Lax'n'Busto - No Has Marxat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Lax'n'Busto - No Has Marxat

No Has Marxat
You Haven't Left
No has marxat,
You haven't left,
No has anat enlloc i tampoc t'he oblidat.
You haven't gone anywhere and I haven't forgotten you either.
Sóc aquí, ja ho saps
I'm here, you know it
I també hi ets, sempre hi ets.
And you're here too, you're always here.
Sort de tu,
Lucky you,
Que no des d'on, ni com t'ho fas,
I don't know well from where, or how you do it,
Abraçant-me tant.
Hugging me so much.
El meu àngel bo, protector.
My good angel, protector.
Quan l'aigua em du
When the water takes me
Fins al fons d'aquest mar immens,
To the bottom of this immense sea,
Gairebé en l'ofec,
Almost drowning,
Torno a respirar com si res.
I breathe again as if nothing happened.
En el cel, estels
In the sky, stars
En el cap, camins
In the mind, paths
I en el cor la llum que em fa tornar a casa sempre.
And in the heart the light that always brings me home.
Sóc i he estat, ésser afortunat,
I am and I have been, a fortunate being,
Feliç al teu costat, humil i enamorat.
Happy by your side, humble and in love.
Perquè tu no has marxat,
Because you haven't left,
No has anat enlloc, no mai,
You haven't gone anywhere, never,
I que mai deixaràs que vagui en soledat,
And I know you'll never let me go in solitude,
Allà on estàs.
Wherever you are.
Amb tu sé,
With you I know,
Amb qui he d'anar, de qui m'he de desfer,
Who I have to go with, who I have to get rid of,
Si faig o malbé
If I do good or bad
El que construeixo per ser.
What I build to be.
Tu em dius,
You tell me,
Quin és el rumb que haig de seguir en tot temps.
What is the course I have to follow at all times.
Amb els ulls tancats,
With my eyes closed,
Camino per on vas dient.
I walk where you say.
Si em sento perdut,
If I feel lost,
Perdut en aquest gran desert,
Lost in this great desert,
En el cel, estels,
In the sky, stars,
En el cap, camins,
In the mind, paths,
I en el cor la llum que em fa tornar a casa sempre.
And in the heart the light that always brings me home.
Sóc i he estat, ésser afortunat,
I am and I have been, a fortunate being,
Feliç al teu costat, humil i enamorat.
Happy by your side, humble and in love.
Perquè tu no has marxat,
Because you haven't left,
No has anat enlloc, no mai,
You haven't gone anywhere, never,
I que mai deixaràs que vagui en soledat,
And I know you'll never let me go in solitude,
Allà on estàs.
Wherever you are.
No has marxat.
You haven't left.

Авторы: pemi rovirosa

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