Marcelo - Otkucaji (feat. Wikler Sky) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Marcelo - Otkucaji (feat. Wikler Sky)

Otkucaji (feat. Wikler Sky)
Heartbeats (feat. Wikler Sky)
Ho, 'ajde, najzad, skontaj sve
Ho, come on, finally get it
Konto je da ne kontas klosare
The point is to ignore the losers
Preko glave sranje doslo je, dosta je
I'm over this shit, it's enough
Veza ocaj je, znas to, zar ne
Our connection is hopeless, you know that, right?
Neko mora da tornja se
Someone has to leave
Stvarno stalno pijemo poraze
We're constantly drinking to our defeats
I to je tako kad ljudi smore se
That's how it is when people get bored
Vidim oblake, a kazem sve ok
I see the clouds, but I say everything's okay
Al' zipa, ja nisam tvoja piksla
But listen, I'm not your toy
Treba ti tudja kita
You need someone else's dick
Ne jebem da te titram
I'm not fucking you to make you tremble
Plus, nemas muda da mi priznas da
Plus, you don't have the balls to admit that
Ti si ta koja ne prati flow
You're the one who's not following the flow
Ti si ta koja preti da je gotovo
You're the one who threatens it's over
Ti si ta koja zivi dokono
You're the one who lives idly
Pa bi okolo da pravis
So you want to go around causing
Lom po svom ponovo
Chaos on your own terms again
K'o olovom pucas lazima
You shoot lies like bullets
Kazi bar, trazim kar, masis stvar
At least say, "I'm looking for sex," you're missing the point
Mi smo lazni par, gasis nas
We're a fake couple, you're turning us off
Gazis bas, al' osecas
You're stepping all over it, but you feel
Da nismo promasaj, jer
That we're not a mistake, because
Samo ja pratim otkucaj
Only I follow the heartbeat
Ne znas nikog ko te tako zna
You don't know anyone who knows you like that
Ustvari si samo prosek
Actually, you're just average
U tripu da si riba-zmaj, ma daj
Tripping that you're a dragon-woman, come on
Vise ne govoris
You don't talk anymore
U stanju si da me sutnes
You're ready to kick me out
Hoces da odmoris
You want to take a break
Neko drugi te uci
Someone else is teaching you
Sta su nasi odnosi.
What our relationship is.
Kazes, tesko mozes
You say, you can hardly
Jos uvek da me
Podnosis, da odlazis
Stand me, that you're leaving
Sve mi se cini da se grdno varas
It all seems like you're making a big mistake
Jer vec sledeceg momenta, ti si tu
Because the next moment, you're here
Batali poruke, spike izmedju redova
Forget the messages, the words between the lines
Zelimo se k'o prvi put
We desire each other like the first time
Slusam tvoga srca otkucaje
I listen to your heart's beats
Nema niko ko me tol'ko zna
No one knows me like you do
Jer tebi pripadam, ti otvoris me
Because I belong to you, you open me up
Tebi pripadam, ne reci mi ne
I belong to you, don't tell me no
U slucaju prekomernih problema
In case of excessive problems
Klinka sa klinkom izbija, hehe
Girl on girl violence erupts, hehe
I posle svega, jebi ga
And after all that, fuck it
Hodam tom istom stazom
I walk the same path
Marchelo de Facto
Marchelo de Facto
Ziljavih picki degustator
Taster of skinny pussies
Tom trasom zaknjav'o odavno
I've been screwing on this path for a long time
Glavno da stalno sam s ravom
The main thing is that I'm always with a flat one
I to ti je tako, moj bato
And that's how it is, my brother
Jerbo ne mogu s pravom
Because I can't be with a real one
E, pa, izvin'te me
Well, excuse me
Teta-tasto, ja sam za stvarno
Mother-in-law and father-in-law, I'm for real
Doselio bih se za stalno
I would move in permanently
Al' vam se cerka hefta na kvarno
But your daughter clings on sneakily
Pa sam post'o kurajber
So I became a courier
Los frajer, sta god da je riba mastala
A bad boyfriend, whatever the girl dreamed of
Gurnem triput, isprskam
I push it in three times, I spray
Odem kuci srecan masala, masala
I go home happy, masala, masala
Isto mi se vatala Hale Beri
Halle Berry would fall for me too
Ili ona bagava s vasara
Or that nasty one from the carnival
Glava svastara, kita svastojed
A head full of junk, a dick that eats everything
Smuckam kao Nigrutin sataras
I devour like Nigrutin's sataras
Al' nece biti raskida
But there will be no break-up
Ti isti si skot k'o i ja
You're the same asshole as I am
Pa dzabe treskas vratima
So you can slam the door all you want
Jer eto te nazad, za dan, dva
Because here you are back, in a day or two
Vise ne govoris
You don't talk anymore
U stanju si da me sutnes
You're ready to kick me out
Hoces da odmoris
You want to take a break
Neko drugi te uci
Someone else is teaching you
Sta su nasi odnosi.
What our relationship is.
Kazes, tesko mozes
You say, you can hardly
Jos uvek da me
Podnosis, da odlazis
Stand me, that you're leaving
Sve mi se cini da se grdno varas
It all seems like you're making a big mistake
Jer vec sledeceg momenta, ti si tu
Because the next moment, you're here
Batali poruke, spike izmedju redova
Forget the messages, the words between the lines
Zelimo se k'o prvi put
We desire each other like the first time
Slusam tvoga srca otkucaje
I listen to your heart's beats
Nema niko ko me tol'ko zna
No one knows me like you do
Jer tebi pripadam, ti otvoris me
Because I belong to you, you open me up
Tebi pripadam, ne reci mi ne
I belong to you, don't tell me no

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