Doddy feat. Lora - Bine mersi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Doddy feat. Lora - Bine mersi

Bine mersi
Feeling Good
Împreună am putea fi,
We could be together,
Bine Mersi...
Feeling Good...
E clar... sunt ca un bibelou!
It's clear... I'm like a trinket!
Toata noaptea m-am gândit la tine şi la corpul tău,
I thought about you and your body all night, babe,
Nici măcar n-am putut dorm, zău...
I couldn't even sleep, honestly...
Gândul ai putea fi cu altcineva-mi face rău.
The thought of you being with someone else hurts me.
Te-am văzut pe la metrou
I saw you at the subway
Sau undeva pe la birou... uuu...
Or somewhere at the office... uuu...
Nu stiu ce s-a întâmplat,
I don't know what happened,
Dar nu mai pot... no...
But I can't take it anymore... no...
Sa te tot întâlnesc fără ca eu nu ştiu care-i numele tău.
To keep meeting you without even knowing your name.
Şi-ncotro te duci tu mereu soro!?
And where do you always go, girl!?
vrea te ţin de mână
Because I would like to hold your hand
Dacă tot eşti solo.
If you're single anyway.
Şi vrea fim împreună
And I would like us to be together
te plimb ca Zorro, pe cal, aşa natural...
To ride you like Zorro, on a horse, so naturally...
Eu care credeam că-n viaţa le-am văzut pe toate,
I used to think that I had seen it all in life,
Ca nu există una care dea pe spate.
That there was no one who could knock me off my feet.
Până ai apărut tu, profesoara de karate,
Until you showed up, the karate teacher,
Şi mai pus la pământ
And even more grounded
Cu mâinile strâns legate.
With my hands tied tightly.
Mai făcut cât ai clipi
It took just a blink of the eye
trăiesc ca-n poezii.
To live as if in poetry.
Şi te caut zi de zi,
And I'm looking for you day after day,
Lângă tine putea fi...
I could be next to you...
Bine Mersi, lângă tine putea fi...
Feeling Good, next to you I could be...
Bine Mersi, împreună am putea fi...
Feeling Good, together we could be...
Bine Mersi... Bine Mersi
Feeling Good... Feeling Good
Şi oriunde fi...
And wherever I might be...
Gândul îmi zboară ca o pasăre la tine... uuuiii...
My thoughts fly like a bird to you... uuuiii...
Wow, astea-s prostii.
Wow, this is nonsense.
Data viitoare o spun, trebuie stii;
Next time I'll say, you need to know;
vrea fiu acela cu care te trezeşti dimineaţa,
I would like to be the one you wake up with in the morning,
Care-ţi vede faţa, primul cu care-ţi bei cafeaua,
Who sees your face, the first one to drink coffee with you,
Care-ţi face mai frumoasă viaţa când te schimbi şi tragem canapeaua...
Who makes your life more beautiful when you get dressed and pull the couch...
Dar cine vrea ştie eşti prima
But who would want to know that you are the first
Care m-ar putea modela ca plastilina.
Who could shape me like plasticine.
Dupa care m-aş căra în Palestina
After which I would go to Palestine
Pe jos sau cu maşina...
On foot or by car...
Eu care credeam că-n viaţa le-am văzut pe toate,
I used to think that I had seen it all in life,
Ca nu există una care dea pe spate.
That there was no one who could knock me off my feet.
Până ai apărut tu, profesoara de karate,
Until you showed up, the karate teacher,
Şi mai pus la pământ
And even more grounded
Cu mâinile strâns legate.
With my hands tied tightly.
Mai făcut cât ai clipi
It took just a blink of the eye
trăiesc ca-n poezii.
To live as if in poetry.
Şi te caut zi de zi,
And I'm looking for you day after day,
Lângă tine putea fi...
I could be next to you...
Bine Mersi, lângă tine putea fi...
Feeling Good, next to you I could be...
Bine Mersi, împreună am putea fi...
Feeling Good, together we could be...
Bine Mersi... Bine Mersi
Feeling Good... Feeling Good

Авторы: Mihai Vasile Boldea, Polk Dumitru Claudiu

Doddy feat. Lora - Bine Mersi
Bine Mersi
дата релиза

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