LDS - S.O.S - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский LDS - S.O.S

Cerebros no funcionan, hay que hacer algo
Brains aren't working, something needs to be done
Conspiparanoias podrían ser verdad
Conspiracy theories might actually be true
Nadie usa la cabeza no se hacen cargo
Nobody uses their head, they don't take responsibility
Siguen la corriente su rutina es seriedad
They follow the current, their routine is seriousness
Cerebros no funcionan, hay que hacer algo
Brains aren't working, something needs to be done
Conspiparanoias podrían ser verdad
Conspiracy theories might actually be true
Nadie usa la cabeza no se hacen cargo
Nobody uses their head, they don't take responsibility
Siguen la corriente su rutina es seriedad
They follow the current, their routine is seriousness
¿Cuantas veces te han dicho que te entendían?
How many times have they told you they understood you?
¿Te han valorado respetando tu vida?
Have they valued you, respecting your life?
Intentan igualar su opinión con tu perspectiva
They try to equate their opinion with your perspective
No aprecian lo que piensas, no gastes saliva
They don't appreciate what you think, don't waste your breath
Olvida sus delirios que solo quieren pasta
Forget their delusions, they only want money
No saben nutrirse, aprovechando su reloj
They don't know how to nourish themselves, taking advantage of their time
Es más importante llenarse la puta panza
It's more important to fill their damn belly
No quieren crecer, ser una persona mejor
They don't want to grow, be a better person
Es normal que pase esto con la educación
It's normal for this to happen with the education
Que tenemos por aquí, no aprenden la lección
That we have around here, they don't learn the lesson
Están vacíos mueven el cuerpo por inercia
They are empty, they move their body by inertia
Son zombies en extravío, falta de conciencia
They are zombies astray, lacking conscience
Todos separados como palabras deletreadas
Everyone separated like spelled words
Egoístas infiltrados, creen que pueden enseñarte
Selfish infiltrators, they think they can teach you
Mareados por las noticias quieren apedrearte
Dizzy from the news, they want to stone you
Por buscar verdades que no quieren ser encontradas
For seeking truths they don't want to be found
Cerebros no funcionan, hay que hacer algo
Brains aren't working, something needs to be done
Conspiparanoias podrían ser verdad
Conspiracy theories might actually be true
Nadie usa la cabeza no se hacen cargo
Nobody uses their head, they don't take responsibility
Siguen la corriente su rutina es seriedad
They follow the current, their routine is seriousness
Cerebros no funcionan, hay que hacer algo
Brains aren't working, something needs to be done
Conspiparanoias podrían ser verdad
Conspiracy theories might actually be true
Nadie usa la cabeza no se hacen cargo
Nobody uses their head, they don't take responsibility
Siguen la corriente su rutina es seriedad
They follow the current, their routine is seriousness
¿Lógica? la poca que te han enseñado
Logic? The little they have taught you
a tu bola aunque los tiempos hayan cambiado
You do your own thing even though times have changed
¿Siguen diciendo que los colores están asignados?
Are they still saying that colors are assigned?
¿Cuando dejaréis de estar tan engañados?
When will you stop being so deceived?
¿Toda la paleta es preciosa que no entiendes?
The whole palette is precious, don't you understand?
El mundo es bello tú, vives en un estiércol
The world is beautiful, you live in a dunghill
Abre los ojos en esa pecera llena de peces
Open your eyes in that fishbowl full of fish
Tus hemisferios más lentos que un caracol
Your hemispheres slower than a snail
Nunca se ha visto tanta gordura y codicia
Never seen so much fat and greed
Si analizas las calles, da miedo la experiencia
If you analyze the streets, the experience is scary
Saturados por las cadenas alimenticias
Saturated by the food chains
He visto más cordura en el país de Alicia
I have seen more sanity in Alice's country
El planeta llorando perdiendo sus piezas
The planet crying, losing its pieces
quemando sus paisajes por billetes
You burning its landscapes for bills
Se ha lanzado un virus para hacer limpieza
A virus has been released to clean up
Otros con libertad de expresión entre grilletes
Others with freedom of expression in shackles
Estás matando animales es mejor que pares
You're killing animals, it's better if you stop
Sobredosis de carne dando datos falsos
Meat overdose giving false data
No creo en dioses pero nos veremos con Hades
I don't believe in gods but we'll meet Hades
Lanza bengalas que ya no respiramos sos
Launch flares, we're not breathing anymore, sos
Cerebros no funcionan, hay que hacer algo
Brains aren't working, something needs to be done
Conspiparanoias podrían ser verdad
Conspiracy theories might actually be true
Nadie usa la cabeza no se hacen cargo
Nobody uses their head, they don't take responsibility
Siguen la corriente su rutina es seriedad
They follow the current, their routine is seriousness
Cerebros no funcionan, hay que hacer algo
Brains aren't working, something needs to be done
Conspiparanoias podrían ser verdad
Conspiracy theories might actually be true
Nadie usa la cabeza no se hacen cargo
Nobody uses their head, they don't take responsibility
Siguen la corriente su rutina es seriedad
They follow the current, their routine is seriousness

Авторы: Xavi Brau

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