MBL - Il Brigante Domenico Fuoco II - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский MBL - Il Brigante Domenico Fuoco II

Il Brigante Domenico Fuoco II
Dominic Fuoco, the Brigand
Dominic Fuoco, the BRIGAND
Dal testo di Maurizio Zambardi "la ballata re Mineco Fuoco"
From the lyrics of the ballad by Maurizio Zambardi, "The Ballad of Dominic Fuoco"
Dominic Fuoco, the BRIGAND
Allarme, allarme, allarme, chiamate li gendarme,
The alarm is raised, the gendarmes are called,
Tremate, fujete, scappate, ce sta nu lupo assatanato,
Trembling, fleeing, running away, there's a rabid wolf on the prowl,
E' Fuoco cu la banda, iss' annanz' che cummanna,
It's Fuoco with his gang, he's in command,
E spara da luntano, scuppetate alla campana .
And he shoots from afar, rifle shots at the bell.
Ha lassat' Santu Pietro', addò faceva gliu spaccaprete',
He left Saint Peter's, where he was a gravedigger,
Cu gliu Burbone s'è arruolate, a gliu Volturno c'è passate,
He enlisted with the Bourbons, fought at the Volturno,
C'è passate da Sergente, dell' esercito perdente,
He fought as a sergeant, in the defeated army,
Ma fedeltà aveva' giurato, gliu giuramento ha rispettato.
But he had sworn loyalty, and he kept his oath.
Viva glu Re gliu Re Borbone e maliditt' chillù signor',
Long live the King, the Bourbon King, and cursed be that lord,
Che la sciabola l' ha arrubat' "nu disonore pe nu suldato!",
Who stole his saber, "a disgrace for a soldier!",
Li signuri so semp' signuri, ma pe chill' mo so duluri
The lords are always lords, but for them now there is pain
E chi joga a chistu juogo non conosce Domenico Fuoco.
And those who play this game do not know Dominic Fuoco.
E pe' difendere l'onore "tutta a razza t'aggia fa fore
And to defend his honor, "I will wipe out your entire race,",
E fu accusì, comm' ricen' tant' ' che da Sergente addeventa brigante,
And so it was, as many say, that from a sergeant he became a brigand,
E pe' sfuggire' alla cundanna, se ne saglie alle Muntagna,
And to escape condemnation, he took to the mountains,
Cu gliu' patre e cu li frati e tante cafune disperati.
With his father and brothers and many desperate peasants.
E se ne saglie agliu Matese, e se ne fuje dagliu paese,
And he went up to Matese, and he fled from the village,
Pe cumbattere' sti stranieri, invasure e filibustieri.
To fight these foreigners, invaders and filibusters.
Alla macchia ormai da dieci anni, pe fare paura pe fare danni
In the woods of Matese, he is alone against the Piedmontese,
Alla macchia deglu' Matese sulo iss' contro o piemuntesi,
In the woods of Matese, he is alone against the Piedmontese,
Na notte d'agosto a sorte è segnata, Domenico Fuoco l'hann ammazzato'
One August night, fate struck, Dominic Fuoco was killed,
Domenico Fuoco murette accise pecchè era nemico dei piemuntisi
Dominic Fuoco was killed because he was an enemy of the Piedmontese,
Na notte d'agosto sotto e stelle venne a fine pe stu ribelle,
One August night, under the stars, this rebel met his end,
A tradimento muort' accis' pecchè era nemico re' piemuntisi
He was killed by treachery because he was an enemy of the Piedmontese,
Stessa fine pe' Ventre e Caronte, nu colp n'capo e nu colp'n'fronte,
The same fate for Ventre and Caronte, a blow to the head and a blow to the forehead,
A lu paese l'hanno purtato, n'coppa a carretta, tutt' spugliato
They brought him to the village in a cart, naked,
N'coppa a carretta tre lupe accise, tre surdati senza divisa
Three slain wolves in a cart, three soldiers without uniforms,
Ca' difendevano l'onore contro l'esercito invasore
Who defended their honor against the invading army,
Chesta è la fine de nu" sergente'" muort' acciso da capo brigante,
This is the end of a "sergeant", killed as a brigand leader,
Ma ce sta ancora chi nun ce crede, e mentre cammina se guarda arrete,
But there are still those who do not believe it, and as they walk, they look behind them,
E ce sta ancora chi sta aspettanno Domenico Fuoco già capobrigante,
And there are still those who are waiting for Dominic Fuoco, the brigand leader,
Ce sta chi pensa ca ropp'
There are those who think that even after
Cient'anne Domenico Fuoco sta ancora sparanne
A hundred years, Dominic Fuoco is still shooting,
Pe' mettere a ferro e fuoco e paise pe sparà contro li Piemuntisi
To set fire to the village and shoot at the Piedmontese,
Pe' mettere a ferro e fuoco e paise pe sparà contro li Piemuntisi
To set fire to the village and shoot at the Piedmontese,

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