Las Ketchup - Doctora Laser - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Las Ketchup - Doctora Laser

Doctora Laser
Doctor Laser
En la segunda puerta
At the second door
A mano derecha
On the right hand side
Se encuentra el gabinete
You'll find the office
De doña pizpireta
Of the lively lady
Después de tanto tiròn
After so much pulling
Llegué a la conclusiòn
I came to the conclusion
En la doctora laser
In Doctor Laser
Hallé la soluciòn
I found the solution
Subida a la camilla
Up on the table
Tuve la tentaciòn
I had the temptation
De volver a bajarme
To get back down
Y agarrar el pantalòn
And grab my pants
Señora làser sea usted prudente
Mister Laser, please be careful
Señora làser cuidao' con la corriente
Mister Laser, watch out for the current
Ay! doctora làser
Oh! Doctor Laser
Divina he de quedar
I will be divine
Sin pelos ni señales
Without hairs or any trace
Que me puedan delatar(bis)
That could give me away (repeat)
Detràs de las gafas
Behind the glasses
De la doctora làser
Of Doctor Laser
Se enciende una mirada
A look ignites
De satisfacciòn
Of satisfaction
Eso la ponìa
It made him
Un poco caliente
A little hot
Al rozar piel entre corriente y corriente
As he grazed my skin between currents
Segunda sesiòn y
Second session and
Embriagada de pasiòn
Drunk with passion
Se acercò al Monte de Venus
He approached the Mount of Venus
Y los tejos me tirò
And made a move on me
No me has impresionao'
You haven't impressed me
No pierdas el tiempo
Don't waste your time
vas a saco
You're going for the kill
Y yo no he venio' a eso
And I didn't come here for that
Ay! doctora làser...
Oh! Doctor Laser...
Al final todo acabò
In the end it was all over
Y encantada me quedé
And I was delighted
No querìa que me fuese
He didn't want me to leave
Y me quiso entretener
And wanted to keep me entertained
Ella lo dicaba to
He dictated everything
Sin perder detalle alguno
Without missing any detail
Yo iba a mi tratamiento
I was going to my treatment
Y me pellizcaste el culo
And you pinched my butt
Yo entiendo que la libido
I understand that your libido
La tienes a flor de piel
Is at its peak
Per doctorcica mìa
But my dear doctor
Te voy a parar los pies
I'm going to stop you right there
Señora làser sea usted prudente
Mister Laser, please be careful
Señora làser relàjese con sus pacientes
Mister Laser, relax with your patients
Ay! doctora làser...
Oh! Doctor Laser...


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