Miroslav Žbirka - Atlantida - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Miroslav Žbirka - Atlantida

Zem pradávnych sĺnk
Under the ancient sun
V chladnom tieni tajomstiev
In the frigid shadow of the mysteries
Na mapách jej dávno niet
Long since erased from the maps
Zem pradávnych sĺnk
Under the ancient sun
Nepoznáš jej žalospev
You'll never learn its lament
More nevydá viac ten svet
The sea will never release that world again
Pod hladinou spí kameň s tvárou naveky
Under the water, stone sleeps with its face hidden for eternity
V nehybnom tieni rias
In the still shadow of seaweed
A milenci si v tej hĺbke ďalekí
And lovers are distant from one another in that depth
S rukou sa míňa vlas
Hand just misses hair
Len more cez brány čias
Only the sea through the gates of time
ženie na brehy stĺpy vĺn
Drives columns of waves towards the shore
More cez brány čias von vynáša stĺpy vĺn
The sea through the gates of time carries forth columns of waves
Zem stratených sĺnk v oknách blúdia oči rýb
Under the lost sun, fish eyes wander through windows
Tam hlboko niet kam ujsť
There's no escape from the depths there
Zem stratených sĺnk v oknách blúdia oči rýb
Under the lost sun, fish eyes wander through windows
Hľadajú klúč od úst
They search for the key to mouths
Pod hladinou spí kameň tvár a testament
Under the water, stone sleeps, face and testament
V nehybnom tieni rias
In the still shadow of seaweed
čas zostal tu stáť očami hviezd sa díva svet
Time stands still here and the world watches with the eyes of stars
V tej hĺbke je niečo z nás
There is something of us there in those depths
Len more cez brány čias
Only the sea through the gates of time
ženie na brehy stĺpy vĺn
Drives columns of waves towards the shore
More cez brány čias von vynáša stĺpy vĺn
The sea through the gates of time carries forth columns of waves
Zem pradávnych sĺnk
Under the ancient sun
V chladnom tieni tajomstiev
In the frigid shadow of the mysteries
Na mapách jej dávno niet
Long since erased from the maps
Zem pradávnych sĺnk
Under the ancient sun
Nepoznáš jej žalospev
You'll never learn its lament
More nevydá viac ten svet
The sea will never release that world again
Pod hladinou spí kameň s tvárou naveky
Under the water, stone sleeps with its face hidden for eternity
V nehybnom tieni rias
In the still shadow of seaweed
A milenci si v tej hĺbke ďalekí
And lovers are distant from one another in that depth
S rukou sa míňa vlas
Hand just misses hair
Len more cez brány čias
Only the sea through the gates of time
ženie na brehy stĺpy vĺn
Drives columns of waves towards the shore
More cez brány čias von vynáša stĺpy vĺn
The sea through the gates of time carries forth columns of waves
Nepovie nám však viac
But it will tell us no more
Kde mŕtvi v ňom bývajú
Of those who dwell dead within it
Nepovie nám však viac
But it will tell us no more
čo mestá v ňom skrývajú
Of what cities it hides within
Nepovie nám však viac
But it will tell us no more
čo mestá v ňom skrývajú
Of what cities it hides within

Авторы: Miroslav Zbirka, Kamil Peteraj

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