Massa - Hammasi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Massa - Hammasi

It's Nothing, Baby, It's Everything
Uh, Yeah
Uh, Yeah
Massa, Massa...
Massa, Massa...
Kettu, Yeah
Kettu, Yeah
Hech Nima, Yo' Bola Hammasi
It's Nothing, Baby, It's Everything
Manga Yoqti, Toza Qog'oz Mazzasi
I've Got Time, Enjoying the Blank Page
Massa, Keldi She'riyatga Yillik Davosi
Massa, the Annual Voice of Poetry Has Arrived
Soqqa Qiliwi Bilmasen Qani O'qishin Ma'nosi
You Don't Know How to Read the Street's Meaning
Vaxshiy, Kim Ochdi, Mandan Temir Qafasi
Savage, Who Opened My Iron Cage
To'xtovsiz, Mehnat, Qog'oz Sanash Papasi
Relentless, Hard Work, Counting the Paper Pope
Keganda Hal Bo'sin Bola Moliyala Yaxshisi
When Times Are Tough, May Your Money Improve, Baby
Ish Tayyor Bo'ladi Agar Tayyor Bo'sa Soqqasi
The Job Will Be Ready If Your Fist Is Ready
Massa, O'lovda, Qofiyalar Qaynovda
Massa, In the Fire, Rhymes Are Boiling
Damolishga Ketsamam Hamma Vaxtim To'lovda
I Can't Be Demolished, My Time Is Always in Payment
To'xta, Chunmagan Bo'sen Aqlin Yiroqda
Stop, If You're Not Smart, Your Mind Is Far Away
Soqqa Tilida Gapirmasen Bo'gin Uzoqda
You Don't Speak the Street's Language, Now You're Far Away
Ko'zla Manda Qatgadur Kesam
Look at My Forbidden Eyes
Qizsiz Qolasan Ko'yneni Yechsam
You'll Be Without a Girl If I Take Off My Shirt
Qomidi Go'sht O'yinga Kirsam
Come On, Let's Play With the Meat
Tarixda Qo'ladi Bilgin Bola Mani Hissam
History Will Laugh, Wise Boy, I Feel You
Hech Nima, Yo' Bola Hammasi
It's Nothing, Baby, It's Everything
Hech Nima, Yo' Bola Hammasi
It's Nothing, Baby, It's Everything
Hamma, Hamma, Hammasi
Everyone, Everyone, Everything
Hech Nima, Yo' Bola Hammasi
It's Nothing, Baby, It's Everything
Hech Nima, Yo' Bola Hammasi
It's Nothing, Baby, It's Everything
Natijaga O'zgartirdim Man Orzu-Havasi
I've Changed My Ambitions to Results
Hammasi, Yo' Bola Hech Nima
Everything, Baby, It's Nothing
Yozin Qishin Sanimiza Biza Do'lana
Our Summer and Winter Turn Around
Lekin Osmondan Bizaga Keladi Dib O'ylama
But Don't Think the Heaven Will Send Us Bread
Soqqa Qigin Kesa She'rlarim Bo'ladi Qo'llanma
My Street Wisdom Poems Will Be a Guide
Bola, Qaysi Ish Qimasenam Mehnat Tanlama
Boy, No Matter What I Do, I Don't Choose Labor
Lekin Aqliy Mehnatni Jismoniydan Ustun Qo'yma
But Don't Put Mental Labor Above Physical Labor
To'qqizdan Oltigacha Ishlashga Bo'ma Obuna
Don't Be a Slave to Nine to Five
O'zgartirgin Kesa Hayotni Bo'laman Namuna
Change This Life, I'll Be an Example
Massa, Kafolat, Yuqoridir Harorat
Massa, Guarantee, the Temperature Is High
Taxallusim Ma'nosi, Chungan Bo'sen Daromad
The Meaning of My Nickname, Income from Thieving
Bonkala Pulga O'lchanmas Ter To'kishdan Dalolat
Banknotes Can't Measure Sweat Loss
Ishliman San O'ylaguncha Mana Oddiy Haqiqat, Massa
I Work Until You Think, Here's a Simple Truth, Massa
Yosh O'zbek, Yosh Tadbirkor
Young Uzbek, Young Entrepreneur
Kelishim Bilan O'zgardi Bozor
My Arrival Changed the Market
Bola Sanga Manda Bitta Gapim Bor
Boy, I Have a Word for You
Kere Manga Hammasi Chunki Hech Nimam Bor
I Need Everything Because I Have Nothing
Hech Nima, Yo' Bola Hammasi
It's Nothing, Baby, It's Everything
Hech Nima, Yo' Bola Hammasi
It's Nothing, Baby, It's Everything
Hamma, Hamma, Hammasi
Everyone, Everyone, Everything
Hech Nima, Yo' Bola Hammasi
It's Nothing, Baby, It's Everything
Hech Nima, Yo' Bola Hammasi
It's Nothing, Baby, It's Everything
Natijaga O'zgartirdim Man Orzu-Havasi
I've Changed My Ambitions to Results
Hamma, Hammasi...
Everyone, Everything...
Massa... Massa...
Massa... Massa...
Hamma, Hammasi...
Everyone, Everything...

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