Leviatan - Bajo efecto - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Leviatan - Bajo efecto

Bajo efecto
Under the Influence
Ahora Cabros, vamos a hacer featuring pasta nostra con unos cabros de
Now guys, we are going to feature Pasta Nostra with some guys from
Santiago le diatam bajoefecto en una pista de
Santiago, they give it to you under the influence on a track by
Dj chelo ahi yo cabros hagan su pega men trabajo
DJ Chelo, there you guys do your job, man, work.
Ustedes saen' pongale weno
You know, do it well.
Tu sabes que mira rap demente falso maltrata porsiacaso a tu minita
You know that crazy rap looks fake, mistreats your chick just in case.
La tenemos en cuatro patas,
We have her on all fours,
Tu papi te toca sufre de un trauma cerebral participaste en la tocata
Your daddy touches you, suffers from brain trauma, you participated in the concert
Solo por la credencial se unen al rap como con la guitarra lo hace
Just for the credential, they join rap like Slash does with the guitar
Slash eri' weon de esos que se encandilan con la luz de flash bajo
You're one of those who are dazzled by the flash, under
Efecto leviatan con pasta nostra te deforma lo integraste de tu grupo
Effect, Leviatan with Pasta Nostra deforms you, you integrated it from your group,
De verda que no impresionan nobato de mierda no cumplen con lo
They really don't impress, you shitty newbie, they don't meet the
Requisitos estoy muerto resucito cometiendo 10 delitos nuestra tropa
Requirements, I'm dead, I'm resurrected committing 10 crimes, our troop
Sin comente que destroza tu cuadron tu
Without a doubt that it destroys your squadron, you
Corresaste atemorizado fracasaste en tu mision
Run scared, you failed in your mission
Whassup aqui en santiago a la serena
Whassup, here in Santiago, to La Serena,
Te saco gilema ma carretea pa que te
I'll take your gilema, ma, drive around so they can
Corti las venas,
Cut your veins,
Vo' que tanto criticai esta wea' queda a la chucha de la loma
You who criticize so much, this bitch is left at the ass of the hill
Tay vio que no llegay
You're ugly, you don't arrive
Te estrai ahi quedaste, batazo en el osico
You're stuck there, you got hit in the mouth
Tu gerla esta moja y no porque esta arria de un grifo hijo a la
Your girl is wet and not because she's down from a tap, son, to the
Copa tu tropa rompuño de box el estil maricueca me cago en los niños
Cup your troop broken fist the maricueca style I shit on the children
Que persiguen al diler y me cago en el diler que se lo quiere cagar
Who chase the dealer and I shit on the dealer who wants to fuck him
Pa que patallo con test se jura el
So that patallo with test swears the
Choro del lugar te voi a cortar los deos
Choro of the place I'm going to cut off your fingers
Pa que no podai paquetear
So you can't pack
Estilo super taldo con una gillete en la mano izquierda voy a hacerle
Super stale style with a razor blade in my left hand I'm going to do it to him
La lipusipcion ¡ unos tiene celda!
Lip suction, some have a cell!
Raper de mierda estamos en la calle vos
Shitty rappers we are on the street you
Sigue chupando la vas salir en un flayer
Keep sucking you're going to come out in a flayer
Hoy vamos mas pitiao que ayer penetra
Today we go more stoned than yesterday, penetrate
Tu rima ocupo la esquina devolver (OYE)
Your rhyme occupies the corner, return (HEY)
Escape del manicomnio consume pasta nostra y queda vuelto demonio
Escape from the asylum consumes pasta nostra and is left a demon
(Las manos) arriba entrega tus pertenencias tu flow primerizo
(Hands) up, hand over your belongings, your first flow
Solo aburre la audiencia (VETE) con tu estilo maricon supimos
Just boring the audience (GO AWAY) with your sissy style we knew
Que arrendaste el poto de REMATE PUNTO COM
That you rented REMATE PUNTO COM's ass
Soy cazador sueldo me desenvuelvo me lo bebo todo
I'm a bounty hunter, I pay myself, I drink it all
Insito en el delitos con los bajo efecto Conecto texto y
Incited in the crimes with those under the effect I connect text and
Le pido frase y tu que hace paracito parte con soltar culo gase
I ask for a phrase and what you do, little parasite, part with releasing fart gas
Empuño el micro tu piño de nenuco brinco se me comportan como
I grasp the mic, your bunch of nenuco jumps, they behave like
Kiko delante del king kong no son capaces llevan capas
Kiko in front of King Kong, they are not capable, they wear capes
Son faraces de fundo se devuelve el
They are farces from the bottom, the
Envase traigo la misma clase y hundo
Container, I bring the same class and sink
Al emsi contrario pronto testarudo
To the opposite emsi, soon stubborn
Estilo crudo treinta y tres lo digo me mantengo
Raw style thirty-three I say it I stay
Raudo de la clase rima con un respaldo
Swift of the class rhymes with a backing
Y que esta posicion te qedai sin saldo
And that this position you run out of balance
Este hardcore suena fuerte porque lo mas bueno al igual cuando hace
This hardcore sounds strong because the best thing just like when it does
Un gol chile a estadio lleno disfruta con este tema un nuevo
