Mambo All-Stars - Mambo #5 (Yo Quiero Mambo) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Mambo All-Stars - Mambo #5 (Yo Quiero Mambo)

Mambo #5 (Yo Quiero Mambo)
Mambo #5 (Yo Quiero Mambo)
Quieroo hayy El club de porros, Mambo rap (MBRP)
I want there, the Club de Porros, Mambo rap (MBRP)
Quiero quiero quiero quiero (QUE WEA HERMANO) quiero quiero quiero quieroooooo
I want I want I want I want (WHAT'S UP, BRO) I want I want I want I wanttttt
Quiero mucha voy a sacar hip hop de lucha escucha que aqui no manda la patrucha
I want a lot, I'm going to take out hip hop from the struggle, listen, the police don't rule here
Escucha si se no hace la cartucha mejor agarro el vino y me pongo la capucha
Listen, if the cartridge doesn't work, I'd rather grab the wine and put on my hood
Quiero mucha voy a sacar hip hop de lucha escucha que aqui no manda la patrucha
I want a lot, I'm going to take out hip hop from the struggle, listen, the police don't rule here
Escucha si se no hace la cartucha mejor agarro el vino y me pongo la capucha
Listen, if the cartridge doesn't work, I'd rather grab the wine and put on my hood
La capucha que que que que puede serrrrrrrrrr que cada 5 segundos quiera prenderrrrr oye perro
The hood that that that that can beeee that every 5 seconds I want to light it up, hey dog
Me fumo un cerro de marihuana hip hop y mi familia es la que quiero .
I smoke a mountain of marijuana, hip hop, and my family is what I love.
Quiero (quiero) puro darle musica a mi cien para siempre asi se enteran de que suena bien
I want (I want) to just give music to my people forever so they know it sounds good
Quiero (quiero) puro mambo rap ya otra vez y pa que que si no sabe no hueveen
I want (I want) pure mambo rap again and so that if they don't know, they don't mess with me
Puta que te quiero prendida cuando esta verde si el unico que me sana antes que yo me enferme
Damn, I want you lit when it's green, you're the only one who heals me before I get sick
Un saludo pal cielo pal que se fue en el duelo si el que me entiende vue vuela bajo el suelo.
A greeting to heaven for the one who left in mourning, the one who understands me, yeah, flies under the ground.
Quiero escribir quiero salir quiero matar ese hachis que anulen la ley 20mil pa' volar lejos de aqui
I want to write, I want to go out, I want to kill that hash, that they repeal law 20,000 to fly far away from here
Seguir la vida en la plaza mi vieja el tiempo me abraza se vive el que todo pasa si es necesario
To continue life in the plaza, my old lady, time embraces me, the one who goes through everything lives if it's necessary
Quiero escribir quiero salir quiero matar ese hachis que anulen la ley 20mil pa' volar lejos de aqui
I want to write, I want to go out, I want to kill that hash, that they repeal law 20,000 to fly far away from here
Seguir la vida en la plaza mi vieja el tiempo me abraza ya vivi todo lo que todo pasa si es necesario
To continue life in the plaza, my old lady, time embraces me, I've already lived everything that goes on if it's necessary
Quiero (quiero) pura alegria pa mi family y y que se salven de aqui
I want (I want) pure joy for my family and and that they are saved from here
Quiero (quiero) mas escena pero para el MC' para que sepan que aqui en el barrio tambien usan persin
I want (I want) more scene but for the MC' so they know that here in the neighborhood they also use persin
Quiero que quieran que aca el cadaver mas se queda el que no queda aqui no cabe y el que no cabe no queda aqui
I want them to want that here the corpse stays the most, the one who doesn't stay here doesn't fit, and the one who doesn't fit doesn't stay here
Quiero que quieran que aca el cadaver mas se queda el que no queda aqui no cabe y el que no cabe no queda aqui
I want them to want that here the corpse stays the most, the one who doesn't stay here doesn't fit, and the one who doesn't fit doesn't stay here
El qui va gigantesco por ahi y y en la esquina practica el freestyle MC si y lo breaker bailan al ritmo de snis snis
The one who goes gigantic over there and and on the corner practices freestyle MC yes and the breakers dance to the rhythm of snis snis
El dj (sonido del scratch) rayando los beat's beat's
The dj (scratch sound) scratching the beat's beat's
