Mc Ardilla - Armas Traen Violencia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Mc Ardilla - Armas Traen Violencia

Armas Traen Violencia
Weapons Bring Violence
Eii you
Hey you
Eii you
Hey you
Eii la zaga
Hey the young
Mc Ardilla
Mc Ardilla
Juntos Por Pecadores Papa
Together For Sinners Dad
Las armas te traen violencia
Weapons bring you violence
De un 45 a un 22
From a 45 to a 22
Pero es que cuidan mi existencia
But they protect my existence
Porque si dan sueña te dan
Because if they dream, they give you
Plocom plocom plocom plocom plo
Plocom plocom plocom plocom plo
Armas te traen violencia
Weapons bring you violence
De un 45 a un 22
From a 45 to a 22
Pero es que cuidan mi existencia
But they protect my existence
Porque si dan sueña te dan
Because if they dream, they give you
Plocom plocom plocom plocom plocom
Plocom plocom plocom plocom plocom
El hecho que tu me vea empistolao
The fact that you see me with a gun
No quiere decir que yo no alla estudiao
Doesn't mean that I haven't studied
Pero es que en la calle aii mucho eqiivokao
But there are many mistakes in the street
Qe diicen que tal ii qe son los qe pao
They say that and that they are the ones who do it
Se las comieron ii ahora estan cagaoos
They screwed up and now they're scared
No creen en nadiie ii esta comprobao
They don't believe in anyone and it's proven
Es lo mejor pa no qedar pegao
It's the best way not to get hurt
Por culpa de aquellos que andan jalaos
Because of those who are high
La lluvia de bala en mi zona no cesa
The rain of bullets in my area does not stop
Se vende de Glock hasta Prieto Beretta
They sell from Glock to Prieto Beretta
Partiendo paredes y comprando rejas
Breaking walls and buying bars
Los perros ladrando ii las viiejas se qejan
The dogs barking and the old women complaining
Diciendo hasta cuando seguira esta mierda
Saying how long will this shit continue
Porque la maldad porque tanta violencia
Because of the evil why so much violence
La delincuencia acabando existencia
Delinquency ending existence
Te vuelan la 100 si pone resistencia
They blow your head off if you resist
Si nace una vida se mueren 50
If one life is born, 50 die
Son tantos los casos que perdi la cuenta
There are so many cases that I lost count
Si tu no me crees entonces apuesta
If you don't believe me, then bet
Sii haces pregunta una mente comienza
If you ask a question, a mind begins
La gente comenta y luego se lamente
People comment and then regret it
La madre le mete le mete hijo
The mother puts it in, she puts it in, son
Sii para alimenta
If it feeds
La cifra de muerte en mi barrio aumenta
The number of deaths in my neighborhood is increasing
Las armas te traen violenciia
Weapons bring you violence
De un 45 a un 22
From a 45 to a 22
Pero es que cuidan mi existencia
But they protect my existence
Porque si dan sueña te dan
Because if they dream, they give you
Plocom plocom plocom plocom plo
Plocom plocom plocom plocom plo
Las armas te traen violencia
Weapons bring you violence
De un 45 a un 22
From a 45 to a 22
Pero es que cuidan mi existencia
But they protect my existence
Porque si dan sueña te dan
Because if they dream, they give you
Plocom plocom plocom plocom plocom
Plocom plocom plocom plocom plocom
Me dicen que deje las armas
They tell me to put down the weapons
Pero no puedo dejarla nunca
But I can never put them down
El dia que yo la deje
The day I put them down
Sera el dia que este en la tumba
It will be the day I'm in the grave
Y hasta en la tumba
And even in the grave
La voy a tener en la cintura
I'll have it in my waistband
Pa recordar que tanto e matao
To remember how much I have killed
Explotao porque
Exploded because
Porque tan maduras
Because they are so mature
El Dios que me cuida
The God who takes care of me
No dejen mi vida
Don't let my life go
El Dios alternativa
The alternative God
Me cuidan de arriba
Watches over me from above
Balas Despegan
Bullets take off
Quita una vida y otra nueva vida pasa un mortal
Take a life and another new life passes a mortal
Balas despegan
Bullets take off
Quita una vidaa
Take a life
Y ya se fue otro criminal
And another criminal is gone
Oh no no no
Oh no no no
Quien me va a cuidar
Who's going to take care of me
Si todos se asustan cuando ve un metal
If everyone gets scared when they see a metal
Oh no no noo
Oh no no noo
Sii todos se asustan cuando los apuntan con un cañon
If everyone gets scared when they are pointed at with a gun
Si no me cuido yo quien me va a cuidar
If I don't take care of myself, who will take care of me
Si no me levanto yo quien me va a levantar
If I don't get up, who will lift me up
Fiebre ee matar
Fever to kill
Mi sangre ahora se caliienta por matar
My blood is now heating up to kill
Mi sangre ahora hirviendo por matar
My blood is now boiling to kill
Oyeme el mio
Listen to me, my friend
Que es lo que hay todo bien?
What's up, is everything okay?
Mira y el metal?
Look, what about the metal?
Coño no lo tengo ahorita y tu?
Damn, I don't have it right now, and you?
Epa y esos menores que viene por ahy
Hey, what about those kids coming over there
Nose el mio
I don't know, my friend
Esta activo esta activo
He's active, he's active
Epa mira mira mira
Hey, look, look, look
Vamonos Vamonos
Let's go, Let's go
Las Armas Te Traen Violenciia
Weapons Bring You Violence
De Un 45 a un 22
From a 45 to a 22
Pero Es Qe Si Dan Sueña
But If They Dream
Te Dan
They Give You
Plocom Plocom Plocoom Plocom Plocooom
Plocom Plocom Plocoom Plocom Plocooom

Авторы: Moises Paredes

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