Lito y Polaco - Andamos Prestau - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Lito y Polaco - Andamos Prestau

Andamos Prestau
Borrowed Time
(Por favor ingrese su contrase a.)
(Please enter your password.)
*Bip, bip, bip, bip*
*Beep, beep, beep, beep*
(Usted tiene un mensaje no escuchado.)
(You have one unheard message.)
(Primer mensaje...)
(First message...)
\"Mierda, loco...
\"Damn, dude...
Otra vez esta maldita grabadora, co o...
That damn recorder again, dude...
Fill me in...
Dime que es lo que es con ese maldito feo...
Tell me what's up with that damn ugly...
Que casi te mete preso...
Who almost got you locked up...
Co o...
Aqui to el mundo en el bloque...
Everyone in the block here...
To' los malditos capos...
All the damn kingpins...
Hablando de esta maldita vaina, co o...
Talking about this damn thing, dude...
Tirame pa' tras, mi pana...
Call me back, buddy...
Fill me in...\"
Hey! Yo!
Hey! Yo!
Hey! Yeah!
Hey! Yeah!
Sencillo, eran las 9 de la ma ana
Simple, it was 9 in the morning
Me llama y me dice:
He calls me and says:
(\"Papito, me llego tu paquetito.\")
(\"Daddy, your little package arrived.\")
Tranquilito, voy a llamar al hombre ahora
Calmly, I'm going to call the man now
Pa' que te baje el chequecito
So he can drop you the little check
(\"Tu sabes como te queremos...)
(\"You know how we love you...)
(Asi que cuando bajes, papito...)
(So when you come down, daddy...)
(Mejor hazlo solito...\")
(Better do it alone...\")
Yo lo entendi, pero no comprendi
I understood, but I didn't comprehend
La pichaera de hablar tanto bonito
The slickness of talking so nice
Humildon, salgo pa' la calle
Humbly, I go out to the street
Sin prendon, pero nunca sin mi batucon
Without bling, but never without my piece
Recuerda, que el que la gallina coma maiz
Remember, just because the chicken eats corn
No significa que cague popcorn
Doesn't mean it shits popcorn
Prendo el melon, y saco 20 pacas de a mil
I grab my melon, and take out 20 stacks of a thousand
Sin miedo a morir, queria invertir
Not afraid to die, I wanted to invest
Como me suelen decir: \"Si te pica te rascas.\"
As they say: \"If it itches, you scratch it.\"
Si tienes miedo a morir, es mejor que ni nazcas
If you're afraid to die, you're better off not being born
Son las 11 de la ma ana
It's 11 in the morning
Y hasta que no acabe el trabajo
And until the job is done
No quiero marijuana, no quiero nebuleo
I don't want marijuana, I don't want haze
Hoy quiero andar con la mente sana
Today I want to walk with a clear mind
Todo en baja, pero mi mai me llama:
Everything is chill, but my mom calls me:
(\"Que Dios te bendiga.\")
(\"May God bless you.\")
Que paso?
What's up?
(\"Tuve una pesadilla.\")
(\"I had a nightmare.\")
Que paso?
What happened?
(\"Te vi dentro de un calabozo...)
(\"I saw you inside a dungeon...)
(\"Escribiendo una cancion sentao en una silla...\")
(\"Writing a song sitting on a chair...\")
Como es?
What's it like?
(\"Donde solo te dejaban ver...)
(\"Where they only let you see...)
(\"La luz del sol una hora por dia...)
(\"The sunlight one hour a day...)
(\"Donde a tu hijo no podias ver crecer...)
(\"Where you couldn't see your son grow up...)
(\"Y te visitaban los que mas te querian...\")
(\"And you were visited by those who loved you the most...\")
Diablo, vieja, eso esta cabron
Damn, ma, that's messed up
Perdona, mami, eso esta brutal
Sorry, ma, that's brutal
Pero tengo al Boster en linea
But I have Boster on the line
Y tan pronto termine pa'tra te vuelvo a llamar
And as soon as I'm done, I'll call you back
Que pasa, bellaco?
What's up, scoundrel?
(\"Diablo, cabron!)
(\"Damn, dude!\")
(\"No te consigo desde que eres Polaco.\")
(\"I can't reach you since you've become Polaco.\")
Hombre no, no seas tan guason
Man, no, don't be so funny
(\"Hombre no, tu sa'es que es vacilon.\")
(\"Man, no, you know it's a joke.\")
Que esta pasando?
What's going on?
(\"Tu te acuerdas de tu pana...)
(\"You remember your buddy...)
(\"Que tenia los paquetitos a $20 pesos, el cabron?\")
(\"Who had the little packages for $20, the bastard?\")
Que paso?
What happened?
(\"Pues lo vi ayer en el tribunal...)
(\"Well, I saw him yesterday in court...)
(Porque Hanser me llevo por no pagar pension...\")
(Because Hanser took me for not paying child support...\")
Y que paso?
And what happened?
(\"Tu sabes que...?\")
(\"You know what...?\")
Que? Que?
What? What?
(\"Lleva una placa, el lechon...\")
(\"He's got a sentence, the pig...\")
