Labello - Vanda Janda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Labello - Vanda Janda

Vanda Janda
Vanda Janda
Bořím mýty v rapu, povodil jsem Vandu v jednom tracku
I'm breaking rap myths, I walked Vanda in one track
Ona cení, tak to cením, chci ji domů, to neví
She appreciates it, so I appreciate it, I want her home, she doesn't know yet
Zvu ji na rum na Umprumce, dává přednost radši vodce
I invite her for rum at Umprumka, she prefers vodka
jsem in love, ona vůbec, psa a nemám love
I'm in love, she's not at all, she already has a dog and I have no love
Labello a Vanda Janda
Labello and Vanda Janda
Labello a Vanda Janda
Labello and Vanda Janda
Labello a Vanda Janda
Labello and Vanda Janda
Labello a Vanda Janda
Labello and Vanda Janda
Ležím v posteli a koukám na tvý stories
I'm lying in bed and watching your stories
Trollíš všechny, nikdo nepoznal a nikdo neví (nikdo neví)
You're trolling everyone, no one has noticed and no one knows (no one knows)
Budeš Posh Spice, budu tvůj David Beckham
You'll be Posh Spice, I'll be your David Beckham
Tak pojeď se mnou, nechci neviem, pojeď se mnou, nechci neviem
So come with me, I don't want to know, come with me, I don't want to know
budu star do roku, jedu tak rychle, že dostanu pokutu
I'll be a star for a year, I'm driving so fast I'll get a ticket
Nezahoď to pls a pojeď se mnou do bytu
Don't throw it away, please, and come with me to the apartment
Láskou zasypu, nikdy nesypu
I'll shower you with love, I never shower
Dám na tebe pozor jako ředitel BESIPu
I'll take care of you like the director of the Road Safety Council
Ředitel BESIPu
Director of the Road Safety Council
Ředitel BESIPu
Director of the Road Safety Council
Ředitel BESIPuuu
Director of the Road Safety Council
Vanda Janda není Landa
Vanda Janda is not Landa
To je můj crush, ne jak tamta
That's my crush, not like that one
Tu jsem měl jenom rád
I only liked her
Tebe budu milovat (fakt)
I'll love you (for real)
Fakt přestanu fetovat
I'll really stop doing drugs
Nechám si tetovat
I'll have you tattooed on me
Budeme mít rodinu a všechno budu tolerovat
We'll have a family and I'll tolerate everything
Labello a Vanda Janda
Labello and Vanda Janda
Labello a Vanda Janda
Labello and Vanda Janda
Labello a Vanda Janda (navždy)
Labello and Vanda Janda (forever)
Labello a Vanda Janda (navždy)
Labello and Vanda Janda (forever)
Já, ty, ten tvůj pes
Me, you, your dog
Budem spolu navždy od dnes
We'll be together forever from today
Jestli nechceš a jsem wack
If you don't want to and I'm wack
Dej mi aspoň follow back
At least give me a follow back

Авторы: Libor Petrášek

Labello - Vanda Janda
Vanda Janda
дата релиза

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