mao - 夢が降る - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский mao - 夢が降る

Dreams Falling
少しだけ ほんの少しだけ
Just for a moment, just a little moment
このままで 時を止めたい
I want to stop time with this,
Side by side, we look up at the summer sky,
As if stars were falling.
楽しげに賑わう 祭囃子の音(ね)が
The joyful and lively sounds of the festival囃子
閉じたまぶたの奥 遠く響く
Distantly echo behind my closed eyelids.
夜の空気も 草の匂いも
The night air and the scent of grass,
感じてるすべてが 優しい宝物みたい
All the feelings are like precious treasures.
寄り添えば 愛しさで この胸は満たされてく
When we snuggle close, my chest fills with love.
I've come to know the tears of happiness.
満天の輝きに包まれ ともにある今日は
Surrounded by the brilliance of the full moon, we are together today,
あなたが微笑(わら)って 指差した先に
In the direction you're smiling and pointing,
流れ星を見つけた 奇跡のよう
I've found a shooting star, like a miracle.
少しずつ ほんの少しずつ
Little by little, just a little bit at a time,
近づいた ふたりの心
The two of our hearts have grown closer.
At the edge of our summer memories,
Our dreams are gently falling.
光咲く木立で 蛍舞う川辺で
In the sunlit woods and by the river where fireflies dance,
恋と気付いたのは いつからだろう
I wonder when I came to realize it was love.
呼び合うたびに 胸が震えて
Whenever we call out to each other, my heart trembles,
目に映ったすべてが いつしか熱を帯びてた
And everything I see gradually becomes impassioned.
愛しくて 愛しくて あふれ出す想いがある
There is an overflowing feeling of love, love, love.
耳元に今 吐息が触れた
Now, your breath touches my ear.
ささやかな歓びに抱(いだ)かれ ここにある今日を
Embraced in simple joy, this day that is here,
私は生きてる あなたと生きてる
I am alive, I am alive with you.
そして星は静かに 廻(めぐ)ってゆく
And the stars quietly revolve,
天翔(あまかけ)るいにしえの夢 地を駆ける明日(あす)の夢
The ancient dreams that soar through the sky and the dreams of tomorrow that run through the earth,
なぜ人は願うのだろう ...そっとそっと口づけた
Why do people pray? ...I gently, gently kissed
寄り添えば 愛しさで この胸は満たされてく
When we snuggle close, my chest fills with love.
I've come to know the tears of happiness.
満天の輝きに包まれ ここにある今日を
Surrounded by the brilliance of the full moon, this day that is here,
私は生きてく あなたと生きてく
I will live, I will live with you.
誓いましょう 星降る夢の中で
Let's make a vow in this dream where stars are falling.

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