MC HotDog - 西門町老人 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский MC HotDog - 西門町老人

Lonely Old Man in Ximending
有一天我來到了 西門町 逛來逛去肚子餓了想吃 麥香雞
One day I went to Ximending Walked around and felt hungry, wanted to eat a Chicken McNugget
一進麥當勞裡 我大吃一驚 裡面百分之七十被老人佔據
When I entered McDonald’s, I was shocked Seventy percent of the people there were elderly
那些流線老伯伯還不是普通的帥氣 穿的西裝筆挺好像要去相親
These fashionable old gentlemen weren't just ordinary Wearing suits and ties looking like they were going on a date
粉亮的皮鞋 一級棒的髮型 老伯伯啊我真是佩服你
Their shoes were shiny, their hair was slick Old man, I truly admire you
但是老伯伯的眼睛總是色咪咪 眼睛飄來飄去到底在找什麼東西
But your eyes were always full of lust Eyes roaming around, what are you looking for?
突然間 進來一位火辣風騷女 暍!!老伯伯們 開始你看我我看你
All of a sudden. in walked a hot and stylish woman Boom! The old men started checking her out
咬一口漢堡 可樂催落去 莫名其妙就開始變得有勇氣
Took a bite of my burger, washed it down with cola For some reason, I suddenly got the courage
&Quot; 小姐小姐 你生的這麼水 待會兒要不要去看個電影 不然來喝一杯咖啡"
"Young lady, you are so beautiful Would you like to watch a movie later or get a cup of coffee?"
我雖然六十好幾可是我有新台幣 有Money屌就大 我們不笑娼笑貧
I might be over sixty years old But I have money; money talks We don't judge prostitutes, but we shame the poor
就算今天都不成功我也沒有關係 我可以去我最喜歡的白雪大歌廳
Even if I don't succeed today, that's okay I can go to my favorite White Snow Disco
我說老人老人 你真是趣味 想要勾把妹妹 大家還要排隊
I said, old man, old man, you are so funny You want to pick up a girl But you still have to wait in line
腎虧 陽痿 加早洩 讓你上完全身一股臭味 一股臭味
Weak kidneys, impotence, and premature ejaculation After sex, your body will smell, your body will smell
我說老人老人 你真是趣味 想要勾把妹妹 大家還要排隊
I said, old man, old man, you are so funny You want to pick up a girl Everybody still has to wait in line
腎虧 陽痿 加早洩 讓你上完全身一股臭味 一股臭味
Weak kidneys, impotence, and premature ejaculation After sex, your body will smell, your body will smell
其實 我真的佩服老伯伯的勇氣 不像我有色無膽 而且還得龜病
Actually, I really admire the old man's courage Unlike me, I have the desire but not the guts I'm a coward, and I’m a pervert
他們要把馬子就完全 靠自己 那麼老了還有那麼強烈的性慾
They try to get women completely On their own, and at such an old age, their sexual desires are so strong
老伯伯 為什麼 不去公園打太極 為什麼 不去中正紀念堂裡下象棋
Old man, why aren't you at the park practicing Tai Chi Why aren't you playing chess at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall?
你帶著那個年輕妹妹要去哪裡 不要騙我你要帶她去淘兒買CD
Where are you taking that young lady? Don't lie to me, you're taking her to buy CDs at T-Mart
我說小姐小姐你先別生氣 讓我待會兒帶你去看場電影
I said, young lady, don’t be mad first Let me take you to see a movie later
看什麼戲?! 援助交際 還有看Johnny G的小弟弟流鼻涕
What movie? Prostitution Or watch Johnny G's little brother pick his nose
Yo!Johnny G 帶著針孔攝影機 我說西門町的老人你們躲到哪裡去
Yo! Johnny G brought a hidden camera I said, old men of Ximending, where are you hiding?
