Los 4 - Son De Amores - перевод текста песни на английский

Son De Amores - Los 4перевод на английский

Son De Amores
Loves of Love
No pero, donde quiera que estés
I don't know, but wherever you are
Si te llega mi voz
If my voice reaches you
Quiero que sepas que
I want you to know that
sabes, te quiero
You know, I love you
Perdona si pregunto por cómo te encuentras (ay)
Forgive me if I ask how you are (oh)
Pero me han comentado que te han visto sola
But I've been told they've seen you alone
Llorando por las calles en altas horas
Crying in the streets at late hours
Ay, como una loca, loca, loca (dile)
Oh, like a crazy woman, crazy, crazy (tell her)
Comentan que tu niño a ti te ha dejado
They say your man has left you
Que no existe consuelo para tanto llanto
That there is no comfort for so much crying
Que solo una amiga está a tu lado (eso)
That only a friend is by your side (that's it)
No llores más mi niña, niña, niña
Don't cry anymore my girl, girl, girl
Son de amores (son amores mami)
They are loves of love (they are loves of love, mami)
Amores que matan (ahí, ahí)
Loves that kill (there, there)
Amores que ríen
Loves that laugh
Amores que lloran, amores que amargan (dale, repítelo otra vez)
Loves that cry, loves that embitter (come on, repeat it again)
Son de amores (sí son esos, esos)
They are loves of love (yes, they are those, those)
Amores que engañan (tú no sabe' na', ¡mira!)
Loves that deceive (you don't know anything, look!)
Amores que agobian
Loves that overwhelm
Amores que juegan, amores que faltan
Loves that play, loves that are missing
El jefe, mira, yo te lo dije mil veces
Boss, look, I told you a thousand times
Son amores de verdad, amores sin intereses
They are loves of truth, loves without interest
Amores que se van cuidando como un niño
Loves that are cared for like a child
Y con el tiempo crece y crece
And with time it grows and grows
Amores que te hacen reír, que te hacen llorar
Loves that make you laugh, that make you cry
Que te hacen fingir, que te hacen gritar
That make you pretend, that make you scream
Amores que se nutren de otras cosas
Loves that feed on other things
Y si no lo cuidas con el tiempo perecen
And if you don't take care of it, it perishes over time
Dicen que la vieron sola
They say they saw her alone
Pero también dicen que en su corazón nadie manda
But they also say that no one rules in her heart
Que entre cuatro paredes se queja de lo que le duele
That between four walls she complains about what hurts her
Y a veces a la luna le canta
And sometimes she sings to the moon
Aunque la veas reír su autoestima está en el suelo
Even though you see her laugh, her self-esteem is on the ground
Ya le bastará el mismo que su corazón rompió
The same one who broke her heart will be enough for her
Ya no habrá más consuelo
There will be no more comfort
Y en tu corazón no hay calor ni frío (no hay calor ni frío)
And in your heart there is no heat or cold (no heat or cold)
Es como un dolor o un escalofrío (dilo)
It's like a pain or a chill (say it)
Y hasta tu propia alma crees que es tu enemigo
And even your own soul you think is your enemy
Y eso que vive contigo (solo quiero que me entiendas)
And that lives with you (I just want you to understand me)
Oh, no (mira, mira, mira)
Oh, no (look, look, look)
Deja de llorar y piensa que algún día un niño te dará
Stop crying and think that one day a boy will give you
Toda esa fantasía, esa y mucho más
All that fantasy, that and much more
Porque no estás loca, loca, loca
Because you are not crazy, crazy, crazy
Deja de llorar y sécate esas lagrimillas de cristal
Stop crying and dry those crystal tears
Que el tiempo volverá seguro a rescatar
That time will surely come back to rescue
Toda esa fantasía
All that fantasy
Son de amores
They are loves of love
Amores que matan (son amores que matan, mami)
Loves that kill (they are loves that kill, mami)
Amores que ríen
Loves that laugh
Amores que lloran, amores que amargan (dale repítelo otra vez)
Loves that cry, loves that embitter (come on, repeat it again)
Son de amores (son de amores, sí)
They are loves of love (they are loves of love, yes)
Amores que engañan (es otra cosa, dilo así, vamo' allá)
Loves that deceive (it's something else, say it like that, let's go there)
Amores que agobian
Loves that overwhelm
Amores que juegan, amores que faltan
Loves that play, loves that are missing
Dedicado para ti, con mucho placer
Dedicated to you, with great pleasure
Recuerda, que si no te quieres
Remember, if you don't love yourself
Nadie te va a querer
Nobody is going to love you
Vamo' arriba directamente desde el cuartel, vamo' allá
Let's go upstairs directly from the barracks, let's go there

Авторы: Simon Lucas Gonzalez Gomez

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