Maio - Yuri - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Maio - Yuri

En aquell espai ple d'obscuritat
In that space full of darkness
S'intuïen els somriures de complicitat
Smirks of complicity could be sensed
Vam fer a cara o peu qui obria camí
We played heads or tails to see who would lead the way
Vas volar per primer cop per sobre l'Univers
You flew for the first time across the Universe
Petites trapelles sempre construint
Little rascal always building
Entre bicicletes, titelles i fils
Among bicycles, puppets and threads
No dúiem vergonya per imaginar
We were not ashamed to imagine
Mons de plastilina, de punkis i dracs
Worlds of plasticine, punks and dragons
I una sempre tindràs per agafar
And you will always have a hand to hold
Quan sembli que l'abisme et vulgui atrapar
When it seems like the abyss wants to catch you
I una sempre tindré per agafar
And I will always have a hand to hold
Quan sembli que l'abisme em vulgui atrapar
When it seems like the abyss wants to catch me
Tot i que passi el temps, que ens separi el ciment
Even though time passes, even though cement separates us
Tot i l'abstinència quan falten moments
Despite the abstinence when moments are lacking
Tot i que ens enfadem i que ningú ens entén
Even though we get angry and nobody understands us
De bolos de festa, ressaques de pous
From party bowling, and drunken stupors
D'exàmens i de quan fem trampes als jocs
From exams and when we cheat at games
De manis darrere de BRIMOs en foc
From demonstrations behind riot police in flames
Si tirés enrere ho faria altre cop.
If I had to go back, I would do it again.
I una sempre tindràs per agafar
And you will always have a hand to hold
Quan sembli que l'abisme et vulgui atrapar
When it seems like the abyss wants to catch you
I una sempre tindré per agafar
And I will always have a hand to hold
Quan sembli que l'abisme em vulgui atrapar
When it seems like the abyss wants to catch me
Tot i que ens enfadem i que ningú ens entén
Even though we get angry and nobody understands us

Авторы: Mariona Serrasolsas

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