Liber feat. Liber & Doniu - Dranie - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Liber feat. Liber & Doniu - Dranie

Bad Boy
Tak jest
That's right
2004 sprawdz to nielegal studio
2004 check it out illegal studio
Liber i Doniu
Liber and Doniu
To dla kazdej pani ktora lubi drani ktora lubi drani
This is for every lady who likes bad boys
To dla kazdej pani ktora lubi drani ktora lubi drani
This is for every lady who likes bad boys
I juz...
And now...
Oparty o bar kolejny browar saczy
Leaning against the bar, another beer in his hand
Ona krazy mowi to sie skonczy
She's going on and on, saying it's over
Bedzie final wybije twa godzina zobaczysz
The end is coming, your time is up, you'll see
A on sie smieje, pije i ruszyc sie nie raczy
But he just laughs, drinks, and doesn't budge
Wkoncu wyszla, teraz wszyscy beda plakac
Finally she leaves, now everyone's going to cry
Smutek zero smutku raczej gwar i szum
No sadness at all, rather it's a party with lots of noise
Pijanstwo ziomki wrzeszcza, wrzeszcza
Drinking buddies shouting, shouting
Ona widzi go w ramionach innych dziewczat
She sees him in the arms of other girls
Sie skonczy a wiec z pokora stan
It's over, so take it with grace
To sie skonczy ona chce bys
It's over, she wants you to
Jej sluchal bez dwoch zdan
Listen to her without question
Ona niechce bys jej sluchal
She doesn't want you to listen to her
Ona chce byc zagrozona
She wants to feel threatened
Zawsze byla z niej taka dziwna sztuka
She was always a bit of a strange one
Szuka tego pozadnego chlopca
Looking for a good guy
Szuka tego zlego z wielkim ego
Looking for a bad boy with an ego
Jak wybredny łowca
Like a picky hunter
Wiec nie biegnij
So don't run
Oni pobiegli nie znalezli
They ran and they didn't find
Po nich sladu
Any trace of them
Najwieksi biegli
The greatest runners
W oczach twych jestem taki zly
In your eyes, I'm so bad
Jestem jednym z tych
I'm one of those
Co sie smieja
Who laughs
Gdy mowisz ze masz dosyć
When you say you've had enough
Źe to sie skonczy
That it's over
Ty jestes jedna z tych ktora lubi zlych
You're one of those who likes bad boys
A ja wpadlem i zepsulem ci szyki niechcacy
And I came along and messed up your plans unintentionally
Tak sie ladnie staral grzeczny, ulozony
He tried so hard to be good, well-behaved
Nigdy nie szalal i wkoncu oszalal
He never went wild and in the end he went crazy
Po latach szesciu na przedmiesciu
After six years in the suburbs
Mial swoja narzeczona i niedoszlych tesciow
He had a fiancée and almost-in-laws
Mial cinquacento 700
He had a 700 Cinquecento
Mial szczescie tak sen sie spelnial wreszcie
He was happy, his dream was finally coming true
Miala byc klejnotem w ich krolestwie
She was going to be the jewel in their crown
Kto by pomyslal ze cos w niej obudzi taka bestie
Who would have thought that something in her would awaken such a beast?
I zacznie krazyc bo ciazy jej ta grzecznosc
And she'll start going crazy because she can't stand this politeness
Statecznosc jako koniecznosc
Stability as a necessity
Na wiecznosczamknie ja jak papuzke
Forever, he locks her away like a parrot
I bedzie czuwal
And he'll keep an eye on her
Wierci sie w piersi serce bo chce fruwac
Her heart aches in her chest because she wants to fly
I z dala od ciebie po klubach przebiec
And she'll go clubbing far away from you
Uzyc siebie wkoncu ma nieduzy przebieg
She'll finally use herself, she's got low mileage
Zdrowa dwudziestka dwojka idzie w dluga
A healthy twenty-two year old goes on and on
Z tym co zwie ja szmata i suka
With the one who calls her a slut and a whore
A Ty byles jej sluga
And you were her servant
W oczach twych jestem taki zly
In your eyes, I'm so bad
Jestem jednym z tych
I'm one of those
Co sie smieja
Who laughs
Gdy mowisz ze masz dosyć
When you say you've had enough
Że to sie skonczy
That it's over
Ty jestes jedna z tych ktora lubi zlych
You're one of those who likes bad boys
A ja wpadlem i zepsulem ci szyki niechcacy
And I came along and messed up your plans unintentionally

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