo vasteckt
And they have her thick brown very much in the boy's hide
Ois hods ausprobiert und immer gschaut wos d'leit erwarten
Everything has been tried and always looked at what people expect
Erniedrigungen san ihr nur de wenigsten erspart bliem
Humiliations are only the least of them spared
Ned oamoi hod si an flaschen draht auf klassenfahrten
Not even that has a thread of bottles on class trips
Ois was ihr übrig bliem is, war, auf d'chance zum warten.
All that remained for them was to wait for the chance.
Ringlbleame fliag amoi...
Ringlbleame fly once...
Ringlbleame bloß oamoi...
Ringlbleame just once...
Zehn jahr san verganga und jeder hod sein weg no gmacht
Ten years have passed and everyone has made their way
Künstler, Manager, Bankier, alle hamses recht weit bracht.
Artists, managers, bankers, they all made it up
Glangweilt hear i mir de gschichtn o weil ses so gern verzein,
bored I hear the stories about their lives because they like to tell them
Beim dritten lass i mir vom kellner glei an schnaps herstelln.
With the third I let the waiter make me a schnapps.
Alle mädels san heid do, oane schicker wie de ander,
All the girls are here, one more chic than the other
Aber oane geht ma o, i laß de aung no oamoi wandern
But there's one missing, I'll let my eyes wander again
Ganz nach gfui suach i zuallererst moi so am rand lang,
Just by feel I'm looking for a while at the edge
Doch weder do no in der mittn steht sie umeinander
But she doesn't stand around either here or in the middle
Da foid mir auf, i hob sie gseng as letzte moi vor zehn johr,
Then I realize I saw them for the last time, ten years do
Ich hoff ihr chance is in dera zeit dann doch no kema
I hope your chance has come in that time
I red mir ei ihr leben is jetzad ganz bestimmt vui scheena
I tell myself her life is much more beautiful now
Und wieder gspür i leicht des schlechte gwissen in mir brenna
And again I feel a little bit of a guilty conscience burning in me
A wenn i sog, i war auf ihra seitn, miassad i liang
Even if I say I was on their side, I have to lie
A wenns einfach waar, derfs i ned nur auf de andern schiabm.
Even if it was easy, I don't have to just blame the others.
I hoff as ringlbleame hat trotz allem glernt zum
I hope that ringlbleame has learned to do it in spite of everything
I hoff as ringlbleame hat trotz allem glernt zum
I hope that ringlbleame has learned to do it in spite of everything
Ringlbleame fliag amoi...
Ringlbleame fly once...
Ringlbleame bloß oamoi...
Ringlbleame just once...

Авторы: Manuel Da Coll, Manuel Winbeck, Oliver Wrage, Willy Loester, Stefan Dettl

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