Mel Tormé - You're the Top (Remastered) - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст песни и перевод на русский Mel Tormé - You're the Top (Remastered)

You're the Top (Remastered)
Ты — верх совершенства (ремастеринг)
At words poetic, I'm so pathetic
В стихах я, детка, полный ноль,
That I always have found it best,
Всегда считал, что дело плохо,
Instead of getting 'em off my chest,
И хоть в груди моей всё ноет,
To let 'em rest unexpressed,
Молчу, как рыба об лёд.
I hate parading my serenading
Я ненавижу эти серенады,
As I'll probably miss a bar,
Ведь непременно сфальшивлю,
But if this ditty is not so pretty
Но пусть мой мотив и невзрачен,
At least it'll tell you
Ты только знай
How great you are.
Тебя ценю.
You're the top!
Ты верх совершенства!
You're the Coliseum.
Ты Колизей.
You're the top!
Ты верх совершенства!
You're the Louver Museum.
Ты Лувр-музей.
You're a melody from a symphony by Strauss
Ты мелодия из симфонии Штрауса,
You're a Bendel bonnet,
Ты шляпка от Бенделя,
A Shakespeare's sonnet,
Сонет Шекспира,
You're Mickey Mouse.
Ты Микки Маус.
You're the Nile,
Ты Нил,
You're the Tower of Pisa,
Ты Пизанская башня,
You're the smile on the Mona Lisa
Ты улыбка Моны Лизы,
I'm a worthless check, a total wreck, a flop,
А я пустой чек, развалина, пшик,
But if, baby, I'm the bottom you're the top!
Но если я дно, милая, то ты верх!
Your words poetic are not pathetic.
Твои же строки, как мёд.
On the other hand, babe, you shine,
Ты вся сияешь, словно солнце.
And I can feel after every line
И от твоих прекрасных слов,
A thrill divine
Божественный прилив,
Down my spine.
В крови кипит.
Now gifted humans like Vincent Youmans
Возможно, гений Винсента Юманса,
Might think that your song is bad,
Нашёл бы песню эту плоской,
But I got a notion
Но я с ним не согласен,
I'll second the motion
И даже более того,
And this is what I'm going to add;
Скажу тебе вот что:
You're the top!
Ты верх совершенства!
You're Mahatma Gandhi.
Ты Махатма Ганди,
You're the top!
Ты верх совершенства!
You're Napoleon Brandy.
Ты коньяк Наполеон.
You're the purple light
Ты свет фиолетовый,
Of a summer night in Spain,
Испанской летней ночи,
You're the National Gallery
Ты галерея Третьяковская,
You're Garbo's salary,
Зарплата Гарбо,
You're cellophane.
Ты целлофан.
You're sublime,
Ты совершенство,
You're turkey dinner,
Ты праздничный ужин,
You're the time, the time of a Derby winner
Ты время, момент триумфа,
I'm a toy balloon that's fated soon to pop
Я шарик, что вот-вот лопнет,
But if, baby, I'm the bottom,
Но если я дно, детка,
You're the top!
То ты верх!
You're the top!
Ты верх совершенства!
You're an arrow collar
Ты воротник с рекламы,
You're the top!
Ты верх совершенства!
You're a Coolidge dollar,
Ты доллар от Кулиджа.
You're the nimble tread
Ты поступь легкая,
Of the feet of Fred Astaire,
Самого Фреда Астера,
You're an O'Neill drama,
Ты драма О’Нила,
You're Whistler's mama!
Ты матушка Уистлера,
You're camembert.
Ты камамбер.
You're a rose,
Ты роза,
You're Inferno's Dante,
Ты Данте из Преисподней,
You're the nose
Ты нос,
On the great Durante.
Великого Джимми Дуранте.
I'm just in a way,
Я просто лишний,
As the French would say, "de trop".
Как говорят французы, «де тру»,
But if, baby, I'm the bottom,
Но если я дно, крошка,
You're the top!
То ты верх!
You're the top!
Ты верх совершенства!
You're a dance in Bali.
Ты танцы на Бали,
You're the top!
Ты верх совершенства!
You're a hot tamale.
Ты острый тако!
You're an angel, you,
Ты ангел, ты просто,
Simply too, too, too diveen,
Слишком божественна,
You're a Boticcelli,
Ты Боттичелли,
You're Keats,
Ты Китс,
You're Shelly!
Ты Шелли!
You're Ovaltine!
Ты витамин!
You're a boom,
Ты бум,
You're the dam at Boulder,
Ты дамба на Боулдере,
You're the moon,
Ты луна,
Over Mae West's shoulder,
Над плечом Мэй Уэст,
I'm the nominee of the G.O.P.
Я кандидат от партии республиканцев,
Или от GOP!
But if, baby, I'm the bottom,
Но если я дно, малышка,
You're the top!
То ты верх!
You're the top!
Ты верх совершенства!
You're a Waldorf salad.
Ты салат «Вальдорф»,
You're the top!
Ты верх совершенства!
You're a Berlin ballad.
Ты баллада из Берлина.
You're the boats that glide
Ты лодки, что скользят,
On the sleepy Zuider Zee,
По сонному Зёйдерзее,
You're an old Dutch master,
Ты старый мастер голландский,
You're Lady Astor,
Ты леди Астор,
You're broccoli!
Ты брокколи!
You're romance,
Ты романтика,
You're the steppes of Russia,
Ты русские степи,
You're the pants, on a Roxy usher,
Ты брюки билетёра,
I'm a broken doll, a fol-de-rol, a blop,
А я сломанная кукла, фигляр, нуль,
But if, baby, I'm the bottom,
Но если я дно, милая,
You're the top!
То ты верх!

