Lipo feat. Debbi - Lezim V Tve Blizkosti - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Lipo feat. Debbi - Lezim V Tve Blizkosti

Lezim V Tve Blizkosti
Lying In Your Closeness
Why are you so gentle if you wanna leave me?
Why are you so gentle if you wanna leave me?
It's not easy, because you need me,
It's not easy, because you need me,
Because you need me.
Because you need me.
Ptáš se miluješ mě, a ti odpovídám stroze: "Miluješ ty sebe?"
You ask if you love me, and I answer you bluntly: "Do you love yourself?"
Odpověď zasypaná ledem
The answer is buried in ice
A my ji žhavou chcem, tak zkoušíme to tělem.
And we want it hot, so we try it with our bodies.
Poslední šance cejtit život, tak si ji berem.
The last chance to feel alive, so we take it.
Maj přijít temný chvíle her na samostatnost.
Dark times of playing independence are coming.
A proč ta vůně konce? Protože mám možnost.
And why the smell of the end? Because I have a choice.
Nikdy jsem nelitoval, že jen zničím ideál.
I never regretted destroying the ideal.
A nevíš o čem mluvím, pokud jsi neprohrál.
And you don't know what I'm talking about if you haven't lost.
Ráno dusivej tlak, že umřem v týhle lodi.
Suffocating pressure in the morning that we'll die in this ship.
Když končit vztah, tak to prostě bolí.
When a relationship is about to end, it just hurts.
Budeš se ptát a ti nedám odpovědi.
You will ask me and I will not give you answers.
Ale co to změní, tak ale co to změní?
But what will it change, but what will it change?
Kalhoty smradlavý z putiky, dřez plnej nádobí.
Pants stinking from the pub, sink full of dishes.
Život jak z benzínky, tohle není dobrý.
Life like from a gas station, this is not good.
Jestli maj' přijít změny, musí přijít i rozuzlení.
If changes are coming, the denouement must come too.
I když milovat je slib, za nějž jsme odpovědní.
Even though to love is a promise for which we are responsible.
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
You and I. Why You and I?
You and I. Why You and I?
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
You and I. Why You and I?
You and I. Why You and I?
Hádat se a vyčítat si, to umíme.
We know how to argue and blame each other.
Když jde o podporu tak radši rychle mizíme.
When it comes to support, we prefer to disappear quickly.
Dráždíme se navzájem, jsme jako noc a den, vždyť to být vztah, kde nikdo není vítězem.
We irritate each other, we are like night and day, it should be a relationship where no one is the winner.
teď musím nutně jít, nevím proč a kam.
I have to go now, I don't know why or where.
chápu věci, tak se do nicoty propadám.
I understand things now, so I'm falling into nothingness.
Ano propadám a vzpomínám jen na ty chvíle,
Yes, I'm falling and I only remember those moments,
I když jsem netušil, že na ni budu myslet.
Even though I had no idea that I would think about you.
Z toho nejde žít, vzpomínat se přece nedá.
You can't live like this, you can't remember.
Láska je věčná, ale silnější jsou naše ega.
Love is eternal, but our egos are stronger.
Nějak se nedojímám, když se vracím k fotkám.
I'm not touched somehow when I go back to the photos.
Nevěřím v minulost, proto jenom čekám.
I don't believe in the past, so I'm just waiting.
Čekám potkám, ty se budeš sladce smát.
I'm waiting to meet you, you'll smile sweetly.
Budeš šťastná, nebudeš sama, bude to pro rána.
You'll be happy, you won't be alone, it will be a wound for me.
Představíš mi přítele, pozdravím a půjdu dál
You will introduce me to your boyfriend, I will greet him and move on
Se vzpomínkou na lásku, kde nikdo nevyhrál.
With the memory of love where no one won.
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
You and I. Why You and I?
You and I. Why You and I?
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
You and I. Why You and I?
You and I. Why You and I?
Z toho nejde žít, vzpomínat se přece nedá, láska je věčná, ale silnější jsou naše ega.
You can't live like this, you can't remember, love is eternal, but our egos are stronger.
Nějak se nedojímám, když se vracím k fotkám.
I'm not touched somehow when I go back to the photos.
Nevěřím v minulost, proto jenom čekám.
I don't believe in the past, so I'm just waiting.
Čekám potkám, ty se budeš sladce smát.
I'm waiting to meet you, you'll smile sweetly.
Budeš šťastná, nebudeš sama, bude to pro rána.
You'll be happy, you won't be alone, it will be a wound for me.
Představíš mi přítele, pozdravím a půjdu dál
You will introduce me to your boyfriend, I will greet him and move on
Se vzpomínkou na lásku, kde nikdo nevyhrál.
With the memory of love where no one won.
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
You and I. Why You and I?
You and I. Why You and I?
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
You and I. Why You and I?
You and I. Why You and I?
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
You and I. Why You and I?
You and I. Why You and I?
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
Why are you so gentle, if you wanna leave me? It's not easy, because you need me.
You and I. Why You and I?
You and I. Why You and I?

Авторы: Odd

Lipo feat. Debbi - Lezim V Tve Blizkosti
Lezim V Tve Blizkosti
дата релиза

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