Machi DiDi - 劈哩啪啦 - перевод текста песни на английский

劈哩啪啦 - Machi DiDiперевод на английский

聽到我饒舌 所有人都傻 跟我拼的全掛
Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard me rapping, anyone who tries me will be dead
哈! 會害怕嗎 看我的麻吉帽子很殺
Haha! Are you scared? Look at my buddy's hat, it's awesome
穿的褲子最跨 包括我的達達鞋最大
My pants are the best, including my Dada shoes, which are the biggest
到底為什麼我這麼邋遢 連拉鍊都忘記拉
Why am I so sloppy, I even forgot to zip
哇! 我摸魚摸到大白鯊 爸爸的信用卡被媽拿去刷
Wow! I caught a big white shark, my dad's credit card was taken by mom to swipe
隨便她花 一個表哥唱八卦 另外一個唱我是為你活(台語)
Let her spend as she wishes, a cousin sings gossip, another sings I Live for You (Taiwanese)
我的靈感從他們抓 我做的音樂 你們一定哈
My inspiration comes from them, the music I make, you will definitely like
打CS要丟拔芭樂 把馬子要送玫瑰花喇叭花不如彈吉他
Playing CS, you should shoot grenades, sending girls roses and morning glories is not as good as playing guitar
唉呀 我肚子一直拉 吃太多麻辣加珍珠奶茶
Oops, I have been having diarrhea, eating too much spicy and pearl milk tea
快要爆炸 快要爆炸!
About to explode, about to explode!
害我中午不能吃西瓜 下午不能吃我最愛的蛋塔
Ah, it's because of you I can't eat watermelons at noon, and can't eat my favorite egg tarts in the afternoon
隨便 押個阿 我劈哩啪啦亂講話
I, casually, throw in an a, I crackle and talk nonsense
Your grandparents and your parents like my hip hop
隨便 押個阿 我劈哩啪啦亂講話
I, casually, throw in an a, I crackle and talk nonsense
Your grandparents and your parents like my hip hop
哈哈 這樣念的太慢! 把速度加快一點 跟你們說我表哥的八卦!
Haha, that's too slow! Speed it up a little, let me tell you my cousin's gossip!
立成是老大 大家拿他沒辦法
Li Cheng is the eldest, everyone can't control him
他三十八減八歲 的嘴巴不只吃幼齒呀(台語)
He is thirty-eight minus eight years old, his mouth doesn't just kiss youngsters (Taiwanese)
用來玩嘻哈 最愛吃龍蝦 無聊不會待在家
Used to play hip hop, he loves eating lobsters, he doesn't like staying at home when he's bored
喜歡去網咖 他最會講話
He likes going to internet cafes, he can talk the most
因為認識胡瓜 還有一個麻吉是綜藝大哥大
Because he knows Hu Gua, and his other buddy is the variety show boss
捲頭髮 有很多鬍渣 沒人比他會哈拉
Curly hair, with lots of stubble, no one can chat more than him
另外一個麻吉賣了阿爾發 最會說笑話
Another buddy sold Alfa, the best at telling jokes
I have much to learn from these SUPER STARS
虧妹妹的嘴巴就不會那麼差 饒舌念的太慢軟趴趴
The mouth that chats up girls will not be so bad, the rapping is too slow and flabby
好像舌頭太大 嘻哈嘻哈 我們都哈 押的韻全是阿
As if the tongue is too big, hip hop hip hop, we all love, the rhymes are all a
你們怕不怕 我都還沒用到 阿里不達
Are you guys afraid, I haven't even used "Nonsense"
阿! 用到啦 繼續念吧哈哈!!
Ah! I used it, let's continue, haha!!
隨便 押個阿 我劈哩啪啦亂講話
I, casually, throw in an a, I crackle and talk nonsense
Your grandparents and your parents like my hip hop
隨便 押個阿 我劈哩啪啦亂講話
I, casually, throw in an a, I crackle and talk nonsense
Your grandparents and your parents like my hip hop
唉呀 還是太慢啦 把速度加到一百八讓你們看看我的嘴巴多可怕!
Oops, it's still too slow, let's double the speed and show you how awesome my mouth is!
怕不怕 我這個劈哩啪啦嘴巴
Are you afraid of me, this crackling mouth
啦哩啦塌忘了刷牙 媽媽罵 被爸爸打
La la la, I forgot to brush my teeth, my mom scolds me and my dad beats me
發現嘴巴有八顆蛀牙 真的沒辦法
Found out I have eight cavities, there's nothing I can do
Can't find my toothbrush, it must have been taken by my fans
哎呀被懲罰 一個禮拜電動不能打 要幹嘛
Oh no, I've been punished, and can't play games for a week, what can I do
I'm going to practice my new karaoke gibberish
Um Do-re-mi-fa-mi-fa-so-la-so-la-si-do-mi-fa that's enough
哈哈好三八 要我做功課嗎 你瘋了吧
Haha, so silly, asking me to do homework, you must be crazy
打電話 用我大哥大 可惜沒錢在易付卡
Make a phone call, using my pager, pity there's no money in my easy card
要幹嘛 要幹嘛hmm-mm我知道了啦
What to do, what to do hmm-mm I know
Fly, fly, little fly
算啦 比較喜歡蝙蝠俠
Forget it, I prefer batman
內褲穿在外面最趴 頭上帶著絲襪
Wearing underwear outside is the coolest, with silk stockings on my head
毛巾當披風 好好橋一下
Using a towel as a cape, adjust it properly
告訴我 大家準備好了嗎 跳到沙發
Tell me, is everyone ready? Jump on the sofa
啊啊我的媽 我的尾巴被什麼東西插
Oh my god, my tail was pricked by something
我揉一下 檢查一下 趕快把眼淚擦一下
Let me rub it, check it, and quickly wipe away the tears
褲子拉一下 藥擦一下 回到沙發來看一下
Pull up my pants, apply some medicine, go back to the sofa and check it
Boo-ya! 我的牙刷 我的牙刷找到啦
Boo-ya! I found my toothbrush, I found my toothbrush
隨便 押個阿 我劈哩啪啦亂講話
I, casually, throw in an a, I crackle and talk nonsense
Your grandparents and your parents like my hip hop
隨便 押個阿 我劈哩啪啦亂講話
I, casually, throw in an a, I crackle and talk nonsense
Your grandparents and your parents like my hip hop

Авторы: Chong Jae Yoon, Luke Tsui, Stanley Huang, Andrew Chou

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