Lopes - Pole 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Pole 2 - Lopesперевод на английский

Pole 2
Pole 2
Me levanto con un culo que es la cream
I wake up with an ass that's the cream of the crop,
Y con la carga de por vida de nunca sentirme bien
And with the lifelong burden of never feeling good enough.
Los problemas vienen todos juntos, me la suda friend
Problems come all at once, I don't give a damn, friend,
Porque si vienen todos juntos los barro juntos también
Because if they come together, I sweep them away together too.
Yo antes de cantar ya firmaba culos y tetas
Before I sang, I was already signing asses and tits,
Me paso por los huevos tu disco y vuestra maqueta
I don't give a shit about your album or your demo tape.
Chulo, inteligente y con orgullo
Cool, intelligent and with pride,
Nadie se preocupa por lo mío, si no tiene que ver con lo suyo
Nobody cares about my stuff, if it doesn't have to do with theirs.
Esto peta, oye de pararme no hay manera
This is popping, there's no way to stop me,
Pa' yo canto pa' la gente callejera
I sing for the street people.
Mandar gente a por ti
Sending people after you
Es como que pidas en AliExpres te enteras
Is like ordering from AliExpress, you know,
Que te llega a la casa cuando menos te lo esperas
It arrives at your house when you least expect it.
Puerta abajo todo pa'l carajo
Downstairs, everything goes to hell,
Vivo criminal sin nómina y con trabajo
I live a criminal life without a paycheck and with a job.
Cari mira lo siento
Honey, I'm sorry,
He sufrido por tanto que nada me parece para tanto de momento
I've suffered so much that nothing seems like too much to me right now.
No me toques las pelotas
Don't get on my nerves
Más con tanta tontería
Anymore with so much nonsense,
Voy a plaga por noche y botellas por día
I'm going for a plague per night and bottles per day.
La cabeza destrozada, nada vale más que el honor
My head is shattered, nothing is worth more than honor,
Porque lo que tengas sin honor no vale nada
Because what you have without honor is worth nothing.
Yo ando a mis quehaceres, a dejadme aparte
I'm doing my thing, leave me alone,
Muestra lo que quieres y sabrán donde atacarte
Show what you want and they'll know where to attack you.
A aunque me ataques me haces bien, ¿sabías?
Even if you attack me, you do me good, you know?
Porque cuanto más chungo me lo metas, más le meto todavía
Because the harder you throw it at me, the harder I throw it back.
Todo fue muy bonito pero tía
Everything was very nice, but girl,
Lo que más echo de menos de ti es cuando no te conocía
What I miss most about you is when I didn't know you.
No lloro por quien se viene o quien se va
I don't cry for who comes or who goes,
Todo vuelve al sitio de donde es y
Everything returns to the place where it belongs and
Si no vuelve es que es de donde está
If it doesn't come back, it's because it's from where it is.
Me dijeron si sigues así acabaras en Teixerio
They told me if I keep going like this I'll end up in Teixerio,
Y estoy en camariñas zorra, bebiendo un ribeiro
And I'm in Camariñas, bitch, drinking a Ribeiro.
Quiero que le vaya bien a quien me quiera joder, bro
I want those who want to screw me over to do well, bro,
Pa' que vean que aun yéndole bien nunca serán mejor que yo
So they can see that even if they do well, they'll never be better than me.
En las guerras pierde todo el mundo loco pero yo
In wars everyone loses, crazy, but I
Gano el saber quien está de mi lado y quien no
Win by knowing who is on my side and who is not.
No vivo engañado, que cuando venga el lío
I don't live deceived, I know that when the trouble comes,
El único hombro que tengo pa' llorar es el mío
The only shoulder I have to cry on is my own.
Yo ya no sufro por nada vacilón y chulo
I don't suffer for anything anymore, I'm cocky and cool,
Si no es guapa de cara, será guapa de culo
If she's not pretty in the face, she'll be pretty in the ass.
Quien sepa de rap de calle ya tiene seguro
Whoever knows about street rap is already sure
Que en la puta calle española soy número uno
That in the fucking Spanish streets, I'm number one.
Yo ya no sufro por nada vacilón y chulo
I don't suffer for anything anymore, I'm cocky and cool,
Si no es guapa de cara, será guapa de culo
If she's not pretty in the face, she'll be pretty in the ass.
Quien sepa de rap de calle ya tiene seguro
