Maria del Mar Bonet - Merhaba - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Maria del Mar Bonet - Merhaba

Al record d'Ulisses que ensenyà a la terra
In memory of Ulysses who taught the land
La passió primera de fer-se a la mar
The first passion to make one to sea
Al jardí d'escuma que envolta el viatge
In the foam garden that surrounds the journey
Cada cop que l'home torna a navegar
Every time that a man returns to sail
Al vaixell que passa amb la vela estesa
In the ship that passes with the sail hoisted
La sola bandera que ha tingut la mar
The only flag that the sea has ever had
Al cel de gavines coronant les barques
At the sky of seagulls crowning the boats
Cada cop que tornen: Hola! Merhaba!
Every time that they return: Hi! Hello!
Al dofí que muda la rancor per dansa
At the dolphin that changes rancor for dance
I quan veu la barca corre a saludar
And when it sees the boat it runs to greet
A la pau que deixa un temps de bonança
At the peace that leaves a time of bonanza
A la mar cansada: Hola! Merhaba!
At the tired sea: Hi! Hello!
A la veu salada que va dir a la terra
At the salty voice that said to the land
Tu ets la meva filla, no ho oblidis mai
You are my daughter, never forget that
Al país que encara obre la frontera
At the country that still opens its borders
A la mar mestissa: Hola! Merhaba!
At the mixed race sea: Hi! Hello!

Авторы: O. Zülfü Livaneli

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