Lars Vaular - Vent Litt, Voila - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Lars Vaular - Vent Litt, Voila

Vent Litt, Voila
Wait a Little, Voila
Kommer ned antiautoritær
Coming down anti-authoritarian
Kommer ned antiautoritær
Coming down anti-authoritarian
Vent litt vent litt kommer no' mer
Wait a little, wait a little, there's more coming
Vent litt vent litt oppdater
Wait a little, wait a little, updating
Vent litt vent litt korriger
Wait a little, wait a little, correcting
Vent litt vent litt retusjer
Wait a little, wait a little, retouching
Vent litt vent litt ka har vi her
Wait a little, wait a little, what do we have here
Kommer ned antiautoritær
Coming down anti-authoritarian
Vent litt eg sa vent litt
Wait a little, I said wait a little
Ungen var stor som melkekartongen ved fødsel
The kid was the size of a milk carton at birth
15% e talent og resten e hustle
15% is talent and the rest is hustle
Det folk kaller drit e det samme som vi kaller gjødsel
What people call shit is the same as what we call fertilizer
Vannet en plante som skapte et marked og etterspørsel som big hustle
Watered a plant that created a market and demand like big hustle
Ekje størrelsen hanen i kampen som avgjør men kampen i hanen
It's not the size of the rooster in the fight that decides but the fight in the rooster
Du har en fot i gaten og en pedalen og klampen i bånn
You have one foot in the street and one on the pedal and the cleat at the bottom
La meg si det sånn du kan tenke deg om når du sitter benken
Let me put it this way, you can think about it when you're sitting on the bench
Midten av banen du spille ballen
The middle of the field is where you have to play the ball
Og lenken i husken begynner å klirre av gravitasjonskraften
And the link in your memory starts to rattle from the force of gravity
Det e tilbake der du kom ifra forutbestemt
It's back to where you came from, predetermined
Noe virker kjent du nærmer deg spent
Something seems familiar so you approach it excitedly
Flammer blir tent til du sitter igjen brent
Flames are lit until you sit down again burned
Bedre å ha blødd enn å bare ha drømt
Better to have bled than to have just dreamed
Bedre å ha gått enn å bare stått i ro
Better to have walked than just stood still
samme stedet det gjorde i fjor la det spire og gro
In the same place as it did last year, let it sprout and grow
Alt smaker bedre når du har gjort ditt for det bror
Everything tastes better when you've done your part for it, brother
Voila voila voila voila voila
Voila voila voila voila voila
Det e sånn du falles inn når dovren faller
That's how you fall in when the rumble falls
Voila voila voila voila voila
Voila voila voila voila voila
Du e som du faller ser når jorden kaller
You are as you fall, you see, when the earth calls
Vent litt vent litt kommer no' mer
Wait a little, wait a little, there's more coming
Vent litt vent litt oppdater
Wait a little, wait a little, updating
Vent litt vent litt korriger
Wait a little, wait a little, correcting
Vent litt vent litt retusjer
Wait a little, wait a little, retouching
Vent litt vent litt ka har vi her
Wait a little, wait a little, what do we have here
Kommer ned antiautoritær
Coming down anti-authoritarian
Vent litt eg sa vent litt
Wait a little, I said wait a little
Kommer ned antiautoritær
Coming down anti-authoritarian
Vent litt vent litt kommer no' mer
Wait a little, wait a little, there's more coming
Vent litt vent litt oppdater
Wait a little, wait a little, updating
Vent litt vent litt korriger
Wait a little, wait a little, correcting
Vent litt vent litt retusjer
Wait a little, wait a little, retouching
Vent litt vent litt ka har vi her
Wait a little, wait a little, what do we have here
Kommer ned antiautoritær
Coming down anti-authoritarian
Vent litt eg sa vent litt
Wait a little, I said wait a little
Tullinger tror at de kommer og styler Big Al
Fools think they're coming to style on Big Al
Digger det når de skal komme og flashe noe juggel
Love it when they're gonna come and flash some junk
Eg e streeten med beaten eg e som rubbel
I'm on the street with the beat, I'm like rubble
Kobler opp linker som stinker eg e med bobler som jubel jubel
Connecting links that stink, I'm with bubbles that cheer, cheer
Ey vent litt vent litt ankeret først
Ey wait a little, wait a little, anchor first
Åpner opp døren du banker først
Opens the door you knock on first
Tanken e fin men banken e tørst
The thought is nice but the bank is thirsty
Banken e sulten banken e først
The bank is hungry, the bank is first
Arkene blanke men staten blir rushet
The sheets are blank but the state is being rushed
Kåken blir ransakt danken blir flushet
The crib is ransacked, the thanks are flushed
Alle apene denne kanten e sauset som en ause for en flause
All the monkeys on this side are sauced like a sauce for a blunder
De e foreldreløse mann du bare slutte å tøyse
They're orphans, man, you just have to stop fooling around
Alle e nervøse beste ville vært å ta en pause
Everyone is so nervous, it would be best to take a break
Vent litt koffor har du ikkje tenkt det
Wait a minute, why didn't you think about that
Vent litt koffor har du verpet det
Wait a minute, why did you lay eggs on it
Loading koffor har ikkje du skjønt det før
Loading why haven't you figured it out before
Loading vet at du har hørt det før
Loading knows you've heard it before
Voila voila voila voila voila
Voila voila voila voila voila
Det e sånn du falles inn når dovren faller
That's how you fall in when the rumble falls
Voila voila voila voila voila
Voila voila voila voila voila
Du e som du faller ser når jorden kaller
You are as you fall, you see, when the earth calls
Vent litt vent litt kommer no' mer
Wait a little, wait a little, there's more coming
Vent litt vent litt oppdater
Wait a little, wait a little, updating
Vent litt vent litt korriger
Wait a little, wait a little, correcting
Vent litt vent litt retusjer
Wait a little, wait a little, retouching
Vent litt vent litt ka har vi her
Wait a little, wait a little, what do we have here
Kommer ned antiautoritær
Coming down anti-authoritarian
Vent litt eg sa vent litt
Wait a little, I said wait a little
Kommer ned antiautoritær
Coming down anti-authoritarian
Vent litt vent litt kommer no' mer
Wait a little, wait a little, there's more coming
Vent litt vent litt oppdater
Wait a little, wait a little, updating
Vent litt vent litt korriger
Wait a little, wait a little, correcting
Vent litt vent litt retusjer
Wait a little, wait a little, retouching
Vent litt vent litt ka har vi her
Wait a little, wait a little, what do we have here
Kommer ned antiautoritær
Coming down anti-authoritarian
Vent litt eg sa vent litt
Wait a little, I said wait a little

Авторы: Lars Vaular

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