Whoever knows about street rap is already sure
Que en la puta calle española soy número uno
That in the fucking Spanish streets, I'm number one.
No me fío de nadie, ¿sabes por qué compañero?
I don't trust anyone, you know why, partner?
Porque matarías por pero por ti primero
Because you would kill for me, yes, but for yourself first.
Cundo hay desgracias delante no valen gilipolleces
When there are misfortunes ahead, bullshit doesn't work,
Conmigo si estás a instantes es como si no estuvieses
With me, if you're there for moments, it's as if you weren't there at all.
A veces voy mal o bien pero siempre de frente
Sometimes I go bad or good, but always head-on,
Sacar beneficio de la derrota es ganaros siempre
To benefit from defeat is to always win against you.
Segundas oportunidades se dan a quien comete un error
Second chances are given to those who make a mistake,
No a quien ya es un error directamente
Not to those who are already a mistake directly.
Y siendo un subnormal, ¿cómo es que te va ser fiel?
And you, being a dumbass, how is she going to be faithful to you?
Si prefiere ir conmigo a un portal que contigo a un hotel
If she prefers to go with me to a doorway than with you to a hotel.
Piensa en como lo hacíamos anda cachonda perdida
Think about how we used to do it, come on, lost horny,
Si la cojo endemonia'o, la follo seis horas seguidas
If I catch her possessed, I'll fuck her for six hours straight.
No hay problema nena, por aquí todo tranquilo
No problem babe, everything is calm here,
El domingo subo otro tema y el martes llega otro kilo
I'll upload another song on Sunday and another kilo arrives on Tuesday.
Mira, si estás en la mierda voy a la mierda contigo
Look, if you're in the shit, I'll go to the shit with you,
Y si no vienes a la mía ya no te quiero conmigo
And if you don't come to mine, I don't want you with me anymore.
Y tu la lealtad no la puedes comprar con dinero
And you can't buy loyalty with money,
Porque justo se demuestra cuando la cuenta está a cero
Because it's precisely shown when the account is at zero.
Y tu mierda de canción no va cambiar el mundo MC
And your shitty song won't change the world, MC,
Pero un tiro en la cabeza a algún corrupto fijo que
But a shot in the head to some corrupt guy sure will.
Eyo hola, yo soy como Roma, mi amor
Hey there, I'm like Rome, my love,
Porque aunque esté en la ruina sigo teniendo mi valor
Because even though I'm in ruins, I still have my value.
El que es amigo de todo el mundo es porque es un lameculos
He who is a friend to everyone is because he is an ass-kisser,
Y cuando el mundo esté en guerra no será amigo 'e ninguno
And when the world is at war, he won't be a friend to anyone.
Habláis de no ser chivatos, es muy fácil rapearlo
You talk about not being snitches, it's very easy to rap about it,
Pero cuantos comisteis prisión para demostrarlo
But how many of you ate prison to prove it?
Ante nada me paro ya aunque traten de joderlo
I don't stop at anything anymore, even if they try to screw it up,
Pa' si tienes algo claro no hay que decirlo, hay que hacerlo
Because if you have something clear, you don't have to say it, you have to do it.
Tronca, a los contras me importan un huevo
Girl, I don't give a damn about the haters,
Si sale mal un manejo, manejo de nuevo
If a deal goes wrong, I deal again.
Me enfrento al desastre
I face disaster,
Si lo intentaste todo y no funcionó es porque todo no lo intentaste
If you tried everything and it didn't work, it's because you didn't try everything.
Yo ya no sufro por nada vacilón y chulo
I don't suffer for anything anymore, I'm cocky and cool,
Si no es guapa de cara, será guapa de culo
If she's not pretty in the face, she'll be pretty in the ass.
Quien sepa de rap de calle ya tiene seguro
Whoever knows about street rap is already sure
Que en la puta calle española soy número uno
That in the fucking Spanish streets, I'm number one.
Yo ya no sufro por nada vacilón y chulo
I don't suffer for anything anymore, I'm cocky and cool,
Si no es guapa de cara, será guapa de culo
If she's not pretty in the face, she'll be pretty in the ass.
Quien sepa de rap de calle ya tiene seguro
Whoever knows about street rap is already sure
Que en la puta calle española soy número uno
That in the fucking Spanish streets, I'm number one.

Авторы: Jose Manuel López Lista

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