Los Invasores de Nuevo León - Leonardo Reyes - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Los Invasores de Nuevo León - Leonardo Reyes

Leonardo Reyes
Leonardo Reyes
Leonardo tenía treinta años
Leonardo was thirty years old
Cuando se fue de este mundo
When he left this world
Estando lleno de vida
Being full of life
Se le acabó en un segundo
It ended in a second
Sus padres no se consuelan
His parents are inconsolable
De ese pesar tan profundo
From that deep sorrow
Era único en su familia
He was unique in his family
No le gustó la pobreza
He didn't like poverty
Sus padres le aconsejaban
His parents advised him
No seas de mala cabeza
Don't be stubborn
El que anda mal, mal acaba
He who does wrong, ends badly
Puedes tener la certeza
You can be sure of that
Estando recién casado
Being freshly married
Renegaba de su esposa
He denied his wife
Tenía una novia muy linda
He had a very pretty girlfriend
En la ciudad de Reynosa
In the city of Reynosa
Aparte de una querida
Apart from a lover
Por si fuera poca cosa
As if that wasn't enough
Sin despedirse de nadie
Without saying goodbye to anyone
Un día cruzó la frontera
One day he crossed the border
Nomás pa' ver a qué saben
Just to see what it was like
Se casa con una güera
He married a blonde
Y se olvidó por completo
And he completely forgot
De lo que dejó en su tierra
About what he left in his homeland
Tenía suerte en los amores
He was lucky in love
Y con nadie estuvo engrido
And he was never arrogant with anyone
Y enamoró a una chicana
And he fell in love with a Chicana
Que no quiso compartirlo
Who didn't want to share him
Y pa' que no la engañara
And so that he wouldn't cheat on her
Le disparó cinco tiros
She shot him five times
Palomas que van del norte
Doves that come from the north
Si cruzan el río Bravo
If you cross the Rio Bravo
Díganle a toda la gente
Tell everyone
Que en la ciudad de Chicago
That in the city of Chicago
Ha muerto Leonardo Reyes
Leonardo Reyes has died
Por ser tan enamorado
For being such a lover


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