Mbee - A Trecut Timpul - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Mbee - A Trecut Timpul

A Trecut Timpul
Time Has Passed
A trecut timpul (Rapid)
Time has passed (Speedy)
S-a fumat fimul (yea,yea)
The film has faded (yea, yea)
Si acuma stiu cum merge Treaba
And now I know how things go
M-ai lasat singur
You left me alone
Si eu sufeream pe pat de spital (yea)
And I suffered in a hospital bed (yea)
In cine sa ma incred? (yea)
Who can I trust? (yea)
Simt durere in piept (Ma doare)
I feel pain in my chest (It hurts)
Nu mai am aer
I can't breathe
Toti sunt la fel (yeah yeah)
They are all the same (yeah yeah)
Te lasa la greu (adevarat)
They leave you in hardship (true)
Si roata se invarte
And the wheel turns
Am asteptat, dar nimic n-a mers dupa plan
I waited, but nothing went according to plan
Poate-s golan, dar nu te-am lasat
Maybe I'm a crook, but I didn't leave you
Au trecut anii, mereu am fost langa tine
Years have passed, I've always been by your side
Poate ocupat munceam ca sa ne fie bine
Maybe busy working so that we could be fine
Ce ai trait cu mine altii doar vad in filme
What you lived with me others only see in films
Doar vad in filme... yeah, yeah
Only see in films... yeah, yeah
Ai ars-o dupa prosti si dupa fraieri si chiar regeti
You burned it all on fools and losers and you really regret it
Iti scazi singura valoarea Mbee n-are pret
You lower your own value, Mbee has no price
Inima mare ca marea si pe val ma vezi
A heart as big as the ocean and you see me on a wave
Nu stii cat de bun e ce aveai pana chiar il pierzi
You don't know how good what you had is until you lose it
Cand mi-am vazut moartea in ochi tu ai picat la test
When I saw death in my eyes, you failed the test
Mi-au luat o bucata din mine tu ai plecat la chef
They took a piece of me, you went to a party
Gresesti aceeasi greseala cand chiar te iert
Make the same mistake when I forgive you
Nu stii cat de bun e ce aveai pana chiar il pierzi
You don't know how good what you had is until you lose it
Timpul trece
Time is passing
Se raceste intre noi
It's cooling between us
Hai spune-mi cine?
Come on, tell me who?
Eu zic ca nimeni...
I say, no one...
Timpul trece
Time is passing
Se raceste intre noi
It's cooling between us
Hai spune-mi cine?
Come on, tell me who?
Eu zic ca nimeni
I say, no one
(Nu o sa fie asa de bun ca mine)
(It's not going to be as good as me)

Авторы: Mohammed Bsat

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