mao - I'll Be There For You - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский mao - I'll Be There For You

I'll Be There For You
I'll Be There For You
つよがりは すり傷のように
Your stubbornness is like a paper cut,
Slowly increasing in pain,
想いを 見えなくした
Hiding your true feelings.
Like the warmth of sunlight filtering through leaves,
Even the smallest of kindness,
I could no longer respond to.
たった1人で 愛を信じられなくて
I couldn't believe in love on my own,
What a trivial existence.
本当は... そぅか... やっと... いま
But now... oh... finally...
感じる あなたの温かさで
I feel your warmth,
伝えたい想い溢れ 心が溶けてゆく
And the feelings I want to express overflow, my heart melts away.
Thank you is not enough,
この先はそう 明日を 笑顔で
From now on, let's face tomorrow with smiles,
With honest hearts.
涙が溶かしてゆく 消えない過去も
Tears dissolve the past that won't fade,
単純だけど きっと大丈夫
It's simple, but it will be okay.
どぅしょう 驚く程に
Oh dear, it's amazing,
How everyday becomes so vivid.
想いは 空を見上げ
My thoughts look up at the sky,
Seemingly understanding everything,
Yet comprehending nothing.
I've caused you so much trouble.
何時間でも いつもそばにいてくれた
I've always had you by my side, no matter how long.
Days filled with such happiness.
本当に... そうだ... わたし... ねぇ
Truly... that's right... I...
ごめんね あなたに甘えていた
I'm sorry I relied on you so much,
聞き分けのない子供だ 心から思う
I was a disobedient child, I know it in my heart.
Thank you is not enough,
今度はそぅ ぎゅっと あなたを
So now, let me hold you close,
My honest feelings, now,
ゆっくりほどかれてゆく 繋がる未来
Are slowly unraveling, connecting our future.
真剣な顔 ちょっと照れるな
Your serious expression, it makes me blush a little.
You're still here with me, unchanging,
ぬくもりが優しくて 包まれる世界
Your warmth is so gentle, enveloping my world.
I love you more than words can say,
これからもそぅ ずっと あなたと
So from now on, let's be together, always.
My heart overflows with these feelings,
心が喜んでる 夢みた未来
My dreamlike future.
わたしはもぅ きっと大丈夫
I'll be okay now, I know it.
あなたとなら ずっと大丈夫
As long as I have you, I'll always be okay.

Авторы: Kevin Bard, Tomas Costanza

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