Miligram feat. Severina - Od Leta Do Leta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Miligram feat. Severina - Od Leta Do Leta

Od Leta Do Leta
Summer to Summer
Svakoj ljubavi mi uvek dođe kraj
All my loves always come to an end
Ko da sve je prošlo kako dođe maj
As if everything had passed as May came
Od svega starog ja bih nešto novo
From everything old I would make something new
Sad mi treba samo da uhvatim nit
Now I just need to pick up the thread
Neka nova pesma ma neki novi hit
A new song some new hit
Ma sve me smara meni treba odmor
But everything hurts I need some rest
Sve je to od dima što stigo je sa Kube
All of this from the smoke that came from Cuba
Zovem ture pića na brdu iznad Budve
I call multiple drinks on the hill above Budva
Menjamo adrese dok ne dođe jesen
We change addresses until autumn comes
Kako kaže urban mit
As the urban myth says
Sve je to od dima što stigo je sa Kube
All of this from the smoke that came from Cuba
Zovem ture pića na brdu iznad Budve
I call multiple drinks on the hill above Budva
Ja ga čujem prvi iz auta samo grmi
I hear it first from the car it rumbles
Novi letnji hit hit hit
New summer hit hit hit
Porto Montenegro gas
Porto Montenegro gas
Leto kabriolet bas
Summer convertible bass
Tvoje telo moje ruke
Your body my hands
Dani kratki noći duge
Short days long nights
Malo palmizana Hvar
Little palmizana Hvar
Vozimo iz Istre mi za Bar
We drive from Istria to Bar
U svakom gradu sve se trese
Everything shakes in every city
Dolazimo kaži gdje ste
We are coming tell us where you are
Od leta do leta
Summer to summer
Od ljeta do ljeta
From summer to summer
Od leta do leta
Summer to summer
Od ljeta do ljeta
From summer to summer
Cijele zime mislila sam ti si taj
All winter I thought you were the one
A k'o da mi sve prođe kako dođe maj
But as if everything had passed as May came
Odmah bi negdje letjet' avionom
I would immediately fly somewhere by plane
A sad mi treba neki totalno moj tip
And now I need someone who is totally my type
Ma neko novo mjesto, ma neki ljetni hit
But some new place, but some summer hit
Ma svim problemima ću reći zbogom
But I will say goodbye to all the problems
Sve je to od dima što stigo je sa Kube
All of this from the smoke that came from Cuba
Zovem ture pića na brdu iznad Budve
I call multiple drinks on the hill above Budva
Mijenjamo adrese dok ne dođe jesen
We change addresses until autumn comes
Kako kaže urban mit
As the urban myth says
Sve je to od dima što stigo je sa Kube
All of this from the smoke that came from Cuba
Zovem ture pića na brdu iznad Pule
I call multiple drinks on the hill above Pula
Ja ga čujem prva iz auta samo gruva
I hear it first from the car it rumbles
Novi ljetni hit hit hit
New summer hit hit hit
Porto Montenegro gas
Porto Montenegro gas
Leto kabriolet bas
Summer convertible bass
Tvoje tijelo moje ruke
Your body my hands
Dani kratki noći duge
Short days long nights
Malo palmizana Hvar
Little palmizana Hvar
Vozimo iz Istre mi za Bar
We drive from Istria to Bar
U svakom gradu sve se trese
Everything shakes in every city
Dolazimo kaži gde ste
We are coming tell us where you are
Od ljeta do ljeta
From summer to summer
Od leta do leta
Summer to summer
Od ljeta do ljeta
From summer to summer
Od leta do leta
Summer to summer

Авторы: Aleksandar Milic, Slobodan Veljkovic, Antonije Stojiljkovic

Miligram feat. Severina - Od Leta Do Leta
Od Leta Do Leta
дата релиза

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