El qui va gigantesco por ahi y y en la esquina practica el freestyle MC si y los breaker bailan al ritmo de snis snis
The one who goes gigantic over there and and on the corner practices freestyle MC yes and the breakers dance to the rhythm of snis snis
El dj (sonido del scratch) rayando los beat's beat's
The dj (scratch sound) scratching the beat's beat's
Yo quiero un boom en la tocata que llene el bombo y una caja y de donde sea se vengan a pata
I want a boom in the gig that fills the bass drum and a box and wherever they come from on foot
Yo quiero un boom en la tocata que llene el bombo y una caja y de donde sea se vengan a pata
I want a boom in the gig that fills the bass drum and a box and wherever they come from on foot
Ven y respiren respiren musica y THC si ando fumando en mi barrio la coloque me la ekaaaaa
Come and breathe breathe music and THC, yeah, I'm smoking in my neighborhood, I put it on, it hits meeeeee
Si en mi barrio no existe lucro no andan mandando y ministro anda con truco
Yeah, in my neighborhood there is no profit, they don't go around ordering, and the minister goes around with a trick
Ven y respiren respiren musica y THC si ando fumando en mi barrio la coloque me la ekaaaaa
Come and breathe breathe music and THC, yeah, I'm smoking in my neighborhood, I put it on, it hits meeeeee
Si en mi barrio no existe lucro no andan mandando y ministro anda con truco
Yeah, in my neighborhood there is no profit, they don't go around ordering, and the minister goes around with a trick
Preferirira el dia en la via que hagamos rap todo el dia si no tu no entenderias lo que expresamos hoy en dia
I would prefer the day on the road that we rap all day, yeah, you wouldn't understand what we express today
Con delito ante se hacia pero sanamos la herida quemamos la porqueria con musica y velocia.
With crime it used to be done but we heal the wound, we burn the crap with music and speed.
Es un espanto que copie tanto de lo que canto como si tanto le gustara el sonido que hacemos por acaaa
It's a fright that he copies so much of what I sing, as if he liked the sound we make around here so much
Y si queda algun espacio para hacer el rap pa' que esta patria lo puedan reconocer
And if there's any space left to do the rap so that this country can recognize it
Es un espanto que copie tanto de lo que canto como si tanto le gustara el sonido que hacemos por acaaa
It's a fright that he copies so much of what I sing, as if he liked the sound we make around here so much
Se que aca luz es un nuevo parecer y al fin nuestro estilo de vida puedan entender
I know that here light is a new way of looking and finally they can understand our way of life
Ahora chofer un poquito de musica en la micro veo la cara de los pasajeros e identifico cara palpico maldito
Now driver, a little bit of music on the bus, I see the faces of the passengers and I identify faces, I sense an evil vibe
Gobierno como te explico mi pueblo a gritos te deja escrito vamos de a poquitos tumbando al paco
Government, how do I explain it to you, my people are screaming at you, they leave it written, we are going little by little knocking down the cop
Picado a milico que comete delito (pero el de arria de real lo cuenta con deditos haaaaay)
Chopped up soldier who commits a crime (but the one up there for real counts it with his fingers haaaaay)
Caballero no quiero de su dinero quiero que escucha raperos quiero que haga conciencia de lo que
Sir, I don't want your money, I want you to listen to rappers, I want you to be aware of what
Hago y quiero ya ya hasta luego me bajo en el paradero me espera mi perro afuera
I do and I want it now now, see you later, I get off at the bus stop, my dog ​​is waiting for me outside
(Lo siento me bajo en el paradero me espera mi perro afuera.)
(Sorry, I get off at the bus stop, my dog ​​is waiting for me outside.)
Ya ya es el club de porrrros si de la mamborapers!(de la reja sako) dedicado pal' oncepolen, aqui in the house
Now now it's the Club de Porrrros yeah from the mamborapers! (From the bars I get out) dedicated to the 'oncepolen, here in the house
Haciendo musica volaito GTO en el beat chuchatumare
Making music Volaito GTO on the beat chuchatumare

Авторы: Damaso Perez Prado

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