Maharaja - Kimero - перевод текста песни на английский

Kimero - Maharajaперевод на английский

KIMERO!! 100%のチカラで Oh 百戦錬磨のキズナで
KIMERO!! My 100% power, Oh Through the bond of a hundred battles
やっと見えてた夢の舞台 さぁ勝利を勝ち取れ Go fight!!
At last I saw the stage of my dreams, Come on, let’s win the victory Go fight!!
駆け抜けて来た日々 信じあった心 仲間たちの真ん中
I ran through days, believing hearts, in the center of companions
音をたてて脈を打つ情熱も 響き渡る歓声に溶けてく
The passion that pulses and resounds, in the cheers that echo and melt
ダイヤモンドの空に 交差していく想い
In the sky of diamonds, our thoughts intersect
KIMERO!! 100%のチカラで Oh 百戦錬磨のキズナで やっと見えてきた夢の舞台 もう夢のままじゃ終れない
KIMERO!! My 100% power, Oh Through the bond of a hundred battles, I finally saw the stage of my dreams I can't end it as a dream anymore
あの日見せた涙も 胸にこみ上げた誓いも
The tears you showed that day, the oath that swelled in your chest
すべてはこの一瞬のため さぁ勝利を勝ち取れGo fight!!
Everything is for this moment, Come on, let’s win the victory Go fight!!
何かを探して 放課後の窓辺 擦りきれたグローブさ
Searching for something, in the windowsill of the after-school hours, threadbare gloves
握りしめた行き場の無い挫折さえ 包み込むように 夕空堕ちてく
I gripped the frustrations that had no place to go, as the evening sky fell and enveloped them
バックネットの裏に 落書きした願い
On the back of the backstop, a wish was graffitied
KURAE!! 100万回の失敗を この100万1回の回の希望を その度開かれてく未来 負けるための努力など無い
KURAE!! A million failures, A hope for this million and first time, every time the future opens up again There’s no effort for defeat
あの頃知った傷も 胸を締め付ける記憶も すべてはこの一瞬のため さぁ勝利を仕掛けろ My dream!!
The wounds I learned back then, the memories that tighten my chest, everything is for this moment Come on, start winning My dream!!
瞬間優しい声が 慰めのように 頬を掠めてく
Your gentle voice for a moment, lightly grazed my cheek like a comfort
“The outcome isn’t all that matters”, I understand that, though
There are times in life, once or twice, when there’s a decisive moment
KIMERO!! 100%のチカラで Oh 百戦錬磨のキズナで 憧れ続けたあの舞台 この仲間と駆け上がりたい
KIMERO!! My 100% power, Oh Through the bond of a hundred battles, the stage I’ve longed for I want to climb it with these companions
KIMERO!! 100%のチカラで Oh 百戦錬磨のキズナで やっと見えてきた夢の舞台 もう夢のままじゃ終れない
KIMERO!! My 100% power, Oh Through the bond of a hundred battles, I finally saw the stage of my dreams I can't end it as a dream anymore
あの日の涙も痛みも誓いも すべてはこの一瞬のため さぁ勝利を勝ち取れGo fight!!
The tears, the pain, and the oaths of that day, everything is for this moment Come on, let’s win the victory Go fight!!
Go fight!!
Go fight!!

Авторы: Traditional

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