Mimi Mercedez - 11211 - перевод текста песни на английский

11211 - Mimi Mercedezперевод на английский

Jedan tri jedan dva
One three one two
Reprezent centar 2
Representing Center 2
Centar dva, sjeban kraj, ko cela leva obala
Center two, fucked up end, like the whole left bank
Čujem, video si most, ali nisi smeo preko
I hear you saw the bridge, but you didn't dare to cross
Ipak, znaj da nije Borča, centar je daleko
Still, know it's not Borča, the center is far away
Ako ne znaš, nauči, pa se posle kurči
If you don't know, learn, then brag about it later
Ko je hteo obrnuto, išao je krvav kući
Whoever wanted the opposite, went home bloody
Ovde nećeš dobro proći ako voliš da se gubiš
Here you won't do well if you like to get lost
Klinci su ludi, borčanski asfalt ćeš da ljubiš
The kids are crazy, you'll kiss the Borča asphalt
Dobrodošao u kraj, nemamo vile, ni jahte
Welcome to the hood, we don't have villas or yachts
Već raspale garažice i otvorene šahte
But busted garages and open manholes
Kilograme dopa i kradena kola
Kilograms of dope and stolen cars
Svako veče pored moje gajbe prolazi patrola
Every night a patrol passes by my crib
Jer čim prođeš Borča city, kreću zvezdini grafiti
Because as soon as you pass Borča city, Zvezda graffiti starts
Onda mali portoriko, u kom beo nije niko
Then little Puerto Rico, where no one is white
Dok ti žališ sudbinu, iščekuješ čudotvorce
While you pity your fate, you await miracle workers
Borča svaki dan proizvodi, nove geto borce
Borča produces new ghetto fighters every day
Zato pesma uvek ide i za kraj, i za njih
That's why the song always goes for the end, and for them
Ovo nisu životi bogatih i poznatih
These are not the lives of the rich and famous
Ovo su životi siromašnih i opasnih
These are the lives of the poor and dangerous
Rime ne možeš da svariš, jer na geto smrdi svaki stih
You can't digest the rhymes, because every verse stinks of the ghetto
(šta? šta?)
(what? what?)
Za svaki životni izbor, posledice snosiš
For every life choice, you bear the consequences
Ukradi, prevari, al' nemoj nikada da prosiš
Steal, cheat, but never beg
Besparica, standardica, kao dobar dan
Poverty, standardica, like a good morning
Zašto da se plaši tvorza, ko već nije slobodan?
Why be afraid of prison, who is not already free?
Super je sve to, beli šengen, nema vize
It's all great, white Schengen, no visa
Al ovde se dešava, da se nema ni za rizle
But here it happens that there is not even enough for rolling papers
Kakav crni restoran, kafić ili putovanje
What black restaurant, cafe or travel
Ulica je škola, jer je za "dž" obrazovanje
The street is school, because education is for "free"
Cirkanje i 'vanje, brate geto solidarnost
Hustling and dealing, brother, ghetto solidarity
Ribe repuju sranje, a ja sirovu realnost
Bitches rap bullshit, and I rap raw reality
Ljubav mir i sreća nikad nisu moje teme
Love, peace and happiness are never my themes
Nisam nadrkana ja, takvo je vreme
I'm not pissed off, that's the way the times are
Kad me neko hejtuje, ja ga pitam: "Šta ti je?"
When someone hates on me, I ask them: "What's wrong with you?"
Samnom si, ako si protiv vlasti i nemaštine
You're with me if you're against the authorities and poverty
Ako nisi, onda ćuti i uredno plaćaj poreze
If you're not, then shut up and pay your taxes regularly
Ko te jebe, kad na kraju ipak bićeš poražen
Who gives a fuck, when in the end you'll be defeated anyway
Tvrdih momenata više nego veselih
More hard moments than happy ones
Ortaci padaju po kraju kao bombe devedesetih
Homies are falling all over the place like bombs in the nineties
Jer il' nemamo posla ili su nam bedne plate
Because either we don't have jobs or our salaries are shitty
A kad kažemo dosta proglase nas za psihopate
And when we say enough, they declare us psychopaths
Centar 1
Center 1
Centar 2
Center 2
Centar 3
Center 3
Centar 4
Center 4
Centar 5
Center 5
To je naš ceo svet!
That's our whole world!
Prečice i štekovi, alkohol i lekovi
Shortcuts and stashes, alcohol and meds
Mesto gde dani bez vutre traju kao vekovi
A place where days without weed last like centuries
Svaki dan je isti pa nam treba osveženje
Every day is the same so we need some refreshment
Ovde ili si u tvorzi, ili čekaš odsluženje
Here you're either in jail or waiting to serve your time
Budi hrabar da izdržiš, što ne možeš da promeniš
Be brave enough to endure what you can't change
Rispekt za sve ortake što zbog toga nisu smoreni
Respect for all the homies who aren't bored because of that
U kraju kalim se, ne mogu da žalim se
I'm getting hardened in the hood, I can't complain
Kad se ima deli se, kad se nema tali se
When you have it, you share it, when you don't have it, you hustle
Štekare palite, vi niste moja braća
Snitches, light up, you're not my brothers
Jer braća su bitnija od onog što se plaća
Because brothers are more important than what's paid
Ti me pitaš "Gde je Borča?"
You ask me "Where is Borča?"
Ja te pitam "Je l' si lud?"
I ask you "Are you crazy?"
11211, brate, Borča iz da hood
11211, brother, Borča from da hood
Gde nadrogirani dani i neprospavane noći
Where drugged-up days and sleepless nights
čine da većina mladih uvek spremna je na zločin
make most young people always ready for crime
Kad me pogledaš u oči, reci mi pta vidiš
When you look me in the eyes, tell me what you see
Vidiš ludu ortakinju, što ničeg se ne stidi
You see a crazy homie who is not ashamed of anything
šizofreničarka, pobegla iz Padinjaka
schizophrenic, escaped from Padinjaka
TOP10 ženskog repa, mojih 10 nadimaka
TOP 10 female rap, my 10 nicknames

Авторы: Milena Jankovic

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