Maian - Papi - перевод текста песни на английский

Papi - Maianперевод на английский

Sul oli kaks korda aega
You had two chances
Molemad sa keerasid
You failed both
Selle õlle mis sul kaela
That beer around your neck
Väga vihaselt ma keerasin
I turned it over furiously
Ehmunud pilgud ja solvunud silmad
Frightened looks and offended eyes
Papi eres inutil
Papi bright idiot
Ehmunud pilgud ja solvunud silmad
Frightened looks and offended eyes
Papi eres inutil
Papi bright idiot
Ytlesid yhte ja mõtlesid teist
You said one thing and meant another
Pilvedes hõljusin mõtetes meist
In the clouds, I floated in the thoughts of us
Peatuses nalja ja jäneda jookseb
In the party jokes and curfew runs
Tibudel hirmus õhh väike okse
The girls are scared, there's a little vomit
Hoidsid mu koksi ja peaaegu mind
You held my coke and almost held me
Telos ma kindlasti blokin ju sind
In the end, I'll definitely block you
Peekrist ma tegin paar kiiremat sammu,
From the church I took a few quick steps,
Hüppasin bolti su nime ei tea ammu
I jumped in a Bolt, I don't know your name for a long time
Ara oma pead vaeva
Don't bother your head
Asjaga on ammu nii
It's been like this for a long time
Kui ma viitsiks näeksin vaeva
If I wanted to, I would see the trouble
Oleks mul ümber sõrmegi
You would be around my finger
Suured pupillid ja punased põsed
Big pupils and red cheeks
¿Papi tomaste drogas?
¿Papi drunk on drugs?
Suured pupillid ja punased põsed
Big pupils and red cheeks
¿Papi tomaste drogas?
¿Papi drunk on drugs?
Ytlesid yhte ja mõtlesid teist
You said one thing and meant another
Pilvedes hõljusin mõtetes meist (Classic)
In the clouds, I floated in the thoughts of us (Classic)
Peatuses nalja ja jäneda jookseb
In the party jokes and curfew runs
Tibudel hirmus õhh väike okse
The girls are scared, there's a little vomit
Hoidsid mu koksi ja peaaegu mind
You held my coke and almost held me
Telos ma kindlasti blokin ju sind
In the end, I'll definitely block you
Peekrist ma tegin paar kiiremat sammu,
From the church I took a few quick steps,
Hüppasin bolti su nime ei tea ammu
I jumped in a Bolt, I don't know your name for a long time
Vihane mahlane suvine eit
Angry juicy summer bitch
Luudade keskele lyhike kleit
A short dress in the middle of brooms
Päfkade randid ja pruunistund keha
Puffy thighs and a tanned body
Kokse on mitu sest hiljem raske teha
Several Cokes because it's hard to do later
Hoiatan ette ja lubasin teha
I warn you in advance and I promised to do it
Muidu on lamp aga poisil on keha
Otherwise, it's a lamp, but the boy has a body
Talda ma annan ja edasi sõidan
I'll give you the boot and keep driving
Mees ära proovi ma ju võidan
Man, don't try it, I'll win
Ytlesid yhte ja mõtlesid teist
You said one thing and meant another
Pilvedes hõljusin mõtetes meist (Classic)
In the clouds, I floated in the thoughts of us (Classic)
Peatuses nalja ja jäneda jookseb
In the party jokes and curfew runs
Tibudel hirmus õhh väike okse
The girls are scared, there's a little vomit
Hoidsid mu koksi ja peaaegu mind
You held my coke and almost held me
Telos ma kindlasti blokin ju sind
In the end, I'll definitely block you
Peekrist ma tegin paar kiiremat sammu,
From the church I took a few quick steps,
Hüppasin bolti su nime ei tea ammu
I jumped in a Bolt, I don't know your name for a long time
Ytlesid yhte ja mõtlesid teist
You said one thing and meant another
Pilvedes hõljusin mõtetes meist
In the clouds, I floated in the thoughts of us
Peatuses nalja ja jäneda jookseb
In the party jokes and curfew runs
Tibudel hirmus õhh väike okse
The girls are scared, there's a little vomit
Hoidsid mu koksi ja peaaegu mind
You held my coke and almost held me
Telos ma kindlasti blokin ju sind
In the end, I'll definitely block you
Peekrist ma tegin paar kiiremat sammu,
From the church I took a few quick steps,
Hüppasin bolti su nime ei tea ammu
I jumped in a Bolt, I don't know your name for a long time

Авторы: Ago Teppand, Gevin Niglas, Maian Lomp

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