Lalo Rodríguez - Maximo Chamorro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Lalo Rodríguez - Maximo Chamorro

Maximo Chamorro
Maximo Chamorro
Cuando Máximo Chamorro, luchaba en la serranía con él fueron cien valientes formando la compañía vinieron los federales, portando su artillería yo vi por los matorrales como la sangre corría Con Máximo combatiendo, estaba Perico Díaz con un disparo diciendo "
When Máximo Chamorro fought in the mountains, he was with a hundred brave men forming the company. The feds came, carrying their artillery. I saw the blood flowing through the bushes. Máximo was fighting, and Perico Díaz was with him, saying with a shot, "
Mi tierra la quiero mía!
My land is mine!
" Los indios y campesinos, labradores y hacendados le dieron pan y camino y escondite reiterado.
" The Indians and peasants, farmers and ranchers gave him bread and shelter and a way to hide.
Fue batalla de titanes Chamorro no daba tregua el capitán Sividades lo perdió por siete leguas.
It was a battle of titans. Chamorro wouldn't give up. Captain Sividades lost to him by seven leagues.
Y llegando a la corralada se produjo la encerrona Máximo no recelaba, la milicia no perdona.
And when they reached the corral, the ambush took place. Máximo didn't suspect a thing. The militia doesn't forgive.
En vano el pueblo gritaba, intentando prevenirlo, ahí está la federala y el resto no hay que decirlo.
In vain the people shouted, trying to warn him. There was the militia, and the rest goes without saying.
Y con todo y ser tan zorro Sividades aquel día cayo junto con Chamorro y todo el que le seguía.
And even though he was so clever, Sividades fell that day, along with Chamorro and everyone who followed him.
Cayó junto con Chamorro y todo el que le seguía.
He fell along with Chamorro and everyone who followed him.
Máximo Chamorro, guerrero que tanto vale Máximo Chamorro, retaste a los federales
Máximo Chamorro, a warrior worth so much. Máximo Chamorro, you challenged the federales.

Авторы: D.a.r.

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