Magic Magno - Mujer guerrera - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Magic Magno - Mujer guerrera

Mujer guerrera
Woman Warrior
Ella sale de casa siempre perfecta
She leaves the house always perfect
No hay hombre que no la silbe cuando pasa
There's no man who doesn't whistle when she walks by
Su madre la enseñó que fuerte hay que pisar
Her mother taught her you have to step on strong
Que si lo intenta lo logrará
That if she tries she will make it happen
Tacones, pelo liso
Heels, straight hair
Carmín rojo en los labios
Red lipstick
No quiere un novio fijo
She doesn't want a steady boyfriend
Ataduras ni horarios
No strings attached or schedules
Quiere vivir la vida
She wants to live life
Sus amigas del barrio
Her neighborhood friends
Son todo para ella lo sabe to' el vecindario
Are everything to her, everyone in the neighborhood knows
Sabe que no hay nada
She knows there's nothing
Que no pueda lograr
That she can't achieve
Ella sabe que pisa y que no va a parar
She knows that she will step and will not stop
Que no hay hombres ni normas que la puedan frenar
That there are no men or rules that can stop her
Ella es feliz igual
She's happy anyway
Se queda lo bueno, no hace caso de lo malo
She keeps the good, ignores the bad
Solo quiere llegar lejos y no hacer cola en el paro
She just wants to go far and not wait in line for unemployment
Que la llamen puta, que a ella le da igual
That they call her a whore, that she doesn't care
Pues nadie sabe nada
Because nobody knows anything
Vive sin miedos
She lives without fear
No tiene reparos
She has no qualms
Sabe que lo bueno cuesta muy caro
She knows that what's good is very expensive
Nunca le importó fallar
She never cared about failing
Aprendió todo sola
She learned everything on her own
Es una mujer guerrera
She is a woman warrior
Ella sale de casa siempre perfecta
She leaves the house always perfect
No hay hombre que no la silbe cuando pasa
There's no man who doesn't whistle when she walks by
Su madre la enseñó que fuerte hay que pisar
Her mother taught her you have to step on strong
Que si lo intenta lo logrará
That if she tries she will make it happen
Ella sale de casa siempre perfecta
She leaves the house always perfect
No hay hombre que no la silbe cuando pasa
There's no man who doesn't whistle when she walks by
Su madre la enseñó que fuerte hay que pisar
Her mother taught her you have to step on strong
Que si lo intenta lo logrará
That if she tries she will make it happen
Lucha por lo que quiere, que les joda a lo que hablen
She fights for what she wants, so she'll spite those who talk
En su envidia está tu fuerza, eso le dijo su madre
In their envy is your strength, that's what her mother told her
Pelea sin descansar
Fight without resting
No te dejes pisar
Don't let them walk over you
tienes que brillar
You have to shine
Demuéstrales que no hay nada que a ti te pueda
Show them that there is nothing that can stop you
Qué aunque parezcas frágil eres una fiera
That although you seem fragile you are a beast
Qué te tienen que respetar
That they have to respect you
Tratarte ya de igual a igual
Treat you as an equal
Que tu vas a vivir tu vida a tu manera, guerrera
That you will live your life your way, warrior
Mujer guerrera
Woman warrior
Mujer guerrera
Woman warrior
Mujer guerrera
Woman warrior
Mujer guerrera
Woman warrior
Mujer guerrera
Woman warrior
Mujer guerrera
Woman warrior
Ella sale de casa siempre perfecta
She leaves the house always perfect
No hay hombre que no la silbe cuando pasa
There's no man who doesn't whistle when she walks by
Su madre la enseñó que fuerte hay que pisar
Her mother taught her you have to step on strong
Que si lo intenta lo logrará
That if she tries she will make it happen
Esta canción va
This song goes out
Por todas esas mujeres luchadoras
To all those women fighters
Todas esas mujeres que pisan fuerte y saben lo que quieren
To all those women who step strong and know what they want
Que no les importa lo que hablen de ellas
Who don't care what people say about them
Estoy con vosotras
I'm with you
Ella sale de casa siempre perfecta
She leaves the house always perfect
No hay hombre que no la silbe cuando pasa
There's no man who doesn't whistle when she walks by
Su madre la enseñó que fuerte hay que pisar
Her mother taught her you have to step on strong
Que si lo intenta lo logrará
That if she tries she will make it happen
Ella sale de casa siempre perfecta
She leaves the house always perfect
No hay hombre que no la silbe cuando pasa
There's no man who doesn't whistle when she walks by
Su madre la enseñó que fuerte hay que pisar
Her mother taught her you have to step on strong
Que si lo intenta lo logrará
That if she tries she will make it happen

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