Mimi Mercedez - Mržnja - перевод текста песни на английский

Mržnja - Mimi Mercedezперевод на английский

Lako bacim šesnaes′ rima kao kosku hejterima
I easily drop sixteen rhymes like a bone to haters
U mom poslu je praznina u mozgu strejterima (Mwah)
In my business, there's emptiness like in the brains of streamers (Mwah)
Njima i njima, ako ih i dalje ima
To them and them, if there are still any left
Sad su gudra i debljina postale deo mejnstrima
Now weed and fat asses have become part of the mainstream
Ako mrziš narodnjake, bajo, gubi se odavde (Mrš!)
If you hate folk music, dude, get lost (Get out!)
Pa ćeš posle iz Kanade da plačeš uz Bože pravde
Then you'll cry from Canada later to the song "Bože pravde" (God of Justice)
Ne mogu da me svare, ni ja ne mogu da svarim njih
They can't stomach me, nor can I stomach them
Mnogo mrzim ljude, ali ne dam da mi kvare trip (Ne!)
I hate people a lot, but I won't let them ruin my vibe (No!)
Sva ta lažna ljubav, svi pretenciozni saveti
All that fake love, all the pretentious advice
Slušala bih druge kada bila bih van pameti (Luda)
I'd listen to others if I were out of my mind (Crazy)
Oko mene krug je što ne može da se zameni
Around me is a circle that can't be replaced
Reči meni dragih za mene su dragi kamen
The words of my loved ones are precious stones to me
I pratim svoju zvezdu vodilju, hromiranu
And I follow my guiding star, chrome-plated
Gledam je kroz šoferku kako sija (Mer-ce-dez)
I watch it shine through the windshield (Mer-ce-dez)
Hoću brže do cilja, ali neću da robijam
I want to reach the goal faster, but I don't want to go to jail
Zato stalno kosim travu, ovde previše je zmija
That's why I constantly mow the lawn, there are too many snakes here
Kad izgubim sve opet postanem zverina
When I lose everything, I become a beast again
Steknem više nego pre i opet postanem sterilna
I gain more than before and become sterile again
Kurvo, puši kurac ako imaš nešto protiv
Bitch, suck a dick if you have something against it
Ja sam zajebana kučka, jer ja samu sebe krotim
I'm a tough bitch because I tame myself
Sveća od vanile i kupka od čokolade
Vanilla candle and chocolate bath
Naduvam se kao prase pa pevam ex-Yu balade
I get high as a pig and then sing ex-Yu ballads
Svako čuje samo ono što želi da čuje
Everyone hears only what they want to hear
Zato rimom i da hoću, ja ne mogu da ih trujem (Ne mogu)
That's why even if I wanted to, I can't poison them with rhymes (I can't)
Vaš životni moto je "Šta je, tu je"
Your life motto is "What is, is"
Naš životni moto je "Bićemo glavne kuje" (Glavne)
Our life motto is "We'll be the main bitches" (Main)
Nikad tuga, depresija - samo mržnja iz principa
Never sadness, depression - only hate out of principle
Mržnja hladnokrvnog tipa - samo mržnja prema svima
Cold-blooded type of hate - only hate towards everyone
Ni sa mnogo više para ne mogu da mi pariraju (Keš, keš, keš)
Even with a lot more money, they can't compete with me (Cash, cash, cash)
Jer kada slažu rime su žene kad parkiraju (Loši)
Because when they stack rhymes, it's like women parking (Bad)
Publika je žedna, a vi niste tečni
The audience is thirsty, but you're not liquid
Publika je gladna, vi nemate reči (Ćuti!)
The audience is hungry, you have no words (Shut up!)
Sve njihove pesme mi u jednu rimu stanu
All their songs fit into one of my rhymes
Zvezde nestaju sa scene kao krov na mome 'Ganu
Stars disappear from the scene like the roof on my 'Gan
Sad svi su uz mene, sad svi vole Mimi mamu
Now everyone is with me, now everyone loves Mimi Mama
Čekam samo da mi jave da su obrijali đanu (Pičkice)
I'm just waiting for them to tell me they shaved their pussies (Pussies)
A ja nikad nisam bila ono što nisam
And I've never been what I'm not
Na previše promila uzmem ono od dispa (Ds)
On too many per mille, I take what the dealer has (Ds)
Nisi deo mojeg tima, jer si govno od lika
You're not part of my team because you're a shitty person
Ispô si da ne bi ispô ponovo pička (Cavo)
You confessed so you wouldn't confess again, bitch (Coward)
Vaše kare su iz sprave, al′ iz geto teretane
Your squares are like from the gym, but from the ghetto gym
Ili nema ih uopšte ili nisu u funkciji
Either they don't have them at all or they're not functional
Za vaše drugare, jako hrabre, sve već zna se
Everyone already knows about your friends, very brave
Ili beže iza ćoška ili rade u muriji (Uuu!)
They either run away around the corner or work in the police (Uuu!)
Znam da bi vama bilo lakše da sam se navukla
I know it would be easier for you if I got hooked
I prokurvala i da vas mnogo boli (Boli)
And became a whore and that it hurts you a lot (Hurts)
Što stvarnost je drugačija, ja blejim sa ortacima (Aha, aha, aha)
That reality is different, I hang out with my homies (Aha, aha, aha)
Zarađujem od onoga što volim
I make money from what I love
Čini se da gore prođu oni što su bolji
It seems that those who are better end up worse
Al' oni nisu bolji - oni su civili
But they're not better - they're civilians
Oni nisu smeli da pokažu lošu stranu
They didn't dare to show their bad side
Niti hteli da budu to što su bili (Nisu!)
Nor did they want to be who they were (They didn't!)
Nekad droga, Barutana - danas kola, teretana
Once drugs, Barutana - today cars, gym
Ne menja se samo da sam adrenalin zavisnik
The only thing that doesn't change is that I'm an adrenaline junkie
Kad probaš nešto novo - kad propadneš sa lovom
When you try something new - it's like when you go broke
Uvek sam sa Majom i Olgom, pa je lako protiv svih (Šta?)
I'm always with Maja and Olga, so it's easy against everyone (What?)

Авторы: Milena Jankovic, Zarko Krstic

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