Madcon - Contakt - перевод текста песни на английский

Contakt - Madconперевод на английский

Jeg ser du glaner meg
I see you staring at me
Ikke ta meg
Don't touch me
jeg skal danse for deg
I'll dance for you
Du fåkke ta meg
You can't touch me.
Få-få-fåkke ta meg
Get-get-get-don't touch me
Fåkke ta meg
Don't touch me.
Jeg ser du glaner meg
I see you staring at me
Ikke ta meg
Don't touch me
Jeg skal danse for deg
I'll dance for you
Fåkke ta meg...
Don't touch me...
Fåkke ta meg
Don't touch me.
Yeah yeah shoof da
Yeah yeah shoof da
Det her er vilt nigga
This is wild nigga
Det her er sjukt babasha
This is a sick baby.
Aldri har jeg sett noe fint å ta av
Never have I seen anything so nice to take off
Jeg hakke tid no piss
I hoe time at no piss
tide å finne noe
time to invent something
før a løper ut av livet mitt
before a runs out of my life
forsvinner i rotet
disappearing into the mess
uten at jeg fikk en liten smak av det dopet kanke skje
without even getting a little taste of that dope can happen
men løve jeg gjøre no borte
but lion I gotta do no away
lær av me mothafuckes
learn from me mothafuckes
best å holde rei borte
best to keep rei away
shoof da shoof
shoof da shoof
åssen ting har blitt gjort a
how things have been done
Jeg ser du glaner meg
I see you staring at me
Ikke ta meg
Don't touch me
Jeg skal danse for deg
I'll dance for you
Fåkke ta meg
Don't touch me.
Få-få-fåkke ta meg
Get-get-get-don't touch me
Fåkke ta meg
Don't touch me.
Jeg ser du glaner meg
I see you staring at me
Ikke ta meg
Don't touch me
Jeg skal danse for deg
I'll dance for you
Du fåkke ta meg
You can't touch me.
Få-få-fåkke ta meg
Get-get-get-don't touch me
Ta meg Ta meg
Touch me touch me
Jeg spinner hue rit og hue rit
I spin hue rit and hue rit
og hue rit rundt
and head rides around
Jeg spinner hue rit og hue rit
I spin hue rit and hue rit
og hue rit rundt
and head rides around
hue rit og hue rit rundt
hue rit and hue rit
Sugar si meg litt av hear
Sugar tell me a little of hear
trur jeg trenger litt contact, contact
I need some contact, contact
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Det var no skei med hu dama
It was no good with Hu dama
hey babymama
hey babymama
bae uten drama
bae without drama
Okei hu er dama
Okay, she's the girl.
lær av mine skjelver
learn from my tremors
helt mo som i rana
totally mo as in rana
Styrer det som styrer min sjel til Obama
Directing what directs my soul to Obama
Kaller det en hvitebjørns tånegl
Call it a White Bear's toenail
å nei her går jeg igjen å prøv å deg
Oh no here I go again to try to get you
hmm finner ingen ord
hmm can't find any words
du er whoo du er wow du et skudd i hjertet du er kald
you're whoo you're wow you're a shot in the heart you're cold
Jeg ser du glaner meg
I see you staring at me
Ikke ta meg
Don't touch me
Jeg skal danse for deg
I'll dance for you
Fåkke ta meg
Don't touch me.
Få-få-fåkke ta meg
Get-get-get-don't touch me
Fåkke ta meg
Don't touch me.
Sugar si meg little of hea
Sugar tell me little of hea
trur jeg
I think
trenger litt contact, Contact
need some contact, Contact
suuu durududu
suuu durududu
Surrer hue rit rundt
Buzzing hue rides around
suuu durududu
suuu durududu
Jeg vet ingeting om deg
I know nothing about you
men du vet ingenting om meg baby fordi du ba dem sier om meg baby
but you know nothing about me baby because you asked them to say about me baby
hvis du lurer erre bare å bli med meg
if you wonder erre just join me
Jeg vet ingenting om deg
I know nothing about you
men du vet ingenting om meg baby for
but you know nothing about me baby too
de ba hva de sier om meg
they asked what they say about me
hvis du lurer erre bare å bli med meg
if you wonder erre just join me
Jeg vet ingenting om deg
I know nothing about you
men du vet ingenting om meg baby fordi du vet hva de
but you know nothing about me baby because you know what they
sier om meg baby hvis du lurer erre bare å bli med meg
say about me baby if you're wondering erre just join me
Jeg sier oh herregud
I say oh my God
jeg hakke sett no sånt
I hoe seen no such thing
jeg sier oh milde himmel
I say oh my goodness
hakke tatt sånt
hoe caught on stuff like that
jeg sier herre gemeni det kanke nektes for
I say Lord gemeni that can be denied
kanke nekte kanke nektes for
Kane is denied now Kane is denied now Kane is denied now Kane is denied now
sugar si meg little of hear
sugar tell me little of hear
trur jeg trenger litt contact, contact
I need some contact, contact
Fåkke ta meg
Don't touch me.
Suuu durudu
Suuu durudu
Spinner hue rit og hue rit
Spinner hue rit and hue rit
og hue rit rundt
and head rides around
Ikke ta meg
Don't touch me
Jeg skal passe deg
I'll take care of you.
Fåkke ta meg
Don't touch me.
End of story

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