Lil Supa - Hambre - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Lil Supa - Hambre

still hungry
still hungry
stay hungry
stay hungry
Paso mis vacaciones en lagunas mentales
I spend my holidays in mental lagoons
Ya no recibo regalos en navidades, sabes
I don't get presents at Christmas anymore, you know
Curo mis males desahogándome en bares
I cure my ills by venting in bars
Humedeciendo vaginas e instrumentales, ya ves
Wetting vaginas and instrumentals, you see
Proyectos de vida no tengo
I have no life projects
Tengo temas nuevos
I have new topics
Algunos quieren tener la vida que llevo pero
Some people want to have the life I lead but
No se imaginan lo que me cuesta conseguir dinero
You can't imagine what it costs me to get money
Ni el cansancio que producen los viajes del ego
Nor the tiredness caused by ego trips
Si hay algo que aprendí desde pequeño
If there's one thing I've learned since I was little
Es a nunca confundir a mis visiones con mis sueños
Is to never confuse my visions with my dreams
Ambiciones con empeño
Ambitions with determination
De mi cielo soy el dueño
Of my heaven I am the owner
Y no le doy la solución de mis conflictos a un leño
And I don't give the solution of my conflicts to a log
Soy muy feliz a mi manera
I am very happy in my own way
Los tontos salen a pescar cuando hay mar de leva
Fools go out fishing when there is a sea of cam
Yo espero el momento preciso para hacer que llueva
I'm waiting for the right moment to make it rain
¿Tenías algo que decirme?
Did you have something to tell me?
Bah! Wereva'
Bah! Wereva'
Tenemos hambre de ganar
We are hungry to win
We still hungry
We still hungry
No hay tiempo para celebrar
There is no time to celebrate
'cause we still hungry
'cause we're still hungry
Acabamos de cenar
We just had dinner
But we still hungry
But we still hungry
No se queje mijo
Don't complain mijo
And better stay hungry
And better stay hungry
Tenemos hambre de ganar (yeah)
We're hungry to win (yeah)
We still hungry
We still hungry
No hay tiempo para celebrar
There is no time to celebrate
'cause we still hungry
'cause we're still hungry
Acabamos de cenar
We just had dinner
But we still hungry
But we still hungry
Don't you worry mijo
Don't you worry millet
Baby don't you worry
Baby don't you worry
Lo primero que debes entender
The first thing you need to understand
Es que solo compito para verte perder
Is that I'm only competing to see you lose
Poseo un apetito infinito por aprender
I have an endless appetite for learning
Y leo para comprender el gran poder de saber
And I read to understand the great power of knowing
¿Se entiende?
Do you understand?
Me tengo fe, pero no confío en la gente
I have faith in myself, but I don't trust people
Ni creo en los llamados golpes de suerte
Nor do I believe in so-called lucky breaks
Solo dependo del control de mi mente
I just depend on the control of my mind
Ya que nadie llega a ser millonario sin ser inteligente
Since no one becomes a millionaire without being smart
Defino mi camino
I define my path
Cuido mi caminar
I take care of my walking
Escribo mi destino
I write my destiny
No lo dejo al azar
I don't leave it to chance
Prefiero blanco el vino para los frutos del mar
I prefer white wine for the fruits of the sea
No trates de engañar a alguien con buen paladar (ajá)
Don't try to fool someone with a good palate (aha)
Mis exquisitos escritos guardan propósitos
My exquisite writings keep purposes
Honores, méritos, objetivos, éxitos
Honors, merits, goals, successes
Fotogramas inéditos, lugares insólitos
Unpublished stills, unusual places
Con el dinero que obtuve en pretérito (ja)
With the money I got in the past tense (ha)
Haciendo vueltas de trabajo para salir de abajo
Doing laps of work to get out from under
La vida es una lucha libre donde no hay relajo
Life is a wrestling match where there is no relaxation
Si tengo par de hoes al lado sobándome el tajo
If I have a couple of hoes next to me rubbing the chopping block
Lo demás al carajo ando contando fajos
The rest fuck I'm counting wads
Vine a llenar mi pocket, daré lo que me provoque
I came to fill my pocket, I will give what provokes me
Fuck it! pero sin perder el enfoque
Fuck it! but without losing the focus
Ganando cash en toques
Earning cash in touches
Para irme a Los Roques
To go to Los Roques
Bien lejos de todos los cocks suckers
Well away from all the cocks suckers
Tenemos hambre de ganar
We are hungry to win
We still hungry
We still hungry
No hay tiempo para celebrar
There is no time to celebrate
'cause we still hungry
'cause we still hungry
Acabamos de cenar
Acabamos de cenar
But we still hungry
But we still hungry
No se queje mijo
No se queje mijo
And better stay hungry
And better stay hungry
Tenemos hambre de ganar (yeah)
Tenemos hambre de ganar (yeah)
We still hungry
We still hungry
No hay tiempo para celebrar
No hay tiempo para celebrar
'cause we still hungry
'cause we still hungry
Acabamos de cenar
Acabamos de cenar
But we still hungry
But we still hungry
Don't you worry mijo
Don't you worry mijo
Better stay hungry
Better stay hungry

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