Mia Dimšić - Kiša - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Mia Dimšić - Kiša

Kad kiša padne, sve se čini otužnim
When the rain falls, everything seems sad
I da ti budem iskrena, ponekad se ne znam nosit' s tim
And to be honest, sometimes I don't know how to deal with it
Pa tražim način da sve brzo osušim
So I look for a way to dry everything up quickly
A ne postoji kišobran tako velik da se zaklonim
But there is no umbrella big enough to shelter me
Od sveg blata što se skupi gdje mi je najviše stalo
From all the mud that collects where I need it most
Pa zbog toga predaleko prema suncu putujem
That's why I travel too far towards the sun
I ne znam puno o životu, možda ništa, možda malo
And I don't know much about life, maybe nothing, maybe a little
Ali stvarno vjerujem
But I really believe it
Da padat će sad i još tri dana, ali uvijek jednom stane
That it will fall for three more days, but it will always stop eventually
Znam da čak i glupa kiša ima svoje dobre strane
I know that even stupid rain has its good sides
I sve što sad je mokro, gdje je danas vjetar puho'
And everything that is wet now, where the wind is blowing today
Sigurno će sutra biti suho
Will surely be dry tomorrow
Kad kiša padne, samo želim nestati
When the rain falls, I just want to disappear
Al' najgore što mogu sad je u svojoj sobi ostati
But the worst thing I can do now is stay in my room
I sve je strašno kad kroz prozor gledam van
And everything is terrible when I look outside through the window
Al' znam da tek kad pokisnem iz oluje rodit će se san
But I know that only when I get soaked will a dream be born from the storm
A za njega vrijedi ići i kroz vodu i kroz vjetar
And it is worth going through water and wind for it
Svaki korak prijeći čak i ako se razočaram
To take every step even if I get disappointed
Čeka nas još puno više, što nam može malo kiše
There is still much more ahead of us, what can a little rain do to us
Sve je lakše sad kad znam
Everything is easier now when I know
Da padat će sad i još tri dana, ali uvijek jednom stane
That it will fall for three more days, but it will always stop eventually
Znam da čak i glupa kiša ima svoje dobre strane
I know that even stupid rain has its good sides
I sve što sad je mokro, gdje je danas vjetar puho'
And everything that is wet now, where the wind is blowing today
Sigurno će sutra biti suho
Will surely be dry tomorrow
Znam da čak i glupa kiša ima svoje dobre strane
I know that even stupid rain has its good sides
I sve što sad je mokro, gdje je danas vjetar puho'
And everything that is wet now, where the wind is blowing today
Sigurno će sutra biti suho
Will surely be dry tomorrow
Padat će sad i još tri dana, ali uvijek jednom stane
It will fall for three more days, but it will always stop eventually
Znam da čak i glupa kiša ima svoje dobre strane
I know that even stupid rain has its good sides
I sve što sad je mokro, gdje je danas vjetar puho'
And everything that is wet now, where the wind is blowing today
Sigurno će sutra biti suho
Will surely be dry tomorrow
Sigurno će sutra biti suho
Surely tomorrow will be dry

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