Mucho ojo, y cuidao' con el de al lao'
Watch out, and be careful with the one next door
(\"Recuerda que andamos prestaos...\")
(\"Remember that we're living on borrowed time...\")
Se mas humilde, y no seas tan guillao'
Be more humble, and don't be so cocky
Mucho ojo, y cuidao' con el de al lao'
Watch out, and be careful with the one next door
(\"Recuerda que andamos prestaos...\")
(\"Remember that we're living on borrowed time...\")
Se mas humilde, y no seas tan guillao'
Be more humble, and don't be so cocky
{\"Recuerda que andamos prestaos...\"}
{\"Remember that we're living on borrowed time...\"}
Agosto del '96 fue la fecha
August of '96 was the date
En la que yo volvi a nacer
When I was born again
Fue en el a o, en el que las balas rozaban mi cara
It was the year bullets grazed my face
Y la muerte de un bocao' me iba a comer
And death from a muzzle was about to devour me
No paraba de llover, un fili yo enrolaba
It wouldn't stop raining, I was rolling a joint
Mientras el hablaba yo me preparaba pa' encender
While he talked, I was getting ready to light up
Un sin-semilla, corriendo el punto 'e mantequilla
A sinsemilla, running the butter point
Dando mas vueltas que la mujer maravilla
Spinning more than Wonder Woman
Iba quemando, y el roncando
I was burning, and he was snoring
Que se fue hasta bajo ayer janguiando
That he went to the bottom yesterday, getting high
Que en la disco yo estaba sonando
That I was playing in the disco
Y a mis enemigos vio brincando
And saw my enemies jumping
Que en la disco habia un escarseo
That there was a squabble at the disco
Con las gatas del pueblo un bellaqueo
A flirting with the town girls
Se salio del VIP con la mujer de fulano de tal
He left the VIP with so-and-so's wife
Hacia el parking pa' darle dedo
Heading to the parking lot to give her the finger
La hermana del marido estaba alli
The husband's sister was there
Y los mango a los dos en el nebuleo
And caught them both in the haze
Sin miqueo salio detras de ellos
Without hesitation, he went after them
Para formarle el rebuleo
To make a ruckus
A ella le dijo puta asquerosa
He called her a filthy whore
Y a el le bajo con sendo fronteo
And confronted him with a serious glare
El le dijo: \"Mira, cagate en tu madre!
He told him: \"Look, fuck your mother!
Y dile a tu hermano que es tremendo pendejo!\"
And tell your brother he's a damn fool!\"
Despues de eso recuerdo que el fili me pateo
After that, I remember the joint hit me
El tipo se ranqueo, hasta la nota me subio
The guy freaked out, I got super high
El tipo estaba guillao' de cabron
The guy was a damn hothead
Y por bocon, no sabia que ese era su ultimo blunt
And because of his big mouth, he didn't know it was his last blunt
Sin precaucion dimos la ronda
Without caution, we took a spin
Y nos siguio un Honda que sin perdon
And a Honda followed us, without mercy
Se acercaron a la ventana de el
They approached his window
Sacaron rifle, escopeta, y ca on
They pulled out a rifle, a shotgun, and a cannon
Y se oyo...
And you could hear...
Y ahi estaba yo
And there I was
Con solo medio cuerpo en la calle
With only half my body on the street
Por culpa del cinturon
Because of the seatbelt
Viendolo, como lo reventaban
Watching them blow him to pieces
Viendolo, como le vuelan el melon
Watching them blow his brains out
Por que no es lo mismo
Because it's not the same
Que vengan y te lo cuenten
To have them come and tell you about it
Que vivirlo en carne propia, de corazon
Than to experience it firsthand, from the heart
Mucho ojo, y cuidao' con el de al lao'
Watch out, and be careful with the one next door
(\"Recuerda que andamos prestaos...\")
(\"Remember that we're living on borrowed time...\")
Se mas humilde, y no seas tan guillao'
Be more humble, and don't be so cocky
Mucho ojo, y cuidao' con el de al lao'
Watch out, and be careful with the one next door
(\"Recuerda que andamos prestaos...\")
(\"Remember that we're living on borrowed time...\")
Se mas humilde, y no seas tan guillao'
Be more humble, and don't be so cocky
{\"Recuerda que andamos prestaos...\"}
{\"Remember that we're living on borrowed time...\"}
{\"Recuerda que andamos prestaos...\"}
{\"Remember that we're living on borrowed time...\"}
{\"Recuerda que andamos prestaos...\"}
{\"Remember that we're living on borrowed time...\"}
{\"...borrowed time...\"}
{\"...borrowed time...\"}
{\"...borrowed time...\"}

Авторы: Rafael Pina

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