Авторы: Cole Porter

Mel Tormé - Mel 100 (100 Original Recordings) [Remastered]
Mel 100 (100 Original Recordings) [Remastered]
дата релиза

1 Blue Moon (Remastered)
2 How High the Moon (Remastered)
3 Gone With the Wind (Remastered)
4 This Can't Be Love (Remastered)
5 You're A Heavenly Thing (Remastered)
6 Isn't It a Lovely Day (Remastered)
7 September Song (Remastered)
8 My Buddy (Remastered)
9 I Can't Get Started (Remastered)
10 They Didn't Believe Me (Remastered)
11 Country Boy (Remastered)
12 How Long Has This Been Going On (Remastered)
13 April Showers (Remastered)
14 Don't Fan the Flame (Remastered)
15 Dream Awhile (Remastered)
16 The Blues (Remastered)
17 Heart and Soul (Remastered)
18 I Hadnt Anyone Till You (Remastered)
19 When It's Sleepy Time Down South (Remastered)
20 The Piccolino (Remastered)
21 I Like to Recognise the Tune (Remastered)
22 A Cottage For Sale (Remastered)
23 Cross Your Heart (Remastered)
24 I've Got a Feeling I'm Falling (Remastered)
25 It's Too Late Now (Remastered)
26 Again (Remastered)
27 You’re Getting To Be A Habit With Me (Remastered)
28 The Best Things in Life Are Free (Remastered)
29 Little White Lies (Remastered)
30 Sing You Sinners (Remastered)
31 Dear Old Fairmont (Remastered)
32 You're Driving Me Crazy (Remastered)
33 You're the Top (Remastered)
34 When the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along (Remastered)
35 Everything Happens to Me (Remastered)
36 It's a Most Unusual Day (Remastered)
37 The Carioca (Remastered)
38 Pythagoras, How You Stagger Us (Remastered)
39 The French Lesson (Remastered)
40 It's Dark On Observatory Hill (Remastered)
41 Oh You Beautiful Doll (Remastered)
42 On a Slowboat to China (Remastered)
43 Brahm's Lullaby (Remastered)
44 Dat Dere (Remastered)
45 Malt Shop Special (Remastered)
46 Wish I May, Wish I Might (Remastered)
47 Careless Hands (Remastered)
48 Got the Gate On the Golden Gate (Remastered)
49 A Stranger in Town (Remastered)
50 Don't Take Your Love from Me (Remastered)
51 Blues in the Night (Remastered)
52 On a Little Street in Singapore (Remastered)
53 What Is This Thing Called Love (Remastered)
54 For You, for Me, for Evermore (Remastered)
55 Changing My Tune (Remastered)
56 Guilty (Remastered)
57 Don't You Believe It Dear (Remastered)
58 It's the Same Old Dream (Remastered)
59 I Believe (Remastered)
60 How Are Things in Glocca Morra (Remastered)
61 Stompin' At the Savoy (Remastered)
62 I Cover the Waterfront (Remastered)
63 Puttin' On the Ritz (Remastered)
64 Skylark (Remastered)
65 Try A Little Tenderness (Remastered)
66 They Can't Take That Away from Me (Remastered)
67 Love Me or Leave Me (Remastered)
68 April in Paris (Remastered)
69 Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (Remastered)
70 Sonny Boy (Remastered)
71 Moanin' (Remastered)
72 My Funny Valentine (Remastered)
73 Night And Day (Remastered)
74 Along With Me (Remastered)
75 That's Where I Came In (Remastered)
76 I Got the Sun in the Morning (Remastered)
77 Love Is The Sweetest Thing (Remastered)
78 Three Little Words (Remastered)
79 I Can't Give You Anything But Love (Remastered)
80 Lullaby of the Leaves (Remastered)
81 These Desperate Hours
82 Fine And Dandy (Remastered)
83 The Day You Came Along (Remastered)
84 Black Moonlight (Remastered)
85 County Fair (Remastered)
86 Willow Road (Remastered)
87 There's No One But You (Remastered)
88 The Four Wings and the Seven Seas (Remastered)
89 Do Do Do (Remastered)
90 South America, Take It Away (Remastered)
91 And So to Bed (Remastered)
92 Born To Be Blue (Remastered)
93 The Old Master Painter (Remastered)
94 It Happened In Monterey (Remastered)
95 There's No Business Like Show Business (Remastered)
96 A Little Kiss Each Morning (Remastered)
97 When Is Sometime (Remastered)
98 It's Easy to Remember (Remastered)
99 They Can't Convince Me (Remastered)

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