LDS - Truco de magia - перевод текста песни на английский

Truco de magia - LDSперевод на английский

Truco de magia
Magic Trick
Sube al ring, que no estás para tonterías
Step into the ring, you're not here for nonsense
Coge el mic, pues dijiste que ganarías
Grab the mic, you said you'd be the champion
Dale al kick, que retumben todos los graves
Hit the kick, let the bass rumble deep
Suena así, el mago es LDS ya lo sabes
It sounds like this, the magician is LDS, you know it
Sube al ring, que no estás para tonterías
Step into the ring, you're not here for nonsense
Coge el mic, pues dijiste que ganarías
Grab the mic, you said you'd be the champion
Dale al kick, que retumben todos los graves
Hit the kick, let the bass rumble deep
Suena así, el mago es LDS ya lo sabes
It sounds like this, the magician is LDS, you know it
Ahora que es más importante tu apariencia que lo que dices
Now that your appearance matters more than what you say
Ahora hay que tirar palante, con esencia, desde las raíces
Now we must push forward, with essence, from the roots
No te permitas un paso en falso, con tanto tonto que da asco
Don't allow yourself a misstep, with so many fools that disgust
En ese caso pon a tono ese a mono destinado al fracaso
In that case, tune that monkey destined for failure
Si no cuidas tu música, caerás al barro como todos
If you don't take care of your music, you'll fall into the mud like everyone else
Te lucras pero no te educas, así no evolucionas
You profit but you don't educate yourself, that's not how you evolve
Luego no te escuchan, si tus intenciones no son buenas
Then they won't listen to you, if your intentions aren't good
Retírate si no entiendes que esto es más que tener apodos
Retire if you don't understand that this is more than just having nicknames
Hoy toca sacar la barita, para enseñaros un truco de magia
Today it's time to take out the wand, to show you a magic trick
No hagas que me repita, no tengo tiempo para tu rabia
Don't make me repeat myself, I don't have time for your rage
Solo sois perros domados, por el sueño americano, piensa
You're just dogs tamed by the American dream, think
Cráneos fracturados, quedáis arrinconados, ya no tengo paciencia
Fractured skulls, you're cornered, I have no patience left
Abra cadabra, palabras directas al corazón
Abracadabra, words straight to the heart
Si te queda algo, escucha a este mago, aquí tienes tu ración
If you have anything left, listen to this magician, here's your portion
Si no demuestras pero fardas, hagas lo que hagas es tu perdición
If you don't demonstrate but brag, whatever you do is your downfall
El espectáculo a comenzado, salgo cuando quiten este telón
The show has begun, I'll leave when they remove this curtain
Sube al ring, que no estás para tonterías
Step into the ring, you're not here for nonsense
Coge el mic, pues dijiste que ganarías
Grab the mic, you said you'd be the champion
Dale al kick, que retumben todos los graves
Hit the kick, let the bass rumble deep
Suena así, el mago es LDS ya lo sabes
It sounds like this, the magician is LDS, you know it
Sube al ring, que no estás para tonterías
Step into the ring, you're not here for nonsense
Coge el mic, pues dijiste que ganarías
Grab the mic, you said you'd be the champion
Dale al kick, que retumben todos los graves
Hit the kick, let the bass rumble deep
Suena así, el mago es LDS ya lo sabes
It sounds like this, the magician is LDS, you know it
Me pongo el sombrero, observo muchos títeres, por interés
I put on my hat, I observe many puppets, out of interest
Se acercan al pobre obrero, comprando almas con billetes
They approach the poor worker, buying souls with bills
Son pobres con dinero, no entienden como se hace esto
They are poor with money, they don't understand how this is done
Son nuevos en el juego, no han sudado ni un poco, que molesto
They are new to the game, they haven't sweated a bit, how annoying
Ni escriben sus letras, falta de emoción en sus textos
They don't even write their lyrics, lack of emotion in their texts
Cualquiera salta a la escena, para dejar solo sus restos
Anyone jumps on the scene, just to leave their remains
Se creen inmortales con el auto tune, no son honestos
They think they're immortal with auto-tune, they're not honest
Los zombies no son bienvenidos, habrá que explotarles los sesos
Zombies are not welcome, we'll have to blow their brains out
que te crees un dios, ven a mi caja para partirte en dos
You who think you're a god, come to my box to be split in two
Alucina con mis trucos pues te voy a hacer desaparecer
Be amazed by my tricks because I'm going to make you disappear
Lo único que busco, es darte una lección antes de perecer
The only thing I'm looking for is to teach you a lesson before you perish
Al parecer, aún no sabes que los cuerpos ya están partidos
Apparently, you still don't know that the bodies are already split
Ahora habla sin tener ni puta idea, eso te encanta
Now you talk without having a damn clue, you love that
Sigue sin apostarlo todo y te quedarás sin nada
Keep not betting it all and you'll be left with nothing
Ilusiones y canciones entre líneas para darte un consejo
Illusions and songs between the lines to give you advice
Me quito el sombrero y hop, mierda se me ha muerto el conejo
I take off my hat and hop, shit, my rabbit died
Sube al ring, que no estás para tonterías
Step into the ring, you're not here for nonsense
Coge el mic, pues dijiste que ganarías
Grab the mic, you said you'd be the champion
Dale al kick, que retumben todos los graves
Hit the kick, let the bass rumble deep
Suena así, el mago es LDS ya lo sabes
It sounds like this, the magician is LDS, you know it
Sube al ring, que no estás para tonterías
Step into the ring, you're not here for nonsense
Coge el mic, pues dijiste que ganarías
Grab the mic, you said you'd be the champion
Dale al kick, que retumben todos los graves
Hit the kick, let the bass rumble deep
Suena así, el mago es LDS ya lo sabes
It sounds like this, the magician is LDS, you know it

Авторы: Xavi Brau

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