Mariachi Vargas De Tecalitlan - Maldita Sea Mi Suerte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Mariachi Vargas De Tecalitlan - Maldita Sea Mi Suerte

Maldita Sea Mi Suerte
Maldita Sea Mi Suerte
Ahora les voy a cantar
Now I'm going to sing to you
A las niñas por bonitas
To the young girls for being beautiful
A las viejas por viejitas
To the old ladies for being old
Y a mi amor para olvidar
And to my love to forget you
Cuantas flores en el plan
How many flowers in the field
Cuántas aves en el cielo
How many birds in the sky
Cuantas tórtolas en vuelo
How many doves in flight
Pero cuánto gavilan
But how many vultures
Zopilotes a volar
Buzzards flying around
Presumido gavilan
Proud vulture
La paloma de san juan
The dove of St. John
No puede desplumar
Can't be plucked
Solo quiero contemplar
I just want to gaze
Tus ojitos y besar tu boquita sin igual
Into your eyes and kiss your little mouth without equal
Que me hace tanto mallllll-dita sea mi surte
That makes me so bad-my luck
Mi vida, mi vida me la han robado
My life, my life has been stolen from me
Pero a mi me han dejado
But they have left me
Mi amor que te tiene y te buscará
My love that has you and will look for you
Dame de despedida mi vida
Give me a goodbye kiss, my life
Mi vida nomas un beso
My life, just one kiss
Ahora te doy mi vida
Now I give you my life
Mi vida, mi vida
My life, my life
Cariño que dios me ha dado para quererlo
Sweetheart that God has given me to love
Cariño que a mi me quiere con dulce amor
Sweetheart who loves me with sweet love
Para ella no existe pena que no consuele
For her there is no pain that she cannot comfort
Mirando yo su carita, yo miro a dios
Looking into her little face, I see God
Hay que dichoso soy
How happy I am
Con ella soy feliz
With her I am happy
Viva su vida, mi cariñito que tengo aquí
Long live your life, my sweetheart that I have here
No me escribites y mis cartas anteriores
You haven't written to me and my previous letters
No se si las recibites
I don't know if you received them
Tu me olvidates, y mataron mis amores
You forgot me, and killed my loves
El silencio que le dites
The silence that you give
A ver si a ésta di le das contestación, ufemia
Let's see if you give an answer to this one, Euphemia
Del amor pa que te escribo
Of love for what I write to you
Aquí queda como amigo
Here I remain as a friend
Tu afectisimo y atento y muy seguro servidor
Your affectionate and attentive and very sure servant
Sembré una flor, sin interés
I planted a flower, without interest
Yo la sembré para ver si era formal
I planted it to see if it was formal
A los tres días que la dejé de regar
Three days after I stopped watering it
Al volver ya estaba seca
It was already dry when I returned
Ya no quiso retoñar
It didn't want to sprout again
Al volver ya estaba seca
It was already dry when I returned
Ya no quiso retoñar
It didn't want to sprout again
Yo la regaba con agua que cae del cielo
I watered it with water that falls from the sky
Y la regaba con lágrimas de mis ojos
And I watered it with tears from my eyes
Mis amigos me dijeron
My friends told me
Ya no riegues esa flor
Don't water that flower anymore
Esa flor ya no retoña, tiene muerto el corazón
That flower doesn't sprout anymore, its heart is dead
Esa flor ya no retoña, tiene muerto el corazón
That flower doesn't sprout anymore, its heart is dead
De altamira, tamaulipas
From Altamira, Tamaulipas
Traigo ésta alegre canción
I bring this happy song
Y al son del viejo violín y jaranas canto yo
And to the sound of the old violin and guitars I sing
A las mujeres bonitas que son de mi adoración
To the beautiful women who are my adoration
De altamira, tamaulipas traigo ésta alegre canción
From Altamira, Tamaulipas I bring this happy song
Pasaste a mi lado con gran indiferencia
You passed by me with great indifference
Tus ojos ni siquiera voltearon hacia mi
Your eyes didn't even glance at me
Te vi sin que me vieras, te hablé sin que me oyeras
I saw you without you seeing me, I spoke to you without you hearing me
Y toda mi amargura se ahogó dentro de mi
And all my bitterness drowned inside me
Me duele hasta la vida saber que me olvidaste
It pains me to the point of death to know that you have forgotten me
Pensar que ni desprecios merezca yo de ti
To think that I don't even deserve contempt from you
Y sin embargo sigues
And yet you continue
Unida a mi existencia
United to my existence
Y si vivo cien años, cien años pienso en ti
And if I live a hundred years, for a hundred years I'll think of you
Ya llegó tu enamorado
Your lover has arrived
El que te interrumpe el sueño
He who interrupts your slumber
Este pobre desgraciado
This poor unfortunate
Que anda siempre desvelado
Who is always awake
Porque quiere ser tu dueño
Because he wants to be your master
Mientras la pasión me dure
As long as my passion endures
Y tu voluntad me aguante
And your will allows me
No habrá noche de tu vida
There will be no night of your life
Que no vengan mis mariachis
That my mariachis will not come
Y mi voz a despertarte
And my voice to awaken you
Ay ay ay ay ay
Oh oh oh oh
La suerte me está fallando
My luck is failing me
Ay ay ay ay ay corazón
Oh oh oh oh heart
La vida me estás cambiando
My life is changing
Ya se va tu enamorado
Your lover is leaving now

Авторы: Mark Anthony Muniz, Julio Reyes, Juan Pablo Vega, Jimena Romero

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