想要拍下你們一舉一動做為呈堂證據 老阿伯啊 你自己要小心
He wants to film your every move as evidence Old man, you better be careful
老人們呦 你聽到了沒 把錢省下來去大陸娶老婆
Old men, listen up Save your money and go to China to find a wife
老人們呦 你聽到了沒 最好把錢省下來去大陸娶老婆
Old men, listen up You better save your money to find a wife in China
我說老人老人 你真是趣味 想要勾把妹妹 大家還要排隊
I said, old man, old man, you are so funny You want to pick up a girl Everybody still has to wait in line
腎虧 陽痿 加早洩 讓你上完全身一股臭味 一股臭味
Weak kidneys, impotence, and premature ejaculation After sex, your body will smell, your body will smell
我說老人老人 你真是趣味 想要勾把妹妹 大家還要排隊
I said, old man, old man, you are so funny You want to pick up a girl Everybody still has to wait in line
腎虧 陽痿 加早洩 讓你上完全身一股臭味 一股臭味
Weak kidneys, impotence, and premature ejaculation After sex, your body will smell, your body will smell
你的貞操觀念變成一場金錢遊戲 妳也只好每天帶上面具
Your chastity has become a money game You can only wear a mask every day
在街頭撒野 像個Punk bitch 和誰幹 無所謂 好像一台販賣機
Running wild in the streets like a punk bitch Don't care who you sleep with, like a vending machine
老人左手拿著可樂 右手拿著麥香雞
The old man holds a Coke in his left hand and a Chicken McNugget in his right
I don′t give the fuck 但是他有新台幣
I don't give a fuck, but he has money
Check this out 老寒吉旁邊的美女 那馬子 和黑目瞳有的比
Check this out, the beautiful woman next to the old man That girl can compete with the dark-eyed doll
暍!!長長的頭髮 大大的眼睛 性感的涼鞋 濃妝的容顏
Damn!! Long hair, big eyes, sexy sandals, heavy makeup
讓我折壽十年泡 我也願意 怎麼會和一個糟老頭在一起
Let me give up ten years of my life, I'm willing Why is she with an old man?
So 年輕女孩好好愛惜自己 不要為了金錢出賣自己的身體
So, young girls, cherish yourselves Don't sell your bodies for money
妳們如此美麗 前途一片光明 為什麼 要讓一個臭老頭糟蹋妳
You are so beautiful, your future is bright Why let a stinky old man ruin you?
老伯老伯老伯你的親戚朋友在哪裡 老伯老伯為何每天一定要來西門町
Old man, old man, old man, where are your relatives and friends? Old man, old man, why do you have to come to Ximending every day?
是否一定要來這裡才能度過光陰 但是西門町裡沒有星星沒有回憶
Do you have to come here to spend your time? But there are no stars in Ximending, no memories
我今年21 身上只剩67 經濟不景氣 媽媽不給新台幣
I'm 21 this year, and I only have $67 The economy is bad, my mom won't give me money
回到家裡 面對四面冰冷牆壁 我也只能看著PlayBoy打飛機...
Back home, facing the cold, bare walls I can only look at Playboy and masturbate...
我說老人老人 你真是趣味 想要勾把妹妹 大家還要排隊
I said, old man, old man, you are so funny You want to pick up a girl Everybody still has to wait in line
腎虧 陽痿 加早洩 讓你上完全身一股臭味 一股臭味
Weak kidneys, impotence, and premature ejaculation After sex, your body will smell, your body will smell
我說老人老人 你真是趣味 想要勾把妹妹 大家還要排隊
I said, old man, old man, you are so funny You want to pick up a girl Everybody still has to wait in line
腎虧 陽痿 加早洩 讓你上完全身一股臭味 一股臭味
Weak kidneys, impotence, and premature ejaculation After sex, your body will smell, your body will smell
我說老人老人 你真是趣味 想要勾把妹妹 大家還要排隊
I said, old man, old man, you are so funny You want to pick up a girl Everybody still has to wait in line
腎虧 陽痿 加早洩 讓你上完全身一股臭味 一股臭味
Weak kidneys, impotence, and premature ejaculation After sex, your body will smell, your body will smell
我說老人老人 你真是趣味 想要勾把妹妹 大家還要排隊
I said, old man, old man, you are so funny You want to pick up a girl Everybody still has to wait in line
腎虧 陽痿 加早洩 讓你上完全身一股臭味 一股臭味
Weak kidneys, impotence, and premature ejaculation After sex, your body will smell, your body will smell
我說老人老人 你真是趣味 想要勾把妹妹 大家還要排隊
I said, old man, old man, you are so funny You want to pick up a girl Everybody still has to wait in line
腎虧 陽痿 加早洩 讓你上完全身一股臭味 一股臭味
Weak kidneys, impotence, and premature ejaculation After sex, your body will smell, your body will smell
我說老人老人 你真是趣味 想要勾把妹妹 大家還要排隊
I said, old man, old man, you are so funny You want to pick up a girl Everybody still has to wait in line
腎虧 陽痿 加早洩 讓你上完全身一股臭味 一股臭味
Weak kidneys, impotence, and premature ejaculation After sex, your body will smell, your body will smell

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