A goal Chile to a full stadium enjoy this song a new one
Estreno te atropello con la letra porque no tiene ni un freno
Premiere I run you over with the lyrics because it has no brakes
Nuestro rap siempre te lleva en peso tu mina la presta al toque
Our rap always takes you by weight, your girl lends it to you at the touch
Despues de robarle un beso eso se nota en la pared deja la uña
After stealing a kiss, that shows on the wall, she leaves her fingernail
Claro si es maraca y tira la zorra a las chuñas
Of course if she is a whore and throws the bitch to the chuñas
Estos tipos no respetan tu esquina pasta nostra pa tu mina es como
These guys don't respect your corner, pasta nostra for your girl is like
Tomar yumbina critica este peaso' de rapiar confianza no lo dio
Taking yumbina criticizes this piece of rapping, confidence did not give it to him
Darle jugo a tu mama
Give your mom juice
Nos prometo juan inyeccion a entre tus venas afinamos tu organismo
Juan promised us injection between your veins we tune your organism
Entre santiago la serena con sus sismo pana y sana vida
Between Santiago La Serena with their earthquake pana and healthy life
Deme en este eroz (AMI MISMO) con gana a la borrachera
Give me in this eroz (TO MYSELF) willingly to drunkenness
Me destrozo espera dejo pata cuando quiera ven y con esto suena
I destroy myself wait I leave a paw whenever I want come and with this it sounds
Con la pista que son campo de
With the track that they are field of
Guerra quien aperra a meterse contra este
War who dares to mess with this
Piño, tonto este competi en esto nunca destiño el rap un abuelo en un
Bunch, fool this competition in this never fades the rap a grandfather in a
Campo de niño vo desi fracasao que se parace a bob patiño no te damos
Child's field you say loser that looks like bob patiño we don't give you
Cariño mas bien odio lediatan
Honey rather hate lediatan
Pasta nostra y bajo efecto dale al polio
Pasta nostra and under the effect give it to polio
Si en tu cara mira siempre han sido maldita apreta el boton de alerta
If in your face look they have always been damn press the alert button
Nuevamente la pastita y llega dispuesto hacer operacion "rastrillo"
Again the pastita and arrives ready to do operation "razor"
Aniquilando los juguetes la cabeza
Annihilating the toys the head
Los tobillos pillo tubemos que el rap
The ankles pillo tubemos that the rap
Esta rechazao si queri saber de estilo pregunte por el pelao
It's rejected if you want to know about style ask for the hairy one
Edao estoy dando toda mi creatividad pasta nostra 2008 lo mejor de
Edao I'm giving all my creativity pasta nostra 2008 the best of
Esta ciudad, con cero piedad y mas hardcore que un atentao desde la
This city, with zero mercy and more hardcore than an attack from the
Atena pal mundo mas escuchao pao
Athena to the world most listened to pao
Esto un asalto callate o te doi muerte
This is a robbery shut up or I'll kill you
Queri meterte con nosotros, un consejo NO LO INTENTES
You wanted to mess with us, a word of advice DON'T TRY IT
Chiquilla ya que no coleccionan estampillas ahora la tenemos apollada
Little girl, since they don't collect stamps, now we have her kneeling on her palm
En palma rodilla quien sera el proximo en llevarte de
Who will be the next to take you by the
La mano si los cabros de la mere te tienen perforao el ANO
Hand if the guys from the mere have your ANUS pierced
Gritante ante el publico bajo el efecto la maraca aburrida por eso me
Screaming before the public under the effect the bored bitch that's why I
Pongo a forar o raca te doi atencion pero no creas que voy amarte
I get to drill or raca I give you attention but don't think I'm going to love you
Cojo un preservativo pero para orcarte ranking acalma y al mismo que
I take a condom but to orchestrate you ranking calm down and the same as
Pasaba todo el dia en inpectoria niña vamos con cerveza fria
I spent all day at the inspection girl we go with cold beer
Y te quedai dormia terminai en cinta de pornografia aqui ya ya
And you fall asleep you end up in a pornographic tape here ya ya
Ponemos la clase compartimos instrumental con unos cabros de actitud
We put the class we share instrumental with some guys with attitude
Infernal pasta nostra dibuja los convocaos en tu oido viene y se arma
Infernal pasty draws the summoned ones in your ear comes and arms itself
El caos grabaciones siempre alcoholizaos con algo de Macoña ojos
The chaos recordings always alcoholized with some Macoña eyes
Achinaos fluiluminaos vete al diablo protesta que volvamos a su lao
Slanted fluilluminated go to hell protest that we return to your side
Pao abre tu cerebro pendejo mal criao este es un featuring que tu
Pao open your brain you asshole badly raised this is a featuring that your
Cerebro a reventao desde la antena suena un ritmo equilibrao
Brain blown from the antenna sounds a balanced rhythm
Me despido termino diciendo chao en tu grupo no saliste sorteao
I say goodbye I end by saying bye in your group you didn't come